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食評 (5)
等級1 2024-04-28
4 瀏覽
上星期想食鵪鶉蛋燒賣,再加粉果,結果佢俾咗山竹牛肉,同埋排骨,同佢講比錯晒,佢話有得食就食唔好嘈,當時好肚餓,唔想再同佢嘈今日又去買,要雞扎,同埋普通燒賣,佢就比雞飯我,我話唔好,我唔要雞飯,我要雞扎,阿姐就話冇晒雞扎,一係雞飯加鮮竹卷,一係唔好食,咁我就唔食啦兩次去買,都係一個高高瘦瘦,短頭髮嘅阿姐,我期間聽到另一個女人去買都係要雞雜,佢直接俾鮮竹卷人哋,話冇晒雞雜,鮮竹卷都係一樣,然後包咗佢,就夾硬要收人哋錢 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2019-09-30
2149 瀏覽
買蒸飯加燒賣,再加炸蝦角同韮菜煎餃,加埋$59,明明收左我一百,點知到問找錢話我俾五十,應該係廚師個師傅仔手快袋起左左張一百入返廚房,個筒入而冇一百蚊紙,死都話冇收過…但收錢時又冇人同我講差$9....蝦我一個女人仔!雖則聽日十一好大機會開唔到舖做生意,但都唔係咁呃人錢,好嬲!食物質素:排骨鳳爪飯正常;但燒賣死實實;蝦角應該炸起冇耐,脆同味道都OK;韮菜煎餃其實非常薄身,有其他點心舖咁飽滿。總之我以後都唔會幫襯! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2019-09-19
1005 瀏覽
真心,佢啲點心味道一般,有時睇到啲點心打開哂吹到都乾爭爭都未必會買,啲蒸飯直頭難食,但仍會幫襯既原因係唔使點等,有乜買乜,不過佢地越做越差!話說每日有一款特價食物,咁我今日就叫左鮮竹卷同蒸腸粉,佢話啲腸粉係即叫即蒸,要等八分鐘,咁比錢等啦(因為未試過呢度嘅腸粉,想試吓得唔得),點知中伏,企咗5分鐘先同我講賣哂,冇粉漿!咁我仲叫左個特價點心,又話啱啱賣完,而家係朝早七點半左右咋!我企喺度五分鐘先得兩位客買野,仲要一早就話冇腸粉漿,咁成日啲生意點做落去呀?總結:麻煩同特價野唔係咁容易出現,專登蒸碟腸粉更加唔使諗 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-05-04
1014 瀏覽
自己一個想食點心, 去酒樓食會有啲尷尬, 因為其他人總會傳來奇異嘅目光。呢個時候, 大家就可以試下去包點鉅人 - -間只做外賣嘅中式點心舖。< 點心兩份$28> <鮮竹卷> (好味: 2/5) (抵食: 3/5)鮮竹卷唔係好有味, 裏面嘅材料好似同以往食開嘅好唔同, 係偏向素食嘅鮮竹卷, 大食妹唔係好buy隻味<燒賣> (好味: 3.5/5) (抵食: 3.5/5)燒賣裏面有豬肉、冬菇同埋蟹子。豬肉方面係有咬口嘅, 但係燒賣皮一夾就甩, 應該係擺咗係蒸爐一段時間, 所以有少少扣分大食妹推薦: 燒賣 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-12-17
826 瀏覽
There are quite a few branches of this but I can't find the address of the one near HKU station.Anyway, they serve the usual dimsums but I was attracted to the mock shark fin dimsum because it looked appealing.Same with Chinese wet markets and Chinese takeaways, Chinese people don't queue.It is the battle of who shouts the loudest to order to get attention.Managed to get served and ordered the steamed mock shark fin dumplings.The lady tried to get to me order two portions which I would have but they didn't have another portion of the mock shark fin dumplings.They definitely looked good and after taking a bite, the ingredients were fresh.But hell came when I ate the rest because the bottom was rancid as it was the part that was in contact with the steamer which probably isn't so c.l.e.an.You can imagine how many times the steamer has been used which accumulates that smell!So anyway, I only ate the top of the shaomai which tasted good.  繼續閱讀
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