2023-05-05 1419 views
The restaurant had a nice ambiance and decor with a British touch, but my overall experience was very disappointing. First of all, the food is the soul of any restaurant, but the dishes were all very average except for the impressive slow-cooked beef. The dessert was overly sweet and became nauseating after just one bite.Moreover, the seating arrangement was very frustrating. We were placed under the stairs, which was an odd location to have a table. It made me wonder why the restaurant would ev
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The restaurant had a nice ambiance and decor with a British touch, but my overall experience was very disappointing. First of all, the food is the soul of any restaurant, but the dishes were all very average except for the impressive slow-cooked beef. The dessert was overly sweet and became nauseating after just one bite.

Moreover, the seating arrangement was very frustrating. We were placed under the stairs, which was an odd location to have a table. It made me wonder why the restaurant would even consider setting up tables in such an inconvenient location. It felt like they were trying to make more money by cramming tables into every possible corner, regardless of how impractical it was. The waitstaff seemed to be aware of this issue and kept telling us that it was their favorite spot because they could observe everyone. It was just ridiculous.

Overall, I would not recommend this restaurant. The subpar food and questionable seating arrangement made for a disappointing dining experience.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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