2890 1993
供應巧手地道泰國菜,店主曾經營泰國食材出入口生意,對當地人常用的食材甚為了解。 繼續閱讀
最優秀開飯東南亞菜餐廳 (2009-2010,2013)
11:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
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冬蔭公湯 芒果糥米飯 青咖哩雞 炸春雞 菠蘿焗飯 鐵板蠔
食評 (124)
等級4 2015-06-20
7269 瀏覽
This has been my all-time favorite Thai restaurant in Hong Kong in the past 10 years. The menu offers a huge range of choices and it is difficult to order something that disappoints. Almost every new dish I try is consistently kept to a high standard, and a few exceptional, memorable dishes are what keep me, my family and my friends coming back.Grilled Squid with Lime Sauce- Don't confuse this with grilled squid without the lime sauce. This is a little bit on the spicy side, but I've been unable to replicate this dish at home. Certainly worth a try. The squid meat is also extremely tender and we just love the sauce that goes with it. Around $158.Tom Yum Kung Soup (with Seafood)- This is one of the best I've found across all of the Thai restaurants in Hong Kong, including those in Kowloon City. Very coconut-y, not overly oily, with excellent use of herbs and a very generous helping of seafood ingredients. Around $60-$70 per serving.Curry Prawns (Dry)- Go for the dry curry prawns--they're huge, the curry is absolutely delicious (could go with rice), and the prawns are incredibly juicy. Similar for the curry crab, although that would not recommended on a romantic date as it could get a little messy. Probably just under $200 for half a dozen king prawns.Coconut Baked Rice (with Seafood)- This one is a Thai version of melted cheese on carbs, except it's with a sweet coconut sauce. The sweet corns and peas go perfectly with the melted coconut cream. I just wish there was less rice and more of the coconut! Around $158.Pineapple Duck Breast- Juicy and succulent duck breast. If you like sweet and sour, this is a great dish. It's also served in a hollowed-out pineapple. Around $158.Grilled Pork Neck- The all-time must-order dish for everyone. Very affordable for the big portion and probably the best grilled pork neck you can find in Hong Kong. Around $118-$128.If you are a first-timer, I suggest you avoid the noodle dishes as they tend to be rather uninspired.Service cannot be better, but that could be because a lot of the attendants there recognize us and therefore always pay special attention to make sure we're happy. I also think that it says something about a chained restaurant when its employees have been able to stay and work there for a decade or more, in an industry where people come and go quickly. 繼續閱讀
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幾個女仔…食個晚飯傾下計加上又係星期五,好多都book唔到位同行有位朋友希望每位人頭計$200以內o既晚餐~!!~ 打左好多間電話都book唔到…最後好彩book到呢間「金不換」由於我收工又遲o左既關係….其中三位朋友已經攞左枱坐低^_^ 我就再join埋另一個朋友過去~佢地首先叫左兩個前菜~ 一個係 (酸辣鳳爪) 另一個我唔記得叫咩名lu…不過好多海鮮~好足料..辣辣地~幾好味至於主菜呢~~~~有炭燒豬頸肉 -- 薄片切..幾爽滑..配埋醬汁一流~炸蝦餅 ---- 有4件~ 外脆內軟 ..值得推介蒜蓉包配青咖哩雞蒜蓉包 (失色了) 唔夠脆 d islike!!!!!青咖哩夠香滑…雞肉份量適中 (因為蒜蓓包唔掂既關係,我同朋友最後share左碗白飯撈汁)朋友指定要order既炒金邊粉飯後甜品就係芒果糯米飯^_^ 不過本人還是喜歡Ayuthaiya 的mango sticky rice多一點~!!~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-01-02
4994 瀏覽
今年做冬攪下新意思食泰國菜。因為同老人家一齊,不想食太多油膩煎炸食物,所以没有叫拼盤,改為肉碎生菜包同燒豬頸肉,不過不失,醬汁則非常惹味。做冬必要叫隻雞,泰皇雞似炸子雞加個酸甜獻汁,香囗而肉質嫩滑。青咖哩雞,加配兩客法飽,美味非常,另加兩碗白飯也吃光。最後來個招牌菜蛋網炒貴刁,討好的造型,夠鑊氣的貴刁,令人食完一碗又一碗。位於銅鑼灣利舞台廣場內,想必租金昂貴,以每様百元其實合理,可是那兩客法飽,每客4片,竟收我$48一客,等於$12一片,坊間我可買整條長法飽,是否過份點呢? 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2013-12-23
2234 瀏覽
即使唔係鋪內用餐感覺都唔錯服務很好, 一流只是去廁所有點麻煩椰汁冰超好味咖哩蟹一般 但係如果用蒜蓉包沾咖哩既話 感覺一流馬拉盞通菜都幾好味個人都比較喜歡食泰菜, 味道重一點既菜金不換都算唔太味濃 接受到辣就唔知辣唔辣, 因為以上的菜都唔係辣既最後試左芒果糯米飯, 太甜啦但係E個甜品已經唔係甜品size所以記得留肚食佢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-01
1876 瀏覽
冬陰公s炒椰菜苗豬頸肉炒金邊粉蝦膏炒飯炸蝦餅$560 (好食指數:5.5/10)呢間係openrice得獎熱店,一心稔住好好食,不過失望而回。一早book左 8:30,然後準時到左,不過等左超級耐先入到去,最後一枱入真係嬲。 冬陰公湯太酸,唔啱一開始飲,所以有小小唔舒服豬頸肉好大份,一嚟係呆左,不過乾得濟,不過算幾抵食蝦餅都幾脆,不過太厚粉,不過係今晚最滿意既一碟椰菜苗第一次食,有啲硬不過幾好味炒金邊粉就麻麻地,可能因為友人不停加檸檬汁太酸😑,個味有啲似酸既意粉。蝦膏炒飯聞就好香,不過食落無咩味失望而回,可能本身expectation幾高又好多人等。2013-6-14 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)