4-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (7)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level4 2024-02-07
Since my aunt recommended this resto, I went here with my family to have a try. .My sis and I got Small Pork Offal with Rice Noodle. The pork offal included liver, sausage, intestine, lung, stomach, ear and tongue. The offal was a bit dry and tasted quite plain. Seemed they couldn't really absorb the flavour of the broth well. The liver was thin.My mom got Small Braised Beef Brisket and Tendon in Chu Hau Sauce with Rice Noodle, while my dad had Pig Stomach, Bean Curd Sheet and Fish Cake with Rice Noodle. My mom thought her noodle was so-so, whereas my dad didn't really appreciate his dish, since he thought the fish cake was tasteless. We went there for a second trial, and this time I ordered Huadiao Drunken Chicken with Rice Noodle. The well-marinated chicken was tender and smooth, its coolness made it a refreshing dish to have.All broths were white pepper soup. They truly elevated the flavour of the dish, or else the ingredients would only taste plainer....The interior of the resto was designed in 70s HK public housing style, creating a nostalgic atmosphere. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-08
而家呢個天氣就係會想食啲暖肚嘅嘢,成日聽同事講佢個胡椒湯好正,今次試完真係覺得好好味,一飲就知係煲咗好耐嗰種唔係用粉開出嚟嘅,配咗佢個蠔仔同埋豬膶兩樣都好好味,下次再試吓其他嘢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
由灣仔食到鰂魚涌,由鰂魚涌開张食到忍唔住寫佢差,猪肉青一啲都唔爽,大肠、蠔仔用梳打粉乸到無哂味😮‍💨已經好少幫襯。唔怪之得香港人要北上消費😮‍💨希望其他分店可以維持到基本水準。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-23
聽個客介紹,話呢度專食豬什,食lunch諗住去試吓,難食到一個點,豬什全部清水白烚,豬膶變豬乾,係豬肉乾個乾,再加啲淡味如水嘅胡椒湯,真係忍唔住食兩啖走咗,又浪費左$50 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-12
🎈 建議場合:#即興食飯👤 建議人數:4人(最多可容納6人檯)【2個人食咗啲咩?】- 三拼粉麵(豬肉青、珍珠蠔仔、黑豚肉餃、招牌胡椒豬肚湯米粉)$53- 三拼粉麵(豬潤、豬肺、珍珠蠔仔、清豬骨湯河粉)$53⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐「足料平民潮州粉麵」個豬骨湯真係好濃味,好足料!個胡椒豬肚湯都好香胡椒味,唔會太辣或者太苦。雖然兩個湯底都好出色,但係如果兩個湯底比較,我會揀清湯,因為真係好好飲,飲完個胃即刻舒服曬,又唔會好重味精,飲完唔會口渴。啲蠔仔好新鮮肥美,同胡椒湯絕配,辟左蠔仔嘅腥味。其他豬肉食材都處理得好好,煮得岩岩好,唔會太老,又唔會有豬腥味。河粉都好夠滑,米粉就正正常常~個鋪位都有啲難搵,平時好難會突然經過個到,但係真心推介大家可以特登走去試下佢地啲野食,性價比好高!冬天亦可考慮過去打邊爐~最後想講下點裡面嘅姨姨同叔叔服務態度好好,好親民,好好人,有機會一定會再幫親佢地!📍 **元朗合隆潮州粉麵**** continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)