Exit C3/ E1, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
The ballroom having good and comsy setting, the staffs are very nice, friendly and helpful, the foods tastes niceSmoked salmon is still my favorite haaa but guess i eat too often lately it tastes just ok to ok this time lolPotatoes salad is quite out of my expectation yummy oneTomatoes with cheese seems a bit tasteless sadlly i can’t even feel the cheese lollRoasted chicken having tender meat and i like the chicken leg haaaProvençal Vegetable Soup tastes middle which is better than the one having super strong tomatoes flavor, this flavor is good for combining with the main dishes haa, lighter flavor is good Pan seared Sea bream in lemon olive oil having a bit of sourness though not having strong fish flavor, the dish real soso sadly i got two pieces should have get one  i think smoked salmon tastes much better pretty disappointed sadBoiled Broccoli is normal which is good pretty soft so healthy filling up stomach haaaIndian Fried Rice is dry not bad Come to dessert part, there’re several choices including cakes, yogurt and puddings, and i’ve tried all haaDouble cream pudding with vanilla cream is soso yummy i’m love in ohmygod guess the best i’ve ever tried soft and smooth with yummy rich creamy flavoring soso good, really a spot here in cordis pudding simply melting in your mouth yaya and you can taste the thin toast on top haaa so lovelyyyCaramel banana tart tastes nice, rich chocolate cream insides , the outsides tart layer is well cookedMango passion fruit cake tastes so rich nice oneChocolate mousse cake is yummy good and rich chocolate Strawberry yogurt having light taste with strong strawberry jam on top relatively artificial flavor though, but you won’t feel too evil after having this cause the sweetness won’t be high haa Comparatively chocolate mousse having stronger taste with rich chocolate flavor more dark chocolate yaya, on top having some chips but i like the cake more haaI like latte here, with strong milk flavor and rich, silky and smooth very high quality one, i like milk more than coffee haa, i’ve had two cups hope i can go to bed tonight so sensitive to caffeinee insides:The taste is generally lighter in cordis and it’s good for meee haaa cause it seems healthier, such a pleasant meal continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
為食花太郎 <旺角特色中菜>😍因為老板生日既關係 成班同事 book 左幾圍同佢食呢個康得思酒店8 樓既 宴會廳 . 呢層係啱中小聚會 我地留左放到幾張大枱既山東廳 上年食過佢既晚市鵝肝牛柳粒好正 今日就試下佢個午餐👍🏻其實整體食物都正 不過請番黎嗰 d炒散 質素麻麻 有倒瀉野既情況 希望酒店會留意😅🍴明閣三小碟 五香燒腩肉🐷麻油海蜇😁松茸金菇蟲草花🌿燒腩係燒得夠香 夠脆 但未到有五層肉 驟眼睇同咬落去都係三層肉 不過肉質已十分唔錯 , 麻辣海蜇 一 d都唔辣 但夠凍同爽口👍🏻 最後嗰 d金菇 蟲草花同松茸 合埋一齊 三樣野都係爽口 咬落又帶 d松茸特有既藥材香味 😁 夠特別 又有層次感🍴點心拼盤 脆肉瓜帶子餃 🥟 餃皮偏厚 入面既脆肉瓜 juicy 新鮮 帶子切得大細適中 冇乜落鹽 純綷食番佢既鮮味 👍🏻莧菜星班餃 餃皮都係偏厚 星班放喺餃上面 蒸得剛熟值得一讚🐟而上素羊肚菌春卷 春卷皮個人覺得厚左 d . 夠哂香脆 咬開熱辣辣 羊肚菌散發住獨特既香味 🍄加埋 d素菜既口感 唔錯🍴海鮮焗釀響螺 🐚用個響螺殼 釀 d海鮮入去 . 入面其實大部分都係類似米糕 帶 d葡汁味而且口感黏稠 但個味太濃 令到我試唔出有乜海鮮味 又或者太少海鮮😂 但螺肉係好多同彈牙既 切到好碎 有口感 但反而變左 d餡係主角多過螺肉 呢個一般🍴琥珀露筍玲瓏脆綠🌿個名勁靚 但其實係露筍 杏桃 白果 馬蹄 炒埋一齊😂 不過全部野一齊炒但都冇蓋過大家既味 係正既 露筍 同馬蹄都爽口 juicy白果 個味又夠香 ok 👍🏻🍴濃湯花膠雞絲湯🍲一上枱就聞到 個味真係超濃 雞味勁香 帶 d煙靭既雞絲 🐤爽口既菇同木耳絲 花膠估計應該有勁多但溶哂入湯入面 所以味道香濃 好膠 夠哂滋潤👍🏻🍴原隻鮑魚拌花菇帶左少少雞味茨汁做底 佢既菜苗夠新鮮 上面既花菇 大大隻厚肉同香甜 抵讚👍🏻鮑魚都算大隻 醃得夠軟林 但又不失少少彈牙口感 而且佢個茨汁夠哂香濃 都整得夠入味 正🍴富貴鹽香雞🐤呢個雞個顏色睇落去好淺色 應該冇乜落調味料整 真係帶 d鹽香 但唔係煮完落好多鹽😂彈牙嫩滑度適中 勝在夠香 都 ok🍴蝦籽鮑汁燘伊麵🦐🍜伊麵係好肥既食物 但見佢蝦籽甘香 就食少少😈 伊麵用左鮑汁浸夠哂香濃 口感帶 d濕潤 蝦籽夠香同惹味 帶出伊麵香味🦐 伊麵本身偏粗身爽口 整體幾好食🍴上湯煎粉果🥟佢個上湯 應該同雲吞麵嗰 d好似 有蝦殼大地魚等香味 再加 d葱花🌿 粉果出面幾香脆 皮內質帶 d 麵粉既黏稠 浸喺上湯度食 淋左個口感都幾特別 入面既餡帶 d 豬肉 馬蹄 甜咸兼備🐷 成個口感整體幾特別🍴蛋白杏仁茶🥚☕呢個蛋白杏仁茶 勁正 一上枱杏仁味夠香 又唔會搶左蛋白味 成個茶入面仲有好多香滑蛋白 . 所以口感夠潤夠滑 但又帶 d杏仁香甜味 正😍🍴合桃酥夠香脆 合桃好香 個人覺得甜左少少🍴壽包剛蒸起 超大個 😈 包皮正常口感 入面既蓮蓉暖暖地甜度適中 最正係成個咸蛋皇🥚 夠香咸 好飽 但味道唔錯😂#中菜 #東星班 #合桃酥 #壽包 #雞湯 #鮑魚 #燒肉 #海蜇 #雞 #粉果 #點心 #冬菇 #伊麵 Score 平均分 <7.8/10>Taste 味道:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Present 外觀:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Decor&Hygiene 環境衞生:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Value for $ 性價比:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Service 服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻~~~~~~~~~~~~~#宴會廳旺角上海街555 號康得思酒店 8 樓~~~~~~~~~~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-27
今晚朋友結婚,婚宴位於旺角的康得思酒店,酒店就在地鐵站對面,位置非常便利,加上一早聽聞酒店的餐飲水準不錯,今晚藉此機會一試。宴會廳的樓底很高,鋪上地毯,感覺高雅。小舞台鋪上白色毛毯,大方得體。菜式頗高檔,有鮑魚也有燕窩。⭐️金陵乳豬全體乳豬外皮香脆,皮下脂肪不過過厚,入口嫩滑。⭐️蘆筍鮮百合明蝦球蝦球入口爽脆,配上蘆筍粒,鮮甜可口。⭐️蜜瓜脆奶伴荔茸蒂子一粒肥美厚身的脆炸帶子配炸鮮奶,以芋頭蓉包裹帶子下鍋油炸,帶子炸得很乾淨,咬一口,先是芋頭蓉,就是帶子。由於我不好炸物,覺得炸鮮奶和炸帶子都太膩了。⭐️蟹肉靈芝菇扒翡翠最喜歡這道菜,蟹肉甜美配上蔬菜,正合我胃口。⭐️紅燒海皇燕窩羹甜的燕窩吃的多,以燕窩代替魚翅一樣令人滿意。⭐️翡翠原隻湯鮑鮑魚十分軟腍,滋味無窮!還有六道菜沒吃,不過由於要上早班,只好提早離場。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-01-15
夜晚的婚宴選在康得思 Cordis, Hong Kong (前朗豪酒店) 七樓的宴會廳舉行,新人選地非常明智,因為地點既方便新界九龍人,場地還十分高貴得體,稍加佈置即成難忘的夢幻婚禮!除了美美的Reception入口位,特別喜歡中間通道,一邊擺滿新人的美美婚照Poster,另一邊則是超特大的電子相架,不斷播放一對璧人的電子婚照,感覺極其唯美~約六時左右,一對新人先在律師及一眾親友見證下,進行證婚儀式;去到晚宴時段,始終樓下明閣就是米芝蓮二星餐廳,菜式也特別豐富:首先是金陵乳豬全體 Barbecued Whole Suckling Pig 用上靚靚芝麻皮乳豬,肥瘦均勻,如果熱點就完美了! 榆耳羊肚菌炒玉帶 Sauteed Scallop with Morel and Elm Fugus,甜魔媽媽愛吃菌,所以覺得這菜式超讚,加上所用帶子也鮮嫩美味,感覺更稱心~ 接著是超高水準的 肥炸香茜窩貼大明蝦 Deep Fried Shrimp Toast with Coriander,炸功太高明了,完全是超香脆鬆化、丁點不油,配上鮮爽的大蝦,完全是星級出品! 窩貼明蝦雖然好吃,但始終是邪惡之物,之後再來清素中見鮮美的 濃湯瑤柱花膠絲伴翡翠 Braised Seasonal Vegetable with Shredded Fish Maw and Conpoy in Supreme Soup 就剛好! 還有養顏滋補的 松茸竹笙燉燕窩 Double Boiled Bird's Nest with Matsutake and Bamboo Pith,以燕窩取代魚翅,得體得來又環保,值得讚揚及支持啊! 菜式份量相當豐富,去到 翡翠原隻湯鮑 Braised Whole Abalone with Vegetable 我已經很飽了... 完成鮮彈的鮑魚後,很少有地吃剩了一半的生菜...  但之後也忍不住吃光了 薑蔥頭抽蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa with Spring Onion and Ginger,因為成品實在嫩滑鮮美!不吃對不起自己! 蒜香炸子雞 Deep Fried Chicken with Garlic 是唯一失色的作品,因為成品實在太乾身!  押尾的 窩燒滋補竹絲雞炒飯 Fried Rice Sizzler with Shredded Silkie Chicken, Crispy Conpoy and Shao Xing Wine,味道也很好而且特別補身,很希望新婚子很快就再吃得上...!!! 再來 上湯摩利菌鮮蝦雲吞 Shrimp and Morel Dumpling in Supreme Soup 又用上我喜歡的摩利菌,因此又給我...!!! 最後的 甜蜜二重奏 Sweet Duet 除了熱暖美味荔芋焗西米布甸,還有心型香脆馬卡龍、脆口朱古力三兄弟,以及清甜士多啤梨,我可是冒著爆裙的危機,將它們全部清光的...!!! 最後的 合時鮮果盤 Fresh Fruit Platter 真的沒法清碟啦,除了太飽,也是因為差不多時間收捨離開~ 幸福滿足的一晚,再度祝願一對新人百年好合、三年抱兩!  最後,至於萬眾期待的姊妹裙照,並不在食評中分享了;有興趣就再找我網誌(元旦日出文的)慢慢欣賞吧~別吃飽來看哦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-02
呢間嘢真係幾好食啲大蝦又新鮮又有咬口又大隻冇腥味我唔知佢用咩醬連洋蔥都又甜又juicy而家去飮有新嘢食焗田螺熱辣辣又好味最鍾意食一pat pat入面有螺肉碎Service ok la俾人情條氣都順啲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)