+853 28828321
11:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 00:30
11:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 00:30
Visa Master 现金 银联
食记 (5)
等级4 2017-09-03
949 浏览
Came over on a Friday night at 10:30 and was relieved to see that the restaurant remained open. There were still two or three tables of guests in the middle of their meals, but otherwise the dining area was empty. It always feels great to dine in a spacious and quiet environment, though I must say the experience of sitting in a Japanese, "Edo" era themed restaurant overlooking a pool-like blue canal (supposedly Venetian style) fits into the whole Macanese experience of artificial, foreign/ modern/ ancient architecture and exhausting glamor. The menu is highly comprehensive with a large selection of sushi/ sashimi/ handrolls, teppanyaki (grilled meat), tempura, shabu-shabu (hot pot) and rice/ noodle dishes. We were just looking for a small late night snack so didn't manage to try out very many dishes. Food rundownSeaweed SoupVery mild tsuyu-based broth with lots of seaweed and a sprinkle of white sesame. Cold UdonCame within five minutes and was of reasonably good standard. Only complaint would be the absence of a raw/semi-raw egg/quail egg to go with the udon. At $115, we were expecting just a little bit more. Sea Urchin TempuraThis is a whole lot of sea urchin and a piece of seaweed coated in a thick egg/flour batter and thrown into deep-fry. Result: crispy, buttery flavor bombs.Service: Not that great, so keep your expectations realistic.Price: Anywhere from MOP/HKD 350-1000 per person. 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-07-04
759 浏览
最后一餐午饭,老公想吃日本料理,威尼斯人独此一家于是就过来试试,本来以为很贵(单点的确很贵)但午事套餐价钱可以接受,1xx又有main course又有沙拉汤甜品等。我叫了个寿司定食,老公叫了个西京烧豚肉。一上菜已经摆盘精美,吃第一口吞拿鱼寿司卷竟有种惊为天人的感觉!饭有糯米的粘粘的感觉和吞拿鱼溶在一起香的不得了!再说西京烧,老公一直在赞叹从没吃过这样入口即溶的豚肉!于是我们非常愉快满意的用刚赢来的钱吃了顿丰盛的午餐! 继续阅读
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等级2 2016-11-23
897 浏览
感激友人邀請我去試呢間日本餐廳, 真係好有水準。食物非常新鮮,無論係魚生,壽司,蟹都好好味,而且烹調技術亦係一流。值得一試嘅日本餐廳,但價錢不菲。要儲夠"銀蛋"先好去試呀。 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-11-08
1212 浏览
在識飲識食的友人帶領下,來到了位於威尼斯人度假村酒店的江戶日本料理。這個品牌,年初亦來到香港開設分店,我們對它的評價亦不俗。而澳門威尼斯人店的環境不錯,裝修精緻而有格調,而且氣氛不俗。那夜,主要目的是品嚐各款壽司卷物,用料新鮮,確是水準之作,值得一試呢。不過,這兒的消費不低,畢竟一分錢一分貨。 继续阅读
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等级2 2007-12-08
789 浏览
晚餐試了商場二樓的大江戶日本料理,是吃魚生刺身的,環境裝璜很普通,你猜一下三文魚壽司一客兩件要多少錢,是高級日本料理呢,開估吧,兩件三文魚壽司盛惠$70大元,利害嗎??還未贏錢就花了$800食了一頓。魚生是新鮮的,什錦壽司八件要$300,好吃,但全是平價貨色,有三文魚、油甘魚、甜蝦、瘦吞拿魚、魷魚、北寄貝、劍魚腩和普通吞拿魚,雖然好吃但不抵食,燒河豚乾比香港的好吃,燒多春魚和雞軟骨也好吃,燒雞翼就很差,不夠香脆而且沒有味道,雞翼全部都沒有燒熟,甜蛋壽司很老不好吃,還有一客江戶壽司,雖然是招牌菜,但一點也不好吃,用熟的三文魚做的壽司卷,外面放了木魚絲,壽司飯淡而無味,非常失望。我認為朋友們不要試這家餐廳了。 继续阅读
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