It’s where you’ll find casual Parisian dishes made with fresh ingredients flown in from France. Take it easy whilst you and your friends enjoy great food, warm service and a relaxed atmosphere, surrounded by minimalist décor inspired by art deco elements. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
白酒煮法式青口配粗薯條 法式海鮮盆 法式迷迭香鴨腿 法式冧酒蛋糕 香草焗羊架 凍鴨肝配自製薑餅
Review (50)
Level1 2013-08-20
We just had lunch here for a colleague's bday, very disappointing and we will never come back again for the following reasons:-1.  my colleagues ordered mussels from set lunch menu - when they came, half of the mussels were unopened, so either they were not fully cooked or have gone bad.  Anyhow, we asked the manager to change them and we were given a bowl to place the unopened mussels in so they can replace them.  OK, they came back and we were told that these mussels came from A la carte menu and they are better than the lunch sets one.  While I understand they are trying to make up for it, I am surprised that they serve different standards of mussels depending on whether it is a la carte menu or set menu.  This is a restaurant at IFC that charges $300 for a set lunch.  I would not expect them to serve inferior food cos it is set menu.2.  I have ordered a lamb chop, when it came, it was very rare and cold.  When I ordered, they never asked me how I want it done.  Anyhow, I asked manager to replace, so he did pretty much with a blank face. When the lamb chop came back, it was the same piece ie. this time a bit more cooked and little bit warmer.  I am surprised that they re-cooked the lamb chop that I have started eating. I wouldn't mind a cheaper restaurant to do that but an IFC restaurant doing that again is out of my expectation. 3.  they charge for still water and without checking with us, they kept opening new bottled water and we ended up drinking over $200 worth of water. They did not place the water bottle on our tables and just kept opening without checking. 4.   after we finished dessert, they asked if we want coffee/tea. Normally lunch sets include coffee/tea so we did not go back and check the lunch set menu but it turned out coffee/tea are not included. Yes it was partly our fault but I would also expect them to remind us coffee/tea are not included in the set. Anyhow, I will never come back, bad service and very average food, very disapointing.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第二次黎到the french window dinner, 發覺waiter 推介o既daily special 係應該要捧下場, 因為通常都係比較有特色同抵食既~除左o個個好似$1388 o既seafood platter 之外..=_=...見到對面台叫了一個好似份量輕一點的賣相都唔討好, 應該唔試好過試既然冇order seafood platter, 台面又放左一個oysters o既menu, 好似幾講究咁, 就試左waiter 介紹o既2款oysters. Gillardeau 係來自法國o既, 價錢較貴$60 pc , 其實肉質口感都好唔錯, 第一啖食落去d海水味o係口入面迴盪, 真係有一下幻想自己去左歐遊o係海邊享受緊seafood, 但之後卻有d腥味跟住黎, 我分唔清呢d 叫鮮定腥, 但個sense就係覺得腥.. 扣少少分, 反而平d $42pc o既Royale 既有海水o既味道, 而且冇咁salty, 而且好清甜, 好o岩嘴形哩~!頭盤冇咩特別, 不過tomato 都幾甜幾新鮮beef tenderloin 完全冇脂肪而且幼嫩, 不過可能有d overdone, 比想像中冇咁juicy血鴨係daily special, 知道o係香港唔係咁易食到, 有得試梗係試下啦, 白老鼠都唔怕做啦, 又真係好正wo, 鴨肉非常鮮嫩多汁, 個sauce更係畫龍點睛, 仲幾抵食~最後到甜品時間, 鐘意飲rum cocktail o既我一見到有個rum字o既rum baba 就唔理係咩叫黎試試, 先知道原來將rum 浸住烤好o既蛋糕係咁正o既, 結果我同gf 就忘記了原本其實都唔錯o既apple souffle 了~Generally 其實好滿意, 不過對french window o既白色燈光感覺唔太好, 因為捱了一天, 晚飯的時候, 眼睛和心情都想relax一點吧,而且走進french window前總係經過食中菜o既國金軒, 感覺怪怪的~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-17
元宵佳節,跟太太臨時臨急早上才找champagne bunch…… 居然誤打誤撞發現 French Window 也有提供。另外他們是全天候供應,既然如此,就改成 dinner 吧。French Window 位處國金軒則,平時不大起眼。六點左右到達,走了一段長走廊,順利入座。我們要求坐窗口位,外籍服務員也樂意安排。坐下才發現他們好像減了價,但不再提供 champagne,只提供 sparkling wine。前菜、cold cut、海鮮、甜品是 buffet 形式,另可以點一份主菜。Sparkling wine 沒有留意是那裡出產,有點過甜。不過佐餐也沒所謂啦。生蠔是 fin de clare,鮮甜未濃,非常不錯。龍蝦有點「擦子膠」(無甚味道)。蟹腳卻出奇地好吃,有蟹味。有網友極力推介的 Balik 煙三文魚,雖然味濃,但口感有點乾,不太懂欣賞。 選主菜時,已經飽了,餐廳體貼地提供「海鮮湯」作為其中一個選項。湯很濃、鮮味,值得一試。唯一是,看湯料,跟剛吃過的海鮮頭盤一模一樣,個人覺得很搞笑。直到埋單,餐廳一直都沒有什麼客人,十分寧靜。$600 的價錢,有方便地段、優美景觀環境、有酒有生蠔,算是不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-03
星期天,總喜歡躲在溫暖的被窩內睡至天昏地暗。這個週日我卻破例提早三小時起床,因為有一個法式的 champagne brunch在默默的等待著我。。。匆匆走過人來人往的的商場、琳瑯滿目的店舖,轉眼間便來到餐廳的大門口。只要穿過長長的木色走廊,便來到充滿格調的大廳,既有典雅的水晶吊燈,也有簡約的藝術佈置;其中一面更設有一系列的落地玻璃窗,讓我們可以在柔和的陽光下欣賞迷人景色和享用美食,感覺悠閒兼寫意。Appetizer - from the buffet counter備受注目的 seafood bar 有蝦、蜆、青口、翡翠螺,還有三款不同的三文魚!當中以世界頂級煙三文魚 Balik Salmon 最為吸引,這種野生的挪威三文魚以俄羅斯傳統方法,加上瑞士的空氣、泉水和炭木燻製而成,由於只選用最矜貴的魚背部分,肉質結實嫩滑,濃郁的魚味中滲出細膩的燻香,是我吃過最美味的煙三文魚!難怪Balik Salmon每磅索價千多元,比普通的煙三文魚貴三四倍呢!旁邊的 salad bar 則放滿不同的沙律菜和 dressing以供選擇,追求均衡飲食的我,當然也要吃些新鮮爽嫩的蔬菜。餐廳的另一角,便是 cold cut 和芝士的領域。Parma ham 配蜜瓜固然味美,也敵不過集香脆軟滑於一身的的 foie gras pâté on thin toast,將濃郁豐腴的鵝肝醬沾上少許香料,那種美妙的滋味實在令人吃不停口。另一焦點,便是這裡的 roast beef,質感軟嫩之餘不失肉味,幸好這裡沒提供 mustard,否則我定必失控。勇於嚐新的人可試一試這裡的 black pudding sausage,它雖然跟豬紅一樣以豬血製成,卻全無腥味,質感則類近平日吃到的潤腸 --- -總而言之,是另一種的體驗!Appetizer - oysters每人可享用兩隻 daily oysters, 而這天的生蠔是法國的 Fine de Claire, 肉質爽口,鮮味得來帶有濃郁的海水和礦物味;一口生蠔,一口香檳,感覺是多麼的暢快。Main courses from the kitchen主菜可四選一,餐廳會定期轉換款式,而這天的 menu 則有海鮮湯、鴨、魚,和 egg benedict。賣相精緻的 poached egg benedict,以烘過的法包托著厚切的火腿和圓渾的水煮蛋 --- 將雞蛋輕輕一切,蛋黃即慢慢流出,很吸引啊!嫩滑的雞蛋,鹹香的火腿,加上香脆的麵包,絕對是無敵的配搭,惟 hollandaise 醬汁的味道不夠香濃,有點可惜。Seafood soup from Provence,海鮮湯濃郁鮮甜,內裡還有蜆、蝦、魚肉等等,是水準之作,讓人滿足又飽足。另外兩款主菜,雖然我沒有機會品嚐,但朋友們的評價都相當不錯。Pan fried salmon fillet with sweet pepper confit and saffron cream sauce,三文魚配甜椒番紅花忌廉汁Duck confit with oven roasted potatoes ,香煎油封鴨腿Dessert – from the buffet counter雪糕不是 haagen daz,也並非 movenpick,因為這裡的雪糕是自家製的!這天供應的口味是香梨、菠蘿和焦糖,味道自然又清甜,質感則近似雪葩,當中以菠蘿和焦糖雪糕較為出色。此外還有多款小巧精緻的的甜品,如 tiramisu、cheesecake、fruit tart、chocolate mousse 和crème brûlée,不過風頭都被雪糕搶去了。這個相當有質素的 Sunday Brunch,有任吃的頭盤和甜品、兩隻新鮮生蠔、自選的一款主菜和飲品 (果汁、汽水、咖啡或茶),每位價錢只需 $468;若多付$130,便可盡情添飲 Veuve Clicquot 香檳和 house wine!謝謝餐廳和公關的邀請,讓我們度過一個愉快的週日。縱使晨早起床是多麼的「艱辛」,這次努力是沒有白費的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-02-19
談法國菜很多人都覺得是fine dinner為何沒有想起paris街頭的cafe, bisto或者係brasserie呢?Brasserie是法國尋常百姓的用餐點地方大, casual,一家人周末用餐(即係我地飲茶喇) 或一大班朋友吹水飲飲食食既地方香港brasserie餐聽不算多很多都是小店(哪應該算是bristo吧)The French Window是較大的一間6人同行, 掛住影食同傾無乜影相不過想講下其實食物是非常正宗的分量很足海鮮跟waiter介紹叫左蟹, 好多好多膏!! 仲有一款蝦, 亦係非常多蝦子, 好鮮甜oyster有好幾款選擇, 新鮮既藍青口不是大隻的雪藏貨, size細細, 但細嫩飽滿, sauce充滿海鮮甜味叫左seasonal 既黑松露duck confit, 鴨髀皮脆, 夠油香! share岩岩好墊底既黑松露薯躂先係主角! 邊微脆, 吸左鴨油同松露香, 正!! 仲有香草羊架, 好嫩, 應該係羊仔肉, 有羊味但唔酥. 好食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)