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食評 (11)
等級4 2012-06-15
268 瀏覽
此店店名雖叫皇府粥麵廚房,但想來想去都不知和粥麵有何關係?!此店開業於Cubus ,定位走中高檔路線,擺設裝潢沒有一般皇府那樣浮誇,但都算舒適。晚市時段得兩枱客,實在少得出奇,在這兒吃飯有點包場的感覺。皇府蜜汁叉燒:調味稍甜,肉質不夠鬆軟。鳳梨飛機排:飛機排炸得夠脆,但肉質同時乾身了一點。所用的鳳梨非常鮮甜,比飛機排更吸引!米皇魚湯浸龍躉:大廚出馬的得獎菜式之一,米皇魚湯口味清淡帶甜,和龍躉很合襯。龍躉肉厚鮮味,質感結實,唔錯。芥蘭炒牛肉:芥蘭用是較嫩部份口味當然較理想。牛肉片味濃但略為碎了一點。蒜蓉炒菜心:菜心不算特別甜美,普通喇!溫公齋煲:內含各式菜蔬菌類。始終齋菜不是小弟杯茶,只作淺嚐,不覺特別。生炒糯米飯:糯米飯既香口,又煙韌,臘味用料足,不俗。肉絲兩面黃:肉絲醬汁分開上,不會影響兩面黃口感。黃口感出奇地香脆鬆化,很好吃!甜品蛋白杏仁茶:甜度適中,杏香不算濃,味帶少許澀口,縱使加了蛋白,幼滑度亦增進不多。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-04-18
81 瀏覽
短短時間已光顧皇府兩次,因為真的很享受在那兒用餐。其實location對我來說也很就腳啦。環境很好,lunch hour也不會人多。酒樓一般有些姨媽大叔吱吱喳喳(偷笑),皇府不會至於一片死寂,但這裡可能人少吧,有點寧靜。加上他播的音樂和華而不誇的裝潢,讓我愛上它。食物雖說是即叫即煮,但廚房也蠻有效率的嘛,很快就有得吃了。點了流沙奶皇包 肉絲兩面黃蝦餃 馬拉高龍躉蝦餃蔥餅燒賣流沙奶黃包第一次吃沒有第二次好。奶黃很「流」嘛這次! 味道很好喔。Serve的方式沒有傳統的那樣。面質也不是我expect的那樣,不是粗粗厚厚的伊面,而是薄脆的那種。味道還可以。蝦餃很足料,蝦很爽。Again,不是傳統馬拉高,它是用黑糖弄的。雖然比普通糖高級,但我本身沒有很喜歡黑糖,還是傳統的味好。味道很鮮,ok的。蔥餅真心不好吃。感覺街邊的會更好吃。很愛這裡的燒賣,肉很爽。吃到差點忘了拍照愛吃的試下仙 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-03-24
54 瀏覽
這間皇府在樓上鋪7樓,食既係粵菜,環境尚可我們一行6人晚上就黎試試我地7:30去到,只有3,4張檯服務很好,細心有禮,比起出面如"西宛,飯堂"好好多不過好似唔夠員工咁不過食物就唔多掂小菜款式好小,只係大蝦已經用左一頁了連搵個有牛柳既菜都無,點做呀\叉燒, 很好叫左個米皇龍躉球, 尚可皇帝雞, $3xx 好難食番茄大眼雞湯, 都可以鳳梨飛機排, $148 好普通既生炒排骨其他果d菜都係不太好,不想提,份量又少 整體黎講服務很好,只係人手不足,食物質量都可以,但炒出黎唔好,廚房有待改善食物比起附近的都要差d出品是食店最重要的,要快快改進 繼續閱讀
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We arrived at around 2:30pm. Dimsum/lunchtime has been extended to 4pm. Yay! Around 5-6 tables were occupied. Environment:Really spacious and airy. The ceiling was very high and there were squishy sofas lining one side of the windows. Tables were quite sparse and the dining room is large. There isn't much of a reception area though due to the positioning of the lifts. Well ventilated, no weird cooking or oily smells emanating from anywhere!Service:Quiet, no-fuss. Good. They could've added more hot water to the pot at the opportune times though. Other than that, professional. Food:燒鵝腸粉Roasted goose in rice noodle roll Not a conventional item in dimsum parlours - and it was a specialty item, so we decided to try. The texture of the roll was great - slightly oily, moist, incredibly thin but not easily broken, slightly chewy and yes, a bit slimy in a good way. The roasted goose was flavorful and the skin wrapped inside the roll was very crisp. The flesh was tender and intensely goosey. G poured some soy sauce over the roll, which makes it taste even better! I'd actually rank this as the most delightful out of the items I tried today. Siu MaiJust very ordinary. The yellow skin was very thin, again, kudos to the dimsum master! I don't like shrimp so I picked them out and gave them to G, who said 'why would i want your shrimp'. ._. Signature BBQ pork rice with fried egg and vegetables $75+10%A bit too expensive for a bowl of char siu rice don't you think? Yes it is, so you won't be having this every day. However, when consumed in moderation, and on an experimental basis, paying $85 for this bowl of goodness was quite worth the try. The egg yolk was still runny (meant to be so), and G mixed it up with part of the rice. Just part of it mind, because I don't like raw egg yolk. The BBQ pork was very fat, and I had to avoid most of it. In terms of flavour, it was quite delicious - savoury with a bit of honey glazed sweetness. There are two things i can complain about though - not enough charred black bits (which I so love) and the meat being a bit tough in the middle. Maybe they cut the pork along the wrong grain. Not sure - but I've had better BBQ pork - at a certain Shanghainese restaurant @ The Galleria, Central. The sauce, drizzled on the rice, made the already plump and moist rice even wetter. A and B said the sauce could be less sweet. G found it too wet. I found it quite alright and finished off what A and B had left of the rice. I am such a carb girl. Conclusion:So, why do I recommend this place? Because you feel pampered. Great atmosphere, service, lighting and food...nice decor too. And the dimsum really isn't too expensive. You can also share the BBQ rice between two, which is what we did. That makes things much more affordable - one really doesn't need to eat that much rice in any event. So, do give this place a shot. I think it will be a very pleasant experience. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-10-17
24 瀏覽
今天一大班同事,一行大概十個人來皇府吃晚飯,呢度環境好舒服,佈置很有心思。講番d菜先,我比較推薦以下幾道菜色給大家。鵝油撈飯--未撈前鵝油撈飯-撈後呢個鵝油撈飯真係好正!開頭以為很大盤,點知食食下,我居然食得完!米皇魚湯浸龍躉魚很鮮味!裏面還有類似米通的東西,很有口感,不同形容,大家自己試一下吧!哈哈~粉絲蟹煲部長陳說蟹的味道入了粉絲裏面,所以原來這個粉絲才是主角!這個菜送飯一流!!生磨杏汁豬肺湯這個真的很特別,從未試過杏汁可以整湯!!味道杏味都幾重!中意食杏仁味的朋友一定要試!!^^ 繼續閱讀
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