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食評 (41)
等級2 2015-01-14
401 瀏覽
Wr found this the only place in the Olympic shopping mall with no queue waiting outside at dinner time, so wr entered the place since we were freaking hungry.i ordered a bowl of tomato yasai udon which i like the most in any udon restaurant, plus a plate of edamame. The food served quite fast and soon came the edamame, followed by the udon.The edamame was like normal, nth special, but the udon was yum and surprising. Not to say the ingredients were sumptuous, the soup was so rich with tomatoes and butter, a perfect flavor for winter All in all, the food worth the price which is not expensive but the service could be improved if the waiters could return us the change as fast as calculating the bill. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-09-26
133 瀏覽
呢日做完運動就同個朋友去左奧海城搵野食,估唔到個度有間自家烏冬!心血來潮,於是就去左食。叫左呢個豚肉辛辣烏冬,如果唔想食得太辣,但又想試到少少辣味,呢個烏冬一定係必試。雖然成碗湯底都系紅色,但冇想像中甘辣,反而特別的辛辣味道能夠吸引到我。手打烏冬「煙煙軔軔」都幾彈牙 ,豚肉味道略嫌不足,但沾了辛辣湯底後,確系生色不少,且有5-6片,份量也不錯。。 加埋個小食炸雞,新鮮炸起,特濃香料味道沾上沙律醬,非常香口。而且價錢相宜,真係估唔到自家烏冬下午茶都有咁抵既野食。值得推介比各位! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-08-15
228 瀏覽
Before watching LUCY at the Sky Cinema, me and my friend FC went here for a quick dinner. The time was around 7:30pm and lots of people were waiting. After waiting for around 10 minutes, we finally sat down and order two udon. Udon with chicken in sesame sauce was quite nice, except the udon was a bit too soft and the chicken were in small portion. It was a nice choice in a hot day like this.Spicy udon with pork was great. Spicy enough and the udon was greatly cooked. The pork was a bit too oily but overall the taste was great. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-08-13
202 瀏覽
繼之前試過豚肉辛辣烏東,其實仲試左呢個既冰極魚柳咖哩飯。本身仲以為咖哩配魚柳會怪怪地,原來係我錯覺,食起來感覺唔錯,魚柳炸得來外脆肉軟,金黃鬆化,美中不美既地方就係咖哩味淡左少少,咖哩汁稀左少少,如果呢方面改善返就一定perfect 曬!!配埋小食天婦羅價錢相當合理。所以今次整體上都OK  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-06-26
361 瀏覽
奧海城都有不少餐廳,但唯獨這間比較多人。雖然說多人,不過還是不用等位。原來這裡有套餐 - 烏冬+小食+罐裝飲品。烏冬要了 - 溫泉玉子雞絲胡麻掛烏冬(冷) ~胡麻醬很多~烏冬的份量也足夠。小食,我選了沙律。但這個沙律真的太濃味了!!那些沙律汁下得太多~反而變到好咸。另外一款則是點主Menu上的 - 什錦天婦羅冷烏冬。天婦羅比想像中的好吃~炸粉不算太厚。之後還試了新款的小食 - 露筍芝脆蝦玉子卷。頗有趣的配搭~ 不過露筍獨特的味道沒有因為芝士的關係變淡~所以還是試過一次就好了 Orz 繼續閱讀
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