Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Lassana Toast 自家烘焙法式麵包 自家烘焙意式咖啡 自家製法式糕點 自家製雪糕
Review (147)
Level4 2015-11-24
 店名:Spade by Lassana地址:旺角登打士街56號家樂坊地庫B02號鋪好味指數:6.3/10價錢:$38卡邦尼汁煙肉意大利粉 配 蜜桃熱情果茶意粉質感不太腍,配料有雞蛋,煙肉和洋蔥,味道很淡,不夠惹味。而且沒有特色。相比外面吃過的卡邦尼意粉,這個確實真令人失望。店名:Spade by Lassana地址:旺角登打士街56號家樂坊地庫B02號鋪好味指數:6/10價錢:$42蕃茄肉丸意粉 配 洋甘菊茶意粉不夠惹味,蕃茄醬只是吃到酸味,沒有特別。配料有蕃茄肉,洋蔥和三色椒,肉丸有4粒,較腍,不夠爽囗。店名:Spade by Lassana地址:旺角登打士街56號家樂坊地庫B02號鋪好味指數:7.8/10價錢: 惠顧午餐,加$10/一球左:藍苺雪糕右:雲尼拿雪糕雪糕大概有十款味道選擇,店員不厭其煩給我們推介和試吃,服務加分。雪糕味道特別,尤其是雲尼拿味,完全不像一般吃到的味,那種香草味更為濃郁,非試不可。藍苺雪糕味道較酸,清新的果香味令人愈食愈開胃。雪糕溶得較快,建議買後儘快吃。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-02
Even in the busy hours, we could get a seat easily without waiting coz it is quite hidden in the shopping mall in Mongkok. Nice sofa chairs. Good to wait on these while they are freshly making the ice-cream products. We call for 2 snacks. The 1st one is the Oreo Waffle: IT is FANTASTIC. 1st of all: the quantity is very very large, 2-ppl sized meal, relatively cheap price of shared among 2 ppl. The oreo cream is smooth but a bit over sweet. The waffles are bit too soft but the chocolate sauce make it tastes like heaven. Cornflakes makes this dish more appealing and healthier. The ice cream scoop is just good to cover the over sweetness. The 2nd dish is strawberry blueberry waffle icecream. Again, the quantity is very very large. Freshly shined strawberries and blueberries make the icecream more mealthier. The icecream is just a perfect combination with the fruits and the waffles. Everything tastes sweet and the price worths it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-09
跟朋友逛街時看見這家甜品店,好像挺不錯,就進去試試,點了這個綠茶雪糕吃,賣相挺不錯,綠茶配紅豆,天生的絕配,不過我覺得綠茶的味道不夠濃,有點可惜而已,下次再試試別的看看。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日行完街好熱,落左家樂坊地庫搵想食下午茶 見到有炒雪糕又有厚多士食好吸引所以就左入去坐下 仲要有WI-FI用,所以坐低叫左個焦糖香蕉味炒雪糕普通SIZE 不過份量都好多吓,雪糕好甜不過香蕉味唔明顯 但有香蕉塊所以都幾用足料 底塊脆皮都係脆既冇淋到好好食 見地方幾舒服就坐多陣拎部電腦出黎做下野用WI-FI上吓網,朋友就溫書 好好啊D員工唔會趕你走仲斟左杯水比我地 態度一百分! 平日旺角唔多人都可以係果到坐下做下野 燈光又夠猛 又坐得闊 唔似樓上間咖啡店要同人逼又暗淡無光。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-29
係兆萬係完韓燒,有點意猶未盡,過去對面食下甜品先。其實已經好飽,想食窩夫但驚食唔哂,今晚都係食下雪糕算,留待下次吧。自己叫左呢個榛子脆脆,regular size ($36),有榛子朱古力雪糕,杏仁碎,朱古力醬,朱古力餅乾條。第一次食炒雪糕,仲以為有咩特別,原來係喺凍板上面快速撈混所有材料。味道還算唔錯,每一口都有唔少材料,唯有點過甜。姐姐叫左踏碎尋莓,large size ($42),有藍莓雪糕,雜莓,餅乾碎。望落去大size好似都差唔多咁,多一球雪糕而已。味道帶點少酸,剛食完油膩野,呢個味比較吸引呢。另一日又黎食過,今次要試窩夫!cookies and cream waffle曲奇妙趣窩夫 ($68),有一整塊窩夫,一球雪糕連cream同orea,還有一條蕉切片。嘩,齋望都覺得好飽肚!雪糕係椰子味,甜甜地有點奇怪,不是我喜歡的味道。窩夫很脆,但欠蛋香,亦沒有牛油香,大概是想整得輕盈一點吧。食完一盤都不用食正餐了,十分飽肚,價錢上可是十分抵食呀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)