Restaurant: Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Pak Lok Chiu Chow restaurant is a Chiu Chow style restaurant that serves dim sum, seafood and stir-fry. Their popular dishes include the cold crabs, fried egg with pearl oysters and golden fried prawns. The restaurant also has many Asian delicacies including bird's nest, abalone and fish maw. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:45 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
10:45 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Deep Fried King Prawn with Bread Noodles Braised Goose webs with Fish Maw in pot Stewed Sliced Abalone with Fish Maw Baked Prawn with Salty Egg in Chiu Chow Style Double Boiled Supreme Bird's Nest in Sweet Coconut Juice
Review (118)
Level2 2024-04-24
今次與朋友聚會,方便泊車所以揀咗Elements,又想試吓老字號潮洲店,百樂潮州酒家自然係首選。在OpenRice訂位7pm,坐近門口(唔知入D有冇位,定坐近門口幫店舖營造多客人的氛圍。眼見其他客都坐門口的)。必試的滷水拼盤、蠔餅、杏汁豬肺湯都有叫。另外,雞、魚、菜都叫了及還有店員介紹的蝦蟹雙棗。湯唔錯,豬肺都算腍,滷水拼盤覺得一般,墨魚比較好,蠔餅唔夠脆。反而魚有D驚起,皮脆肉嫩,雞不太鹹,肉質唔韌。最失色係雙棗食唔出有蝦及蟹味,煲菜都一般。整體而言,食物比以前退步了。值得一讚係那天晚上的服務質素好,待應主動協助拍照及更換碗碟,走人時行錯方向找泊車服務台,店員追出門口及呼叫提示另一方向。每人平均消費$500,可以有其他選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
百樂潮州酒家是一所高级潮菜食馆, 食物不錯, 但是服務卻是讓人失望. 今天是2024年4月20號, 中午11點45分我單獨一人沒有訂枱直接進入九龍站圓方的百樂酒家午飯, 門口一位穿綠色制服,梳起髮髻的女士說有枱,然後帶我入內, 同時大大聲聲, 用粗魯的語氣對我說了幾次一點鐘要交枱, 我說用膳時間不是90分鐘嗎?為何75分鐘就要我離開? 她用粗魯的聲線對我說,因為我是沒有訂枱的walk-in 客, 所以要一點交枱, 這裏是高級食府,我個人消費350元, 為何會得到這樣粗魯的對待呢? 我立時和經理傾談, 為何我來消費卻得到如此對待?限時90分鐘我明白, 這是普遍繁忙餐館的規則,但是否歧視我一人用膳,就要我75分鐘離開呢? 經理立時多次為她粗魯的員工道歉. 怪不得香港人要上內地消費, 好明顯酒家這位帶客入內的員工是香港飲食業的害群之馬, 這樣的服務質素我們還有信心在香港消費嗎?若果在內地個人消費350元已經得到非常好的服務質素, 在香港卻買了一肚子氣. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-04
在西九龍文化區圓方商場找午膳地點, 見到品牌潮食店, 決定探店, 侍應態度般切, 客人看來多似熟客, 亦有九龍站上屋苑客源, 座位分隔可取, 寬敞舒適菜單内有好多選擇, 潮式小食少不了, 今次點了:潮式豬腳凍手打魚蛋粉例牌鵝片骨豆腐其中最欣賞豬腳凍, 豬腳去骨煮成肴肉再釀入猪腳, 口感猶勝上海肴肉, 入口爽軟無渣手打魚蛋粉, 一般水準, 不過不失鵝片豆腐, 鵝肉肉質可更理想, 我偏好軟滑一些, 帶骨肉件反更有口感, 墊底豆腐畧重鹵水味😀平平凡凡一頓潮洲菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-26
食物質素不過不失。但係招呼態度就真係麻麻,見到我應該係招呼國外華人朋友,一上嚟就hard sell 凍蟹,魚翅,蒸魚。我話唔食就對住朋友sell, 問有乜特色嘢就翻炒凍蟹,魚翅,蒸魚。結果算啦我自己揀。因為朋友班高鐵8點至出到嚟,我哋開飯時間比較夜,到咗九點零一放低筷子想傾一陣就收碗碟同杯,擺明茶餐廳式服務。大佬,我哋兩個都叫咗兩千幾蚊(其實都係得𧐢仔煎,鵝片,排骨之類),真係傾多陣都唔得。其實除非有特別原因,呢啲食肆真係唔值得幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-19
阿媽個陣時話食得開心就係最正,我今日黎到這家百樂潮州食得一個字:正!香煎蠔烙外皮金黃鬆脆,入口後即刻感到啲蠔肉鮮嘅唔得了,啲汁液一啜一啜咁流出嚟,簡直係潮州小食嘅極品😋。再點個潮式炒蘿蔔糕,啱啱好咁炒香,媽媽話彈牙又足料,每一啖都食到啲蘿蔔嘅自然甜。至於鹹水角,外皮驚喜般啖啖韌勁,脆到喺口裏嗲嗲作響,餡料仲鮮美得滴~蝦仔,豬肉碎,腰果唔使講,入口即化!最後嗌咗碗方魚肉碎泡粥,記得細細個食過嘅味就係咁回甘,底味夠哂,每啖粥入咀都好似帶住微微海風,帶起個鼻。正所謂「平民至寶」,絕對係會令你回味無窮嘅一餐🍚。店內氣氛嘅話,就係溫馨,地點方便,好岩同家人一齊悠閒地坐低傾吓偈,食吓靚靚嘅嘢,開心過一個悠閒午后。下次食飯,應該多啲嚟呢啲地方,食得開心又唔會使太多,真心推介!👍🥢👵🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)