5-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:30
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:30
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 18:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
Level4 2024-05-03
難得今日被安排去中環返工,當然要搵下附近特別D餐廳午餐啦!係中環中心有一間寫字樓共享餐廳,餐廳可以用Apps落單方便快捷,而且最特別的是取餐是一格格的櫃,好似取件一樣,非常特別。當你點餐後便可以到餐廳取餐👍🏻👍🏻好好的概念👍🏻而且餐廳主要的餐點都是以健康菜式為主,套餐由$59起左右不等,少油少鹽少糖符合了最近愛健康的人士👍🏻餐盒是可回收的,不同顏色的餐盒勁吸引,我留了自己重環再用👍🏻餐廳還有售賣咖啡及麵包,麵包款式非常多,我都忍不住口買了一款牛角包🥐,而且咖啡非常便宜,仲要係我鍾意的咖啡口味👍🏻美食推介:💛是日套餐:紅酒汁燴牛肉,牛肉嫩滑,味道剛剛好不太鹹,份量亦很多。紅燒豆腐,豆腐炸後再以肉碎一起炆煮,用來拌飯相當不錯。三色素小炒,小炒有萵苣、甘筍及淮山,清清甜甜的素菜👍🏻。雜糧飯,以紫米為主,口感軟糯,健康之選👍🏻。💛蕃茄大蝦麵:一打開就傳出香噴噴的蕃茄香味,滿滿大蝦🍤及彩椒,再配什菌及天使麵,非常好食😋💛朱古力牛角包:牛角包鬆脆,而且內裡夾了朱古力餡,不太甜😋💛凍鮮奶咖啡:濃濃的咖啡☕️配上牛奶🥛,一杯正宗的咖啡👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-25
Located inside Central Building, WeBite Space is a popular spot among working professionals, offering a range of healthy meals. While the restaurant has limited seating, it primarily caters to takeout customers. 🥡👩‍💼🏢For our healthy meal options, we ordered: 🥗🥢1. Red Rice - 紅米飯 🍚 🌾 A nutritious alternative to white rice, the red rice is rich in antioxidants and offers a slightly nutty flavor.2. Three-color Vegetable Stir-fry - 三色素小炒 🌈🥦 This stir-fry dish features a medley of colorful vegetables, lightly cooked to retain their crunch and nutritional value. 🥕🌽3. Olive Vegetable Chicken Thigh - 欖菜雞髀肉 🐔🍗 Tender chicken thigh cooked with olive vegetables, creating a savory and aromatic combination. 🫔🌿4. Steamed Corn Egg Custard - 粟米蒸水蛋 🌽 🥚 A light and healthy dish, the steamed corn egg custard offers a delicate texture and sweet corn flavor. 5. Braised Tofu - 紅燒豆腐 🥢🍲 Soft tofu simmered in a flavorful braising sauce, resulting in a satisfying and nourishing dish. 6. Mixed Grain Rice - 雜糧飯 🌾🍚 A wholesome blend of different grains, providing a nutritious and fiber-rich base for your meal. 7. Ginger Steamed Chicken - 沙薑蒸雞 🍗🧄 Succulent chicken steamed with ginger, infusing it with a fragrant and comforting aroma. To complement our meal, we also enjoyed: 🍫☕️🍹- Butter Chocolate Duo with Two Chocolate Fillings - 雙重朱古力牛角包 🥐🍫 Indulge in the delightful combination of buttery croissant with two luscious chocolate fillings. 😋- Cinnamon Hazelnut Cornetto - 意式肉桂榛子卷 🌰🥐 A delicious treat featuring a crispy cornetto filled with a delightful blend of cinnamon and hazelnut. 😍- Americano - 凍美式咖啡 ☕️🇺🇸❄️ Cool down with a refreshing Americano, a classic coffee beverage with a smooth and robust flavor. 🌬️- Yashixiang Oolong Lemon Tea - 鴨屎香檸檬茶 🍋🍵 Quench your thirst with the unique and refreshing Yashixiang Oolong Lemon Tea, offering a delightful balance of flavors. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-17
Been eating a lot during CNY so it’s better to eat healthier and cleaner. I came across this place that’s close to my studio and tried out their healthy sets, croissants and coffee with a friend. Their lunch boxes are so cute and colourful. They’ve also launched a recycling campaign now that if you return 52 boxes, you may receive a healthy set for free! Their coffee and croissants are also much cheaper than many others. Definitely will be my frequent stopover! 🥂Butter Croissant DUO with Chocolate $22🥂Butter Croissant $18There’re a few flavours to choose from and both I picked were fluffy in texture and big in size.🥂Teriyaki Chicken Wings with Rice Set $59🥂Beef Shank and Broccoli with Rice Set $59If you think healthy sets are gonna be tasteless you’re wrong. The seasoning was just right, reminds me of home cooking and the portion was good enough. I also liked that they put vegetables in each set as well with calories listed on the box.🥂Flat White $26🥂Latte $23 Didn’t expect that their coffee cups are that big. I could stay awake for the whole afternoon.This place simply changed my mind on healthy food and would be happy to return and try more..Overall rating: 7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-16
千層吐司賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧千層吐司外型呈方型磚狀,側邊清晰可見一層層酥皮的疊痕,跟隨疊痕輕輕撕開,可見內裡軟綿綿的白麵包,非常吸引誘人。按職員建議一層層撕開食用,既能享受外皮的酥脆香口,又能細嘗內裡的線滑柔潤,雙重口感令人回味無窮。雙重巧克力牛角包賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧牛角包即時烘熱送上,外層酥香鬆脆,牛油味濃郁可口,內餡填滿醇厚的朱古力醬,食落甜美又馥郁,非常邪惡迷人。水蜜桃檸檬茶賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧檸檬茶清新又醒神,飲落既有檸檬的酸香,又有水蜜桃的清甜,加上沈穩醇香的茶味,非常開胃解膩。香草拿鐵賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧醇香的咖啡中加入了熱騰騰的鮮奶,呈現出馥香的奶味,口感輕盈又柔滑,再配上濃郁甜美的香草糖漿,滋味滿分之選。🐧❣️餐廳同時有精選健康午餐套餐提供🥰 午餐採用色彩繽紛的飯盒包裝,每個盒子上都附有食品標籤,記錄相關營養成分和卡路里,關注健康人士必食🥴👍 🐧❣️餐廳特設餐盒回收計劃,但凡在店內消費健康套餐,並保留餐盒,累積滿52個餐盒即可兌換一張健康餐免單券🤩🌟 支持環保的朋友務必支持🥴❤️ 環境:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧餐廳採用木系裝橫作主導,配搭柔和的燈光,舒適的空間感,給人感覺溫暖又放鬆。🐧❤️結語:雙重巧克力牛角包高質又美味,誠意必食推薦❣️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-03
呢排食得多就去咗朋友介紹呢間餐廳食健康餐。預先手機落單,去到就直接係櫃度拎,幾快趣方便。我叫嗰個欖菜雞脾肉套餐,分咗4盒食物,有黑椒輕烤胡蘿蔔、粟米蒸水蛋、藜麥飯、欖菜雞脾肉。盒面有曬卡路里營養標籤,知道自己食咗幾多。分別食咗幾款唔同嘅食物味道都唔錯。佢嗰度其實仲係一個Cafe吧,有得買咖啡之餘仲有一啲pastry賣,手多多買多個相識雙色朱古力千層酥,又幾濃朱古力味喎。係中環逛cafe又多一個選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)