港鐵香港站 F 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
PONG Group旗下的酒吧,供應多款酒類及娛樂設施,如beer pong;另有西式小食佐酒,適合和朋友前往。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯
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食評 (15)
等級4 2020-11-02
5313 瀏覽
這次在IFC覓食,去了一家位於4樓空中花園的餐廳,餐廳是西日餐廳,還有酒類飲品供應。餐廳環境挻舒適,還有戶外位置,可以欣賞到維港景色😆。餐牌上只有5款食物供應,另一邊的餐牌只會在假日供應。💥日式炸雞飯 HKD$88,一份有4件炸雞,面頭還有醬汁來提升味道,口感酥脆挻煙韌🤤,味道不會太太咸,就算攤放一陣子口感仍然是脆的。💥泰式豬頸肉飯 HKD$138,一份有10片豬頸肉,肉質煙韌,外皮煎到脆卜卜😆,還有微微辣味挻惹味的,套餐附送餐湯/沙律/甜品。食物質素不錯但份量一般🤔,份量女生吃是飽的,但男生吃應該會不夠飽吧😂。跟餐有優惠價加購飲品,當更加了焦糖鮮奶咖啡 HKD$28,咖啡味道還好但沒有拉花。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I had been looking for somewhere for a Japanese lunch near IFC and found this place on openrice. I had reserved a table for 2 a few days in advance on openrice. When we came in on a Friday for lunch, walk-in was no longer acceptable.Their weekend lunch was so cheap! But it was Friday during our visit so we could only choose these 5 lunch sets. Prices ranged from $88+10% to $158+10%. Salad, soup and dessert were included in the lunch set. There was still a 15% discount booking via openrice.Salad, Pickles & Miso Soup (included in lunch set)Shortly after our orders, a salad, pickles and miso soup were served to us. I was surprised as the pickles were not mentioned on the menu. The miso soup was standard. The salad was crab roe salad and it was slightly too watery yet still acceptable. The pickles consisted of 2 slices of radish and 2 pieces of 牛蒡 which were both standard.Japanese Grilled Eel on Rice at $158+10%I ordered the most expensive Japanese grilled eel on rice. The portion of grilled eel was even bigger than those on the menu! It was a whole grilled eel cut into smaller pieces! Taste-wise and texture-wise, it was the kind of standard grilled eel. There were quite a lot of egg slices underneath the grilled eel while the eel was sprinkled with some sesame and chopped seaweed. Overall it was quite a yummy and fulfilling grilled eel don. If there could have been more sauce on the rice it would have been even better. Jelly (included in lunch set)A dessert was included in the lunch set which was jelly. There were some fruit pieces in the jelly. It was appreciated although the fruits might not be fresh fruits.With about 15% off, the whole thing cost just $150 which was not a bad deal given the location and the interior decoration of the restaurant overlooking the Victoria Harbour. If you come at weekends/public holiday, it would be even a better deal.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-06-17
2550 瀏覽
We ordered our food and waited for like 40 minutes but still no food served. Very bad experience! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
好耐好耐無黎過呢間餐廳,曾經係到happy hour感覺不錯,happy hour snack正常價而且有view睇👍2點食lunch,本身我同朋友想要烏冬,但係店員話賣哂,只有飯類,再問佢有無其他餐牌,佢話無😆姐係lunch set/lunch time只有呢2頁的食物,最後我地4人算了4款不同口味Happy share。日式炸雞飯,咖哩吉列豬扒飯,日式牛肉飯, 蒲燒鰻魚飯,除了雞扒那個,其餘3款都是套餐,配沙律,湯以及日式甜品。湯覺得好好飲,不會太咸剛剛好,沙律正常,小茶有黃蘿蔔及不知名的東西。先試了 蒲燒鰻魚飯$158,鰻魚汁好香,肉好軟,滿滿雞蛋絲再配上日本米飯,覺得好香甜,好好味👍同枱朋友一致覺得好吃。接著是 日式炸雞飯$88,個炸雞剛剛好4件share,呢個炸雞係有驚喜,特別香肥,而已個炸雞個醬汁撈埋一齊配飯,好開胃。由於開始有點飽肚,所以 咖哩吉列豬扒飯$138 我就只試吃左一件,感覺就一般的普通咖哩豬排飯,不過不失。最後一款是 日式牛肉飯$138,牛肉都比教細小片,但個汁唔錯都好開胃,不過不失。最後佢送上日式甜品,幾上鏡,而味道唔錯比想像中好,唔會太甜。當日我地是用openrice book有85折,折後再加一的話,覺得價錢在中環區,而已大大靚景,尚算合理,個人建議食炸雞同鰻魚,後者2款比較普通。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-12-01
4321 瀏覽
Lunch time 既IFC 度度都好難搵位.搵到黎間有位就入. 我地3個人, 迫住坐2人既高台圓位..真係好迫家..不過冇計. 度度都爆哂, 有位坐已好好. 要將就下.入到黎以為係食西啦, 點知真係大跌眼鏡呀!係食中菜家~~~先黎IPAD 睇MENU. LUNCH 148-188, 冇計啦, IFC 食野係貴D~點菜後會羅峴唔同既醬料畀你撈飯XDD先黎個點心先. 係鮮竹卷黎.朋友叫既黃咖哩豬軟骨. 睇落會以為係咖哩雞黎~呢度LUNCH 既份量OK, 一個人食唔哂, SHARE 食會好D~不過冇試, 唔知佢夠唔夠淋呢?!我叫既菠蘿沙嗲牛臉肉.反而呢個得一片菠蘿 ><  牛臉肉好嫰好淋~而且加入佢地既醬料撈飯係好好味, D 醬脆卜卜好惹味.食完重有個甜品, 係椰汁西米糕黎, 不過就麻麻地, 唔係我LIKE既口味...^^呢個價錢我諗有8成都係去左交租...... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)