專賣豆腐花豆漿\r\n 繼續閱讀
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食評 (15)
等級4 2010-03-23
153 瀏覽
In continuation for my search of really good tofu fa after a really bad experience at CWB's Yan Wo (exquisitely shiny but had no taste), I read about this place in HK Mag and decided to give it a try. I ordered a Hot Tofu Fa for $5 and had it with syrup only. My first bite was bad because it was so hot i had burnt my tongue! but...i learnt from this mistake and let it cool a bit before i ate again. The crazy-hot beancurd was probably because I had ordered it when they just set up not too long ago - I was there at 12.45pm and I saw a sign saying it opens at 12pm? Also, I noticed it was stored not in the commonly used wooden buckets, but a metal bucket, which keeps things insulated/hot for longer.Anyway, as I got my taste buds working again, the texture was on par with CWB's 一品齋甜品屋, but had a significantly different taste - there was the taste of a very burnt/roast flavour, with a hint of soybean flavour as well. I think people either hate or love this taste. And i liked it! What I like most was the texture though. It was smooth soft but not too soft like Yan Wo. Furthermore, it looked very appealing as well. Will be back for more! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2010-01-22
79 瀏覽
凍豆腐花....因為溝通問題...佢問我要唔要黃糖...我以為凍ge 會有糖水...點知...咩都無落....無味ge 豆腐花...滑...係滑...但好像無乜豆味...同埋唔慣食裝好晒ge 豆腐花.....$5 係抵...但其實只係平時size ge 一半....actually....一試無肪...... 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2009-05-30
79 瀏覽
係中環打咁耐工, 竟然完全沒有留意到呢間士多仔, 有著一個馳名的滑滑豆腐花. 今日, 需要黎結志街攞野. 又咁啱俾我發現, 又咁啱有新鮮出鑪豆腐花. 見天氣不熱, 為食的我見新鮮熱辣, 叫一碗熱豆腐花, 堂食. 堂食, 不是什麼坐得舒服既地方, 只是橋底花槽, 風味有如大埔菓香林, 坐係公園仔食咁.豆花好滑, 食一淡, 味道好像有點熟識........食多一口, 是焦炭味, 曾經係台中, 食過一間豆品店, 店內寫著, "若發現有焦味, 此乃豆漿正常味道" 是否跟台中那間豆品店同樣做法, 就真的不知了. 不過, 呢種焦味, 又的確令到豆腐花幾香既. 係中環區, 不容易找到一些平靚正既野食, 周圍既豆腐花, 至少都要$8-$10一碗, 呢度同豆腐同價, 都係 5 大元. 應真抵食.同時, 發現呢度有送豆腐花服務, 見到哥仔弄了十多碗出來, 再用大膠袋裝上, 再交由另一位阿哥拿走. 應該係送上某office. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-10-14
45 瀏覽
吃完新景記, 在半山行人電梯浪蕩, 快落到底的時候, 記得有家士多有豆腐花食, 於是就跳下電梯 (!) 走了過來。不說不知這個路邊賣煙賣汽水的士多檔原來是有豆品賣的哪。眼見附近沒什麼位坐, 既不好意思也沒有技巧就此「立食」, 就要了杯凍豆漿一邊行一邊飲。豆漿只賣5 大洋一杯, 應有三四百毫升, 比坊間不少豆品店大杯抵飲。豆漿不算特別濃的豆味, 且有不少食家喝到的少許燶味, 而且個人口味覺得偏甜了少少 (不過也比好些地方淡些的了), 勝在大大杯夠清涼。這天又是一位頗為豪爽的婆婆在打點, 相信這店的歷史也不短的啊。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-09-19
35 瀏覽
九月十八日(星期四)同老公吃完米線後,就到附近的利記吃豆腐花了!我要了個凍的,老公要了個熱的...凍的應該沒有熱的好吃!但是天氣太熱了!凍的比較散的呢!而且要加黃糖才好吃些老公的不錯呢!!!!下次還是要試試熱的 繼續閱讀
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