4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (110)
Level1 2024-04-28
全日最放鬆一定係lunch time 😉🕰️ 兩個星期前,食咗孜然雞扒,真係好食,每日新鮮煲牛肝菌湯,令人回味。第二次,再試餐廳嘅意粉,「海膽醬蟹肉牛油果意大利麵」,麵底轉咗貓耳朵粉,決定一試。點知伏到喊出嚟🥴!詳細如下:前菜和風凱撒沙律🥗-味道正常主菜海膽醬蟹肉牛油果貓耳朵-買相令人無晒胃口,影都唔想影-個醬超級油膩而且食得出蟹肉好唔新鮮!❗️!❗️-食咗幾啖之後,勁多蟹殼碎-淨咗3份一碟, 份量正常,但太難入口好多蟹殼碎甜品日式芝士蛋糕-好細件,味道ok , 但size細到。。。唔該真係唔好拎出嚟招呼人,好寒酸。用原本大細一開二,不如坦白講無晒!咁樣仲好!最後食完,即刻肚痛,即日痾咗三次!總結, 同價位, 上環一定有其他更好嘅西餐, 價錢經濟30-40% 依間西餐廳, 太難令人想再翻頭!唔好食唔緊要,唔乾淨的話。。。就真係唔會再翻兜!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-10
午飯時間,行過蘇杭街,見這店網上食評不錯,於是入內試試。set lunch尚算多選擇,由於早前疫情,餐廳也改了提供一小支支裝水,一百多元的價格有沙律/湯、主菜、果汁、甜品,中上環算便宜了。最終主菜點了”香烤煙煄鴨胸”,估不到賣相吸引,連隔離枱點了其他主菜的,也想轉軚😂。鴨胸有少少肥,沾上醬汁好好味,有驚喜,而薯菜似Ikea 的,份量對足。之後還有甜品cheesecake ,味道還好。下次我會再來試其他菜式。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-16
📍Zecond好食既西餐通常都係唔平😮‍💨價錢親民而性價比高既西餐真係唔易搵今次竟然比我發掘到一間係上環價錢合理質素又幾高既餐廳🍽️今次嗌左兩個set$158一個set(另收加一)包前菜➕主菜➕甜品➕飲品🐮薄切阿根廷穀飼西冷牛扒(另加$118)牛扒煎得岩岩好可以見到肉質粉嫩外皮有陣陣果木煙燻味道伴碟仲有薯餅食到一粒粒既薯仔肉🥔好明顯係手工整👍🏻呢個價錢食到呢個質素既牛扒真係超值‼️🍝黑松露大啡菇意大利麵上層既大啡菇烹調得非常juicy一切開仲有汁滴出黎🤤意粉就好creamy亦有濃郁既黑松露香味仲有好多芝士碎舖面👍🏻🫕蔬菜湯跟餐既蔬菜湯有粒粒既洋蔥蕃茄係入面如果碗湯再熱d會更好味😋🍮跟餐甜品:焦糖布甸估唔到呢到既焦糖布甸係咁有驚喜‼️布甸超級滑❗️上面既焦糖漿甜度岩岩好👍🏻唔會過甜每啖都係焦糖甜味再加布甸既滑溜好好味呀‼️‼️‼️🥹🍰跟餐甜品:芝士蛋糕跟餐既係經典原味芝士蛋糕絲滑既蛋糕配搭簡簡單單既芝士香味🧀已經好足夠😋👍🏻有時心郁郁想搵間平平地既西餐同朋友chill下Zecond真係一個值得你一試既餐廳靜靜地既環境性價比高既食物食得到廚師用心烹調出來的味道👨🏻‍🍳👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐無同鄧小姐食飯,今日佢專程過大海,正當喺西隧塞緊車嘅時候,佢坐嘅巴士竟然猛烈向前撞!有部分人輕傷,好彩鄧小姐無事😮‍💨嚇死我啦!搵咗間門面睇落好舒服嘅西餐廳去定一定驚。鄧小姐嚟到餐廳時都驚魂未定,直接行過我張枱飛快上樓梯😨😨喂~我係度啊~咪走啊~可能呢餐情緒影響,大家都無乜食慾,卡津孜然雞扒好一般。無乜孜然味🤔冬陰公大蝦大通粉,味道正正常常,該有嘅冬陰公味沒有太明顯。長通粉時間煮得岩岩好,彈牙好食。但蝦仁用咗雪到醃唔入味嘅急凍貨🥺檸檬撻我哋一致認為難食,完全無檸檬味,又好多糖粉太甜。似叫急凍貨,唔係自己店整。不過,味道係唔錯,而且唔洗加錢嘅跟餐甜品。另外加錢叫咗杯latte,咖啡還需努力……只能視作一間比較乾淨企理嘅茶餐廳。而$158午市套餐,包湯、主菜、甜品、飲品,都算抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-17
My second visit to this restaurant was like a culinary rollercoaster that took me straight to foodie heaven. After my visit a few months ago, my cravings took me back for more. I decided to take a walk on the wild side and order dishes that I would normally overlook, assuming they might probably taste the same as other restuarants. Boy, was I wrong!To kick things off, I dove headfirst into a vibrant berry salad, and trust me, I'm a hardcore carnivore. This salad was a game-changer that made me question my love affair with meat. The combination of crunchy walnuts, creamy avocado, citrus fruits, and creamy dressings was pure bliss on a plate. I kid you not, I'd happily eat this salad every single day. It's an absolute must-try!As for the main course, I simply couldn't resist the grilled steak that had been sitting at the back of my head since the last visit. Let me tell you, the charcoal goodness combined with the tender and juicy meat was a carnivore's dream come true. And let's not forget about the portion size! Unlike other pricey restaurants that serve tiny portions, this place knows how to satisfy hungry bellies without emptying your wallet. I only wish I didn't have to work right after so I could do wine pairings. Oh well! Dinner next time!To put the cherry on top of my food adventure, I treated myself to a rose latte that I desperately needed to fuel my day. The aroma and velvety foam were godsent. Seriously, this latte made me feel like I could conquer more paperwork with each sip.That's my journey but mark my words, I am counting down the seconds until I can explore the rest of the items on that set menu. I suggest bringing along a few friends because this place is a foodie paradise meant to be shared. I'm already planning my next visit. Until then, ciao, my fellow food adventurers! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)