6-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The coffee shop is designed in green color. It is a ventilated environment with sunshine when the big window opens. It serves Western-style dishes such as all-day breakfast and also provides coffee, beer and wine. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (212)
Cafe 位於旺角,位置唔算好方便,不過lunch time 去都好多人🤣 餐廳裝修歐陸風,兩邊打玻璃有自然光著入!Set lunch 選擇幾多,包餐湯同埋飲品,價錢平均都係$100 左右,性價比相當唔錯👍🏻/菠菜忌廉汁煙三文魚貓耳朵粉 $118/貓耳朵口感煙韌,菠菜汁味道清新加埋煙三文魚嘅鹹香味啱啱好!/手工青醬封門柳扁意粉 $138/青醬意粉相對貓耳朵濃味,不過個人就覺得佢油左d,封門柳雖然望落有d overcooked 不過味道ok,口感都唔會好韌👌🏻/巴斯克開心果芝士蛋糕 +$68/芝士蛋糕口感非常順滑,開心果味道濃郁,加埋旁邊嘅開心果cream、開心果粒、開心果醬,有多重開心果衝擊🤣/自家製朱古力柚子蛋糕 +$68/蛋糕做成玫瑰形狀非常吸睛,打卡一流😍 黑朱古力 mousse cake 唔會太甜太膩,中間有柚子餡料,酸酸地味道清新!飲品方面我就加$18 要左杯matcha latte,味道正常發揮,有人要左杯latte,第一個觀感兩杯飲品個size 差距好大,真係嚇襯😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👩🏻‍🍳 𓂃⟢ Pistachio Pesto Linguine $118 🍝🌟Pistachio Basque burnt cheesecake $88 יִ 🧀 ⸝ ⸝ Throwback to an unforgettable dining experience at this charming cafe indulging in Pistachio-inspired dishes🍽️ The highlight of the evening was the linguine, coated in a velvety pistachio pesto sauce that tantalized my taste buds. 🌿 While the dish was undeniably delicious, as a pistachio enthusiast, I found myself yearning for an even more nutty essence in this pasta🫢Nevertheless, Having a few more toppings, such as crispy bacon and succulent mushrooms, would have elevated the overall taste profile of this pasta. 🫂And let’s not forget about the cheesecake!🫵🏻🍰✨It exceeded all my nutty expectations!🥜I took a heavenly bite, I was greeted by a luscious pistachio sauce that generously coated the rich and creamy cheesecake. The sprinkles of pistachios on top added a delightful crunch and intensified the nutty experience.🫰🏻😭But here’s the surprise: a thin layer of dark chocolate at the bottom of the cake! It brought an unexpected twist to the flavor profile, perfectly balancing the sweetness with a hint of richness. It was a pure delight for my taste buds!🍫✨📗 Service: 💚💚💚💚🍵 Food: 💚💚💚💚🌿 Environment: 💚💚💚 (kinda crowded continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-29
Weekend brunch 去左油麻地一間cafe chill,好好彩坐到窗口位,食下野望下街幾寫意🤭✨自由全日早餐 - 賣相💯配搭同味道都絕對唔馬虎,有齊黑松露炒蛋、西蘭花芝士薯餅、牛角包、炒菇、沙律菜同Churros,夠晒豐富🤩我好欣賞個薯餅,拉芝惹味🧀✨挪威煙三文魚吞拿魚酸種包 - 擺碟好靚仔,幾有心思,用煙三文魚砌左朵花,加上中間有吞拿魚,增添鮮味🤤✨開心果巴斯克蛋糕 - 蛋糕質地好軟身幼滑,伴碟嘅開心果cream 好濃好thick,而且蛋糕底有薄薄一層朱古力,又幾夾👍✨70.5%黑朱古力鮮奶咖啡 - 同普通mocha真係有分別,飲到黑朱古力好甘香,咖啡因足夠我一日energy 😚🍫✨番石榴青瓜梳打 - 夏日之選,勁清爽帶點酸甜,好開胃🧡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-24
約咗朋友食飯,想揾間好坐但又冇咁多人嘅cafe。之前都食過佢地係窩打老道果間,幾好坐亦幾好食,所以今次揀去佢嘅分店。雖然係旺角,但佢係比較偏,感覺會冇咁多人。我地係OpenRice book咗枱所以唔洗等。入到餐廳都舒服闊落光猛,有一邊係落地大玻璃。我地揀咗一個set dinner貓耳朵粉加48蚊有黑松露醬炸薯條,另一個就牛肉扁意粉,另外兩杯沙冰。先黎飲品,佢地嘅開心果飲品係上過雜誌推介,所以叫咗一杯,另一杯叫朱古力沙冰。開心果果杯味道比較淡,但佢面頭個cream好出色,佢唔係普通whipped cream ,同樣係加咗開心果味嘅cream,有小小似奶蓋質地,再有小小開心果碎,連埋一齊飲就變得好rich。但78蚊係有小小貴。另外朱古力沙冰都有驚喜,成杯都係滿滿嘅朱古力碎,口感好好,好濃又唔會過份甜。飲到尾唔係得翻水,都仲係有濃濃嘅朱古力味。手工鮮茄牛肋肉扁意粉到主食部分,意粉質地啱啱好,保持到煙韌,牛肋肉都有6,7舊左右,煮得夠淋但小小’鞋口’。旁邊有啲車厘茄同炒香嘅洋蔥。如果可以多小小汁或者濃小小蕃茄味會再好食啲。菠菜忌廉汁三文魚貓耳朵粉貓耳朵粉煮得啱啱好,有連埋菇同三文魚碎一齊炒香,面頭再有三文魚捲成嘅花。個人覺得整體比較淡味,雖然三文魚有啲咸味,但菠菜忌廉汁本身就好淡,食落就比較單調。黑松露醬炸薯條係即炸嘅連皮薯條,好好食。整體黎話都係間唔錯嘅cafe,位置比較偏,但夜晚都坐滿人。主食類就正正常常嘅乜大驚喜,但飲品方面就唔錯。另外一樣要留意嘅係: 因為cafe嘅廚房水吧係半開放式,應該為免啲油煙味會太大,所以有開行冷氣,但咁樣啲意粉唔襯熱食就會好快吹凍晒。除此之外,環境都好好坐,幾有氣氛,裝修偏歐陸式,加埋L形嘅落地玻璃,如果想揾間靜靜地嘅cafe消磨下時間,會係唔錯嘅選擇。當日我地book咗18:30,但我地早咗到17:30就入咗去,最後傾下食下都坐咗2.5個鐘。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-18
/📍hongkong最近到訪了近期大熱的 Liberty Coffee & Wine²,不愧是人氣餐廳,午餐時間長期有一條人龍排隊的~ 最近香港有一股開心果熱潮,很多餐廳都相繼推出各款開心果食物,而 Liberty Coffee & Wine² 也推出了好幾款,開心果控記得去試試~<黑松露牛肝菌汁燒刺身帶子扁意粉> $138黑松露汁非常濃稠,帶子很新鮮,煮得剛剛好<鮮茄西班牙紅蝦鍋飯> $198蕃茄味很突出,紅蝦及青口都有燒過,所以味道很香<巴斯克開心果芝士蛋糕> $88這次我們試了最受歡迎的巴斯克開心果芝士蛋糕!用上意大利開心果醬製作,蛋糕口感非常幼滑,開心果味頗濃郁但不會膩,另外還搭配開心果醬及開心果忌廉,絕對可以滿足開心果控!<冷萃咖啡> $58<比利時碎朱古力沙冰> $68@libertycoffeewine2 🥢 黑松露牛肝菌汁燒刺身帶子扁意粉 / 鮮茄西班牙紅蝦鍋飯 / 巴斯克開心果芝士蛋糕 / 冷萃咖啡 / 比利時碎朱古力沙冰Price: HKD $138 / $198 / $88 / $58 / $68- - - - -Liberty Coffee & Wine² G/F, 2 Dundas Street, Mong Kok旺角登打士街2號地舖#CHRISTIEinhongkong#CHRISTIE_旺角 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)