8-min walk from Exit A, To Kwa Wan Station / 8-min walk from Exit D , Sung Wong Toi Station continue reading
It is a pet-friendly Western restaurant. The shop design features arty style and sets up with chairs in different styles. The seats are roomy and comfortable, which is good for arranging pet parties. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (24)
Level3 2024-04-24
咁岩搜尋到土瓜灣呢間pet friendly cafe🐶cafe喺一樓,電梯入口有少少難搵,因為會誤會左做教會入口而錯過左😂但上到去係眼前一亮✨樓底好高,有好大幅玻璃,採光度高,有劃分寵物位置,因為位置有限,最好book定位先~.本身想食lunch, 但遲左去到,變左食tea☕️cafe係有afternoon tea menu,台式,fusion, 西式都有,配搭都幾新穎,好多都想試吓.✨炸甜不辣配脆皮醬油✨小食黎講好大碟,4-6個人食都好足夠,甜不辣外脆內煙靭,脆皮醬油就好似xo醬d渣渣咁,不過唔辣而且係豉油味,仲有好多芝麻喺入面,食落好香口,幾特別✨煎鴨胸牛角窩夫配北京填鴨醬✨鴨胸油脂豐富,不過覺得可以再煎耐少少等d肥膏溶化,配搭埋蛋、京蔥、青瓜同北京填鴨醬,層次味道都好豐富,想讚吓個醬完全唔會咸,反而比較甜身,夾返牛角窩夫,整體好和諧✨卡邦尼意粉✨好多料頭既卡邦尼意粉,醬汁唔會過多,岩岩好掛晒落意粉上面,菇同煙肉份量多,同埋熱辣辣煮起好香口,食落唔會漏✨橙汁、黑糖咖啡(跟餐飲品)✨跟餐有一系列既飲品可以選擇,唔使特登加錢,黑糖咖啡上面既松鼠超級可愛,完全無expect會遇上複雜程度比較高既拉花🥹☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-08
這間寵物友善餐廳真是令人驚喜,我一定會再次光顧。他們的餐單提供了一些令人驚喜的選擇,食物的質素也非常出眾。我和我的朋友一行五人加上五隻狗來到這裡,點了他們限時供應的台式料理。這些菜品不僅賣相精緻,價格也很合理,而且選擇非常多。整個餐廳的環境舒適宜人,非常適合朋友們聚會聊天的好地方。I recently had the pleasure of dining at a pet-friendly restaurant that truly exceeded my expectations. Not only was the menu filled with delightful surprises, but the quality of the food was exceptional as well. With a group of five people and five furry companions, we decided to try their limited-time Taiwanese & Indonesia cuisine.The presentation of the dishes was exquisite, showcasing the attention to detail put into each plate. Not only did they look visually appealing, but the flavors were also on point. The variety of choices on the menu was impressive, ensuring there was something for everyone's taste.The prices were reasonable considering the high-quality food and the overall experience. It's rare to find such a combination of pet-friendliness, culinary excellence, and reasonable pricing in one place.I highly recommend this restaurant as an ideal spot for friends to gather and enjoy a meal together. Whether you have pets or not, the delightful surprises on the menu and the cozy ambiance make it a destination worth visiting again. I can't wait to return for another memorable dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
於2023年12月20日(三)在 OPENRICE 卜位,卜了 冬至當天 2023年12月22日(五) 下午 5︰30 共 6 位,平時卜位後會收到餐廳通知,但今次冇收到,係電話、訊息、WHATSAPP 等等,係乜通知都「冇」收到。直至冬至當天 2023年12月22日(五) 下午 5︰17 才收到餐廳通知,早 13 分鐘前通知,想點?如果易地而處,您會咩感受... 同我講今晚冇夜市...天吖,適逢冬至,叫我去那裏搵地方同家人食飯呢?間鋪係一啲謙意都冇,話 OPENRICE 系統有問題,遲左通知佢地,所以又遲左通知我囉,喂、真係叫您一聲大佬,明知冬至不做晚市,仲可以起 OPENRICE 卜位,咁即係點呢?自己搞錯,一啲謙意都冇,簡直不知所謂。就算啲嘢幾好食都冇用啦,咁嘅服務態度...1 星都比多佢  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-16
因為11月月頭要去內地培訓員工 趕緊帶朋友黎呢間位於土瓜灣嘅fusion菜Cafe 今日黎到餐牌依然無變 因我自己鍾情中式食品 所以點左陳皮火山骨糯米卷 朋友點了阿根廷紅蝦手工作意粉 前菜就不帶提 朋友點了意粉 給我試了一點 或者我本身晤鍾意魚生類食品 覺得海膽嘅味道 比較腥 但我朋友相反超鍾意 相隔不到5分鐘 到我點嘅火山骨到場 開頭以為好辣 見有幾條青辣椒 之後問服務員 會否好辣 服務員都解釋得好清晰 好貼心 如果太辣食晤到 可以從新做一碟比我 不個第一口食完辣椒 確實晤辣 仲帶點椒香 重頭戲排骨有5件 味道酸酸甜甜 好開胃 美中不足 陳皮味食晤出 不個賣相 味道做得十分好 仲有幾棵燒香嘅小棠菜 同埋糯米卷 食完剛剛7分飽 好滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-13
因為工作需要,第一次喺土瓜環食晏,搵咗一間睇相幾靜嘅cafe,估唔到都唔錯,驟眼睇,似係社企,一上到2樓會見到一啲寄賣,但環境夠靜,如果weekend嚟坐,飲咖啡,感覺都唔錯。食到尾聲,見到有客人帶寵物嚟,睇番ig話原來係pet friendly。*留意番,入口喺一間好似service appartment嘅門口,近日電梯維修,所以要行樓梯。12:15分左右到,平日唔多人,基本上都係吉枱,坐低好快有人過嚟,有樣嘢幾好係餐廳ig會定期update menu,因為筆者通常會提前諗定食乜,可以睇到最update嘅menu方便了解呢間餐廳啱唔啱食。筆者前菜要脆鍋巴,主菜叫咗炸雞漢堡,冇加小食,飲橙汁少冰。橙汁都係正常發揮,唔會預係鮮榨。鍋巴個人覺得唔錯,雖然份量睇落細,但(前菜what do you expect)。味道係唔錯,似係手撕雞加青瓜加芝麻醬沙律咁(食唔出京都香葱醬係咩)。主菜等候時間唔耐,但feel到食物好有溫度,薯條都唔係炸好放喺度嗰種,亦都唔係碎上,配茄汁,鹽味夠,唔算太咸。刈包漢堡,相對比其他漢堡,比較軟淋,但唔係索哂汁嗰種淋,有少少芝麻香。為保儀態,今次一層一層食,攞起隻蛋夾第一層包唔小心整穿咗,但同時蛋汁漏哂落下層,有舊菠蘿圈住,再滲落塊炸雞度,都唔算捩𠾍。菠蘿,feel到罐頭菠蘿,但若果成個漢堡咁咬,應該做到中和炸雞嘅味度。雖然筆者逐層食,但都覺得唔錯。食到炸雞層,嚇咗一嚇,有啲辣,因為筆者怕痛好少食辣,menu上又冇辣椒仔🌶️,所以有啲估佢唔到,但炸雞夠熱,又有汁,都幾好食。到最後就係回歸中華感覺,沙律菜有大葱絲代表,清新,洗走炸物嘅油味。(醬唔係好記得,辣嘅感覺對筆者太刺激了)因為同同事食飯,所以繼續坐咗頗耐傾偈,都冇人趕,環境,服務,衛生等都真係唔錯。同行嘅伙伴叫咗酸菜魚同閩南咸飯,味道冇多問,所以都冇評價。埋單約350內,整體而言,如果周末冇嘢做都會選擇嚟呢度試吓啲咖啡! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)