Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar

7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
60697500 (WhatsApp)
The overall and bar area, lighting atmosphere and furnish and decorations are decorated in full of Middle Eastern style that makes you feels like in a foreign country. Except for the Hummus, the restaurant has grilled on charcoal such as lamb kebab. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
The overall and bar area, lighting atmosphere and furnish and decorations are decorated in full of Middle Eastern style that makes you feels like in a foreign country. Except for the Hummus, the restaurant has grilled on charcoal such as lamb kebab.


About Reward Scheme
Review (659)
Level4 2024-06-04
今次嚟到中環,就試吓呢間黎巴嫩菜式成間餐廳都好有中東風情,仲有地氈位可以坐Menu都有好多選擇,仲可以揀黎巴嫩傳統菜式我哋先叫咗一個「鷹嘴豆蓉、煙燻茄子蓉、紅菜頭沙律」,呢款冷盤真係有意外驚喜,首先份量好充足,加埋配咗夾包可以一齊食,夾包好鬆化,有勁多豆蓉可以夾嚟食,又飽肚又滋味,而沙律本身有勁香嘅煙燻味,入口又有豆蓉同茄子嘅口感,好開胃另外就叫咗一客「羊肉碎、小麥碎、煎羊肉、紅菜頭鷹嘴豆蓉」,估唔到呢粒肉球入面有咁豐富嘅材料,羊肉味道好濃郁同突出,加上一啲小麥碎,口感就更加厚實,而豆蓉作為一個醬,又令呢款小食更加香口,熱辣辣食,十分滋味跟住係「煎哈羅米芝士,西瓜沙律,石榴醬,松子仁,鮮蕃茄,香草」,煎芝士好實淨,又幾有鹹香,要趁熱食,無諗過芝士可以加西瓜同石榴醬,生果嘅酸甜令個芝士更有層次,絕對唔會覺得膩之後就係「煎蝦仁跟橄欖油、檸檬汁及芫荽」,呢款蝦仁中間有一堆紅椒,會有少少辣味,但醬汁都係以酸味為主,蝦仁有五隻,夠大隻,都係一款幾開胃嘅小食主食叫咗「青麥、慢煮羊膝」,一上碟有勁大塊羊膝,已經流曬口水,羊肉係煮到非常淋,特別係嘅膠質位,真係入口即溶!食羊膝就可以食到唔同口感嘅羊肉,滿足曬愛羊人士嘅需要menu上仲有好多唔同煮法,下次要再試吓!青麥粒粒分明,會比較硬身,撈埋羊膝嘅醬汁嚟食就格外美味,仲有乳酪醬可以蘸吓,更帶出羊肉嘅鮮味嘢飲方面,叫咗一客Hibiscus Tea,用咗中東風嘅茶壺同茶杯,好有儀式感呢!呢杯飲品仲要有好酸甜嘅洛神花香,係經過脫水處理,特別精純,好醒胃,有助消化另外就叫咗一杯Cocktail,叫做Into The Woods,呢款就有好強嘅黑莓同薄荷味,好易入口,而且啲擺飾都好靚啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-15
難得可以同一個好耐無見既朋友見面,緊係要搵個地方坐低詳談,之前食過一間中東菜,都幾唔錯,今次再次來到這家中東菜,餐廳氣氛的氛圍非常好,有一種古色古香的感覺😎MuhammaraMuhammara, a delightful roasted red pepper and walnut dip, captured my attention with its vibrant color and rich aroma. The combination of smoky peppers, earthy walnuts, and a hint of spice created a harmonious and addictive flavor🥰LebnehLebneh, a creamy and tangy strained yogurt, offered a refreshing respite amidst the bold flavors. Its velvety texture and slightly sour taste provided the perfect balance to accompany the other dishes🤗FalafelThese deep-fried chickpea patties boasted a crisp exterior and a tender, flavorful interior. Bursting with fragrant herbs and spices, each bite was a delightful explosion of taste🤞Tagine Bamia bil LahmTagine Bamia bil Lahm, a stew of tender lamb and okra simmered in a fragrant tomato-based sauce, transported me to the heart of Morocco. The succulent meat, combined with the delicate flavors of the okra, created a hearty and comforting dish👍Lamb SkewersThe Lamb Skewers showcased Middle Eastern grilling at its finest. Succulent pieces of marinated lamb were expertly cooked to perfection, delivering a smoky char and tender texture🤤Spice BeirutSpice Beirut, a vibrant and bustling eatery, served as the perfect backdrop for this culinary adventure. The warm and inviting ambiance, coupled with attentive service, enhanced the overall dining experience❤️Virgin Raspberry Ginger MojitoTo quench my thirst, I opted for the Virgin Raspberry Ginger Mojito. This refreshing mocktail combined the tanginess of fresh raspberries with the subtle heat of ginger, resulting in a perfectly balanced and invigorating beverage😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👦🏻:香港美食並不是只有粵菜和點心🤔更多的是來自世界各地、並由當地主厨親自烹飪的特色美食😝這家之前Jo單獨去過,我也和他一起去過,因爲之前完全沒有嘗試過中東的食物🕌屬於是吃一次就打開新世界的大門🤩什麽都想體驗一下,整體的環境也充滿異域風情,讓打工人的我們好像也突然穿越到中東進行了一次短途的旅游!希望有興趣的朋友一定去體驗一下。🌟Lebneh 🍅$95蕃茄是夏季經典的清爽食材😚酸甜味道帶來非常清新的風味,特色的酸瓜為這道沙拉增添了一些酸度和爽口感😋乳酪則具有濃郁的奶油味,能夠平衡其他成分的酸度,配合烤餅非常有中東風情。🌟 Mix Cold Mezze🍽️ $195這是由多種小冷盤組成的一個中東風味前菜。其中包含一款以鷹嘴豆為主的濃郁蘸醬🥣其中加入了芝麻和檸檬的風味🍋口感非常幼滑,適合搭配新鮮的烤餅🫓還有特別的煙燻茄蓉🍆這款冷盤由烤過的茄子、橄欖油、大蒜和其他香料混合而成,帶有淡淡的煙燻味,非常有記憶點。🌟Batata Harra $98薯仔粒經過油炸🥔變得金黃酥脆,內部則保持著軟糯的質地😊這種口感的組合本身感覺就讓人愛不釋手。還加了孜然和各種特色香料濃郁的香氣😉為菜餚增添了一絲異域風情。🌟Shrimp Matffie😎 $128檸檬汁、甜辣椒和香菜調味。蝦子炸得香氣四溢🦐油亮誘人。🌟Kebbeh Bil Labban🧆 $238羊肉丸的外層經過煎炸🐑變得酥酥脆脆。羊肉丸的內部則保持著軟糯的質地。這種飽滿的口感讓人感到滿足😍表面加上特色乳酪醬,為這道菜增添了一絲濃郁的風味。乳酪的奶香和羊肉的濃郁相互融🈴使整道突出了濃厚的羊肉味,而沒有腥膻(●'◡'●)つ🍖如果您喜歡羊肉料理,這道菜絕對值得一試!🌟Samake Bil Labban🐟 $238鱈魚柳的內部嫩滑🐟餐盤底層放滿了特製的香濃醬料和紅石榴粒。醬料的奶香和石榴粒的甜酸味道相互融合😌為這道菜增添了一絲豐富的層次感和純天然的甜味。🌟 Date On The Moon🌕 $88這款鷄尾酒的基底是濃郁的杏仁奶😎質地柔滑,為整杯酒增添了豐富的口感。喝起來味道有點像是奶茶🧋鷄尾酒的表面撒上了杏仁脆片,增加了口感的層次。🌟Yakult Lemonade🥤 $88味道酸甜中帶著清新的檸檬香氣。絕對能在炎炎夏日中提神解渴(◍•ᴗ•◍)🍋🌟米布甸 🍮之前强推過的😝😝米粒和牛奶煮成,口感軟滑,帶有濃郁的米香,甚至有點焦糖的香氣反正就是來了一定要吃!!人均:HKD 500 up評分🪄 (滿分5🍑)味道:🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑環境:🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑性價比:🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑服務態度:🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑回頭率:🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑•📍 中環雲咸街75-77號嘉兆商業大廈2樓🚇港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約7分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-04
平時都少食一啲異國風情嘅餐廳今次朋友話想試下唔同菜式,所以黎咗中環黎巴嫩既餐廳,試試佢既semi buffet🤓Semi buffet Brunch ($268)<Buffet area>十幾款菜式,還有幾款醬汁包括有沙律,有椰菜花,茄子,仲有我覺得都好正hummus🤩其中我最鐘意既係佢HummusChickpeas Blended with Tahini, Lemon & Olive,拎黎食佢ge pita bread就岩晒👍🏻另外佢有一個甜品喺semi buffet入邊,Roz Bil laban甜甜地個感覺有啲似椰汁西米露嘅感覺,好清新,黎到一定要試😗Semi buffet就可以簡一人一個selection of eggMakanek OmeletLebanese Sausage Omelet羊肉腸奄列,羊肉味非常突出 就算朋友唔係特別鍾意食羊都唔會好難入口🐑ShakshukaPepper Onion Tomato Stew with Arabic Spices Topped with Eggs黑椒、洋蔥、蕃茄、阿拉伯香料配蛋,主要係香料味同蕃茄配合蛋漿,呢個攞嚟點Pita bread就最岩🍳🥖Shahrazad Mix Grill 烤肉拼盤(+$258)呢個就犀利啦,應該係呢個舖頭入邊嘅招牌菜,有齊羊肉牛肉雞肉,本身自己都幾鍾意食羊,所以覺得羊肉燒得好出色,牛肉串就好有中東風味另外雞肉亦都係一讚,三樣裏面我自己最鍾意就係羊肉同雞肉,食得出佢嘅檀香同埋調味恰到好處 ,有時都驚會太鹹,但呢個拼盤真係好正,主食類要揀呢個🥩🍗🍖Hibiscus Tea($55)食啲濃味嘢飲杯茶就最啱,洛神花茶加埋香料入口非常清新,個杯都好靚打卡一流🥰Virgin Raspberry Ginger Mojito ($88)Raspberry一向都係清新之選,店員都有介紹其他Cocktail都好出色🍹呢餐飯食得好開心,而且位置舒適打卡一流,黎到可以享受下呢度嘅環境同埋野食😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-02
最近去咗一間充滿異國風情嘅餐廳,一走入去就俾佢哋藍色嘅環境吸引住,再配合咗異國風情嘅擺設,就好似走咗入阿拉丁嘅世界一樣😍 同埋嗰度真係好適合慶祝紀念日或者生日🫶🏻我哋當日叫咗兩個lunch set,已經包咗餐湯,前菜,主菜,同埋甜品,相當豐富🥰前菜🥗Falafel第一次食呢種炸蔬菜,面頭好多芝麻,令佢更加香口,入邊滿滿嘅蔬菜,加上鷹嘴豆泥,仲有好多香料嘅味道😍Hummus Beiruti鷹嘴豆蓉加上芝麻醬、椰檬汁、蒜蓉同蕃茄,令到味道更香濃,豆蓉食落去滑身,仲配咗薄餅一齊食🥰主菜🥩Chicken Ouzi烤雞肉配上阿拉伯米飯,阿拉伯嘅米飯比較長幼身,同平時食嘅飯有啲唔同,雞肉肉質嫩滑,再配埋乳酪醬更加夾☺️Mashawy串燒有牛、雞、羊三款口味,雞肉處理得好滑身,羊肉一啲都冇蘇味❤️Mahalabia奶凍質地比較黏性重, 上面仲有啲開心果碎🫶🏻Passionfruit Yakult LemonadeRaspberry Yakult Lemonade另外我哋嗌咗兩杯Mocktail,顏色好夢幻,兩杯都酸酸甜甜,同啲食物好夾🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)