Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 19:00
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛腩麵 魚蛋麵 雲吞麵 墨魚丸麵 雙丸麵
Review (15)
The takeaways here are dirt cheap and fast which cost $22 per box!If I am going to buy Chinese food which I expect to be disappointing I might as well go for the cheaper ones and have less disappointment so I went for the $22 box today!All their food is cooked and boxed ready in a pile so they just pack it in bags and they are ready to go.The appearance of this shop was quite old and inside it looked grey and gloomy.However if they redecorated it, I doubt the food would be this cheap.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken leg in black pepper sauce:When you see chicken leg on the menu, it is quite good because in general Chinese people prefer chicken leg meat, but for takeaways they are so hard to eat with chopsticks.The gravy was delicious. It is similar to the gravy at the KFC's in other countries and the black pepper was not too strong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★soup:I didnt really know what soup it was but there was lots of fat floating about.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-08-22
只集中講早餐因為我到呢度只係食早餐.試過2次, 一次餐蛋面, 一次牛米, 先講餐蛋面, 個面底湯一般, 但叫做唔係味精湯, 可以叫加汁, 但d面真係嚇死人, 可能有人鐘意食林d既面, 但我見到距d面林得黎係好似浸林左甘, 又散修修, 見到已經唔開胃, 隔硬食哂, 以後唔會再叫面.......... 至於牛米就好d, d沙爹汁幾好味, 再去都只會叫牛米.至於奶茶咖啡方面, 係完全唔得! d茶底薄到好離譜, 淡茂茂, 係屋企用茶包開都好過距. 第二次諗著叫鴛鴦, 心諗應該會好d瓜, 點知完全一樣, 只係一杯開到好稀既咖啡撈落距d好淡茂茂既奶茶度, 真係完全唔得. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-22
要去港島區公司交文件, 時間趕急到此店叫左外賣回公司解決.$22一盒飯仲包飲品, 價錢相當吸引.粟米豬扒意粉, 一打開都想嘩一聲, 一大塊厚切豬扒感覺這個午餐相當抵食.至於味道都唔錯, 豬扒煎得香口最正係多汁, 唯一問題係個意粉煮得過淋, 食到一半都已經覺得一PAT PAT.另外杯檸茶就麻麻, 苦澀茶不香濃. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
現時物價飛升,在某些茶記吃個茶餐,也要廿多三十元,名牌茶記的更要三十多元,是日在旺區吃個早餐,見到餐牌只需廿元,真的大叫抵吃。沒有選粉麵餐,就點了非粉麵類當中,最為豐富的豬扒蛋,跟火腿蛋及餐肉蛋早餐,竟然是同價,真的想問問究竟有沒有人會選其他餐。先來的是一杯奶茶,用上普通的瓷杯盛着,不過奶茶茶溫足夠,但就欠缺茶香,呷一口茶,不能說是沒有茶味,但這個味道可真的是薄了一點,濃度低,所以冇回甘也是常理,本人試過香港不少茶記,大小通吃,其實這已司空見慣,而且茶身也不夠挺滑,不過單論茶味,如果茶能夠濃一點,配合足夠的淡奶,相信會有潛力。豬扒都真的頗為大塊,連骨位的位置一大片,另一邊則是一條肥脂邊,肉質鬆軟,頗為有肉的甘香及足夠的油份,加上店家肉醃得夠味,每口的豬肉都有點點甜味,但稍嫌肉的殲維不夠firm。附來的多士是一塊標準麵包,切成三角狀,多士烘得夠脆,但麵包不夠新鮮,咬起來包芯很實,而且牛油也真的是塗得太少了吧,弄得件多士沒甚吃味。煎蛋要求了反蛋,從表面看蛋黃已被煎熟,不過吃起來又是另一回事,蛋白煎得香脆,有點蛋白香,而蛋黃破開之後,竟然溢出不少的蛋黃汁,原來是半生熟之作,之前在某篇茶記的文章已提及過,這情形是甚為難得的。沒有粉麵的早餐,於我而言,因為我大食,可說是高不成,低不就,所以最後貪吃的心戰勝了,促使我要多了一個菠蘿油,皆因只是五元一個,菠蘿包的皮覆蓋率夠多,而且也挺有蛋香,不過包包就明顯不太新鮮,那皮腍散偏濕,包身軟而不鬆,幸而不算太過嚴重,加上一塊大大而冰凍的鮮油補救,吃得滿口甘香味美,但悄悄的又有陣檸味溜出來,這已經不是本人在鮮牛油中吃出這個味道,不過總括來說,真的頗為不錯。結賬廿五元,以在旺區吃如此豐富的早餐,真的只想說句:「便宜大過天。」 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-11
5-7-2011(Tue)出灣仔做o野,同事話上次見到有好有好多人o係呢間等,原來有$20.00o既外賣午餐,只要時間早就買到,於是o黎博一博,o黎到,好彩唔太多人,我就睇吓有咩o野食,唔…要葡國雞飯,飲凍奶茶,盛惠$21.00.我拎到去中環廣場地下o既公園慢慢食,打開飯盒影睇,配料唔多,雞肉係雞脾骨位,但竟然可以切到約5毫米厚,刀功真厲害,食落,雞味唔濃,葡汁微甜,薯仔夠腍,凍奶茶唔夠味,一般.但講真,$21.00一餐o衣o家好難搵到,唔難食都算已經收貨喇. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)