1-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
It is a tea room which offers a series of handmade tea, as well as main courses and desserts. The environment is so quiet that it is suitable for the tea lovers to appreciate the tea here. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (49)
Level4 2022-12-08
難得搵到一間近中環地鐵站,交通又方便嘅茶室,所以真係要去chill 下,感受吓。今日諗住朋友去傾吓計,所以我哋揀咗呢間茶研坐下,佢喺商場嘅一樓,我哋坐喺度望吓街真係好舒服。佢嘅裝修都幾清雅,乾乾淨淨。又唔多人,可以俾我哋慢慢坐慢慢傾。Tea set $42 (喺中環區坐得舒服,呢個價錢,冇得輸)Hojicha Latte , 好少好飲嘅焙茶,香濃嘅焙茶加奶,當你飲嘅時候,淡淡茶味滲出來,用心之作。彩花乳酪蛋糕賣相夠靚,打卡一流,食落去都好好味,蛋糕又唔係好甜,蛋糕面D乳酪都好食Sliced Cake橙味蛋糕,雖然就咁普通一片蛋糕,橙味濃郁,蛋糕質地,夠晒鬆軟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日lunch time一行二人唔洗等位walk in就入得。lunch set $1xx左右一位,好正常既中環價錢。環境幾chill,但應該因為唔夠人手,所以長期搵人都有少少難度,不過職員係有禮貌既,係難搵小小。素之選全日早餐-$168(2.5/5)平時好小見,所以就試下佢。可能食唔慣唔太岩我口味,都係平時既all day breakfast 岩我啲😂佢中間有半個葡萄柚,勁酸,好開胃?😂有酸奶,格蘭諾拉麥片,牛油果同吐司炒蛋白。仲有小量菇,小量沙律菜同烤蕃茄。比較好食既係烤蕃茄,其他就可能唔太岩我口味。三星蔥油天使麵-$128(3/5)好食既,都有油香味,但麵質太易斷,同埋份量偏小,同台灣拌麵差唔多,一個細食女仔都可能夠既。純素蘋果餡餅-$48(2.5/5)可能純素真係唔太岩我口味,佢蘋果同個pie係分開兩舊野,完全唔夾。分開食都好一般。總結: 可能佢主要都係for飲茶同埋食素嘅人士,所以真係唔太啱我口味。我覺得最好食係個餐湯,南瓜湯😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Classic Breakfast at its best.  Enjoy breakfast with aromatic refreshing coffee.The place was very nice and not noisy at all. You can peacefully enjoy your breakfast.  location of the restaurant is very good and easily accessible Ordered1. The Academics Breakfast and Latte continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-08-23
餐牌應該冇人更新過,食唔到有d失望 😂原本想叫鐵觀音拿鐵,竟然暫停供應 🥲 叫左焙茶拿鐵,雖然有加豆奶,但豆味冇遮蓋茶味,好清新唔係太濃。蜂蜜鮮奶咖啡,非常之甘中帶苦,蜂蜜味唔係好飲得出,中意飲咖啡既人應該覺得正 🧐 茶漬飯一定要試啦為左飲多d茶,我覺得茶湯唔夠甘,不過唔咸都ok。叫左咖啡味pancake ,佢既精髓係咖啡牛油,真係好想問可唔可以比多一粒 😲 有機會下次試下飲佢其他凍茶😬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係中環鬧市中同朋友想搵個地方HEA一HEA傾下計🍵就搵到呢間餐廳~餐廳位置好隱密..係電梯大堂既後面🙈內裡樓底高. 位置亦唔密.裝修簡約🌱OVERALL氣氛好舒服.令人可以抒心係到休息品茶🍵重點係呢到唔限時😇餐廳主打係茶同素食.茶類有手沖茶同創意茶飲食物全都係素食.感覺好健康😊飲品D名都幾特別..天氣太熱.就揀左凍既創意茶飲💧😌💥SCONE💥彩花乳酪蛋糕 🍰💥TEA: 植物學家💥TEA: 一樹梨花食物都上得好快.而且擺盤好靚.打卡影相都一流😍📸SCONE鬆軟亦香乳酪蛋糕.上面係乳酪.唔太甜☺️植物學家係冷泡鳳凰單欉茶.加龍眼紅棗.仲配有茶蜜~😄茶同茶蜜都係自己倒~幾好!!😄仲有佢有D由花製成既冰粒.當D冰溶左之後.杯入面可以見到好靚既花🌸🌼一樹梨花係蝶豆花茶加左D梨醬.所以顏色係偏藍紫色~入口清新!!係到HEA一整個下午.身心舒暢💯有機會可以試下佢D LUNCH continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)