6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
17:30 - 23:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
香港首家越南菜fine dining,特色是炭火烹饪料理,就法餐对越南菜的影响来看,French Vietnamese fusion显得很合情理。·能把街头感十足的越南菜卖到人均1k+,一开始忍不住感叹万菜系皆可高端化。午市偏向高级版的商务套餐,对我没什么吸引力,观望了很久终于来试了一下晚市。·整体来说值得尝试,概念有新意,调味也有想法,甚至会用不同的柴木烟熏不同的食材,让每款食物都能有与之般配的香气。·HKD1200的短菜单有三道前菜/两道主菜/一道主食/两道甜点,大大小小的蘸酱加起来能气势磅礴地摆满一桌子,仿佛是一场各种香草的盛宴。前菜和主菜都很好吃,甜点普通。·菜系所限,用不到法餐意餐fine那么多贵食材,但份量能吃到撑,主厨亲自手绘的菜单也很有诚意。不满意的一点是晚餐要翻台,上菜和吃饭节奏都比较着急。·服务细致友善,不过每道菜都要换盘子感觉不必。在引领客人入座时会刻意经过开放式厨房,能看到柴火烤炉、烟熏烧烤架、砖炉和熟成柜等。·餐前有一套鱼露和青柠花生辣酱组成的蘸碟,辣酱看起来是奶fufu的温柔质地,其实辣度很有威力。但菜品已经足够有滋味了,因此我觉得没什么必要。·【菠萝啤/米纸饼/焦糖鱼露烤鱿鱼】菠萝啤酒很可爱,漂浮着浅浅的椰浆泡沫,喝起来像pina colada,在闷热的傍晚一下将味蕾拉回日落时分微风习习的海滩。米纸做的小饼好像迷你taco,带着油润的酥香,香葱/沙嗲/鹌鹑蛋/辣椒粉组成的topping鲜美热闹。·【迷你法棍】面包烘得热辣辣,口感是法棍和布里欧修的结合,中间柔软部分抹上厚厚一层冰凉细滑的肝酱和蛋黄酱,一口咬下又香又韧又浓稠,冰火两重天的爽感。·【红虾芋头春卷】比手掌还长的XXL西班牙红虾,表面是弹韧的Carpaccio,下面是裹上米纸炸成的芋头春卷,吃起来外层酥脆、内里绵糯诱人的蜂窝状像极了早茶里的芋茸鸭酥。·最妙的是虾头盛着的这汪鲜浓虾膏,浆一般的浓稠质地裹挟着鲜甜的虾肉,极致汹涌的鲜味在第一口便已漫过味蕾,再吮吸一口,宛如达到了颅内高潮。·【蕉叶包烧鳕鱼】芭蕉叶的香草气息细密地润进鱼肉肌理,清淡中流露出一丝野性的炭火香气,搭配微辣酸甜的金桔鱼露,滋味复合,肉质也好。但温度有点不够,侍应在分鱼时还舍弃掉了鱼皮。·【会安脆皮鸡】 48小时干式熟成的本地三黄鸡,牙齿扎进蓬松酥脆的鸡皮,迸发出销魂的空气感。脆皮下藏着丰盈软润的脂肪,亮晶晶的鸡油仿佛快要淌出来,香得不行!·鸡腿肉弹韧多汁、入味极佳,腌渍青木瓜沙律则充当了清口的角色。搭配了咸酸的胡椒盐,但鸡肉不用蘸都足够咸香惹味。·【黑安格斯顺化牛肉粉】吃过的最矜贵、最特别的一碗pho,五分熟牛肉很好,河粉正常,我最惦记的是那口牛骨牛腩香茅清汤,加入了波尔多红酒去熬,跟其他pho都不一样,看上去色泽浓厚似船面,但质地依然清爽。·鲜味滋醇隽永,肉香醇厚有力,带着若有若无的药膳香和酸度,回味又落下一股温和的甘甜。风味是那样的婉转流畅,差点端起碗喝得一滴不剩。不仅配了油炸鬼,生怕你蔬菜吃不够,还有满满一碗混合菜丝。·主菜主食份量那么足,没想到甜点却这么“精致”。【爱玉冻】普普通通,【芒果百香冰淇淋】裹满椰丝,和硬邦邦的白巧芝士蛋糕融合在一起,表面火炙出焦糖布蕾一样的脆层。·环境舒适雅致,匹配得上餐厅档次,座位不少,窗边位置俯瞰着大馆,抬头能远眺半山渐渐沉入夜色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-16
Best pho fine dining restaurant in HK! Rating: 9/10For the starter, they gave us a very cute beer which taste a bit similar to pina colada and also the mini rice crackers are like mini tacos! For the main, the red prawns and beef pho is my favourite! the pho soup is lit the best i have every had in hk, super rich in flavour and no msg added, already missing it now.The chicken is nice too where it is dry aged 48 hours so the skin is super crispy and the meat is tender too! The dessert is a boom which is mashmallow with pandan ice cream inside that is the highlight of the meal continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-25
SEPAnother restaurant that I have been meaning to try for a very long time. Lucky that I have friends who would indulge me with all kinds of wishes on my birthday ☺️Helmed by the very talented Chef DoBee Lam who has close to 30 years of experience in the F&B industry , SEP offers Indochine Vietnamese dishes that combine French culinary techniques and Vietnamese-style wood-fire cooking originated from the indigenous people in the mountainous region of Vietnam.There are an eight-course and an eleven-course tasting menus to choose from. R and I ordered the shorter menu as many had warned me that the short menu is very long already (and they are absolutely right!!)For me, the XXL carabineros spring roll was the star of the evening. Not only was the carabineros incredibly fresh, the spring roll with red prawn carpaccio, carabinero’s head butter and taro stuffing wrapped in an intricately textured rice paper with Da Nang shrimp roe sprinkled on top was already a sumptuous feast itself. The welcome drink mini pineapple lager was delightful. It reminded me of a similar lager that I had some years ago at Suhring in Bangkok.There were however some misses along the way. The French Quarter Toothfish was a tad overcooked and tasteless. I needed to add spoonfuls of the kumquat/dill/shallot/turmeric sauce that came with it. The signature dry-aged HK 3 yellow chicken that one would expect a crispy exterior wasn’t crispy at all. The pho (rice noodles) that they proudly served in a 36-hour bouillon could have been more thinly sliced. The noodles were thick and not at all translucent as one would expect.Overall, the meal was good. The carabinero spring roll alone is a sufficient cause for a visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-18
最近兩個月真的十分忙碌,新一年終於下定決心,把積壓已久的Post也整理一下。第一篇想寫的,就是這家最近兩個月真的十分忙碌,新一年終於下定決心,把積壓已久的Post也整理一下。第一篇想寫的,就是這家越南菜的天花板 - SEP。如果有去過越南,就會知道越南的法國菜水平是非常頂級的,而我吃過最好吃的法國餐廳之一,也是在胡志明市。在法國殖民地管治下,越南菜和法國菜的融合其實也變得理所當然,例如越式法包和越南咖啡,已經在越南根深蒂固,成為越南菜的特色。而今次也算是我真正在餐廳裏吃到精緻法國越南菜。SEP這裏每道莱色都十分精緻和驚艶,令我立刻想起另一間也在中環的精緻粵菜 - 永 WING ,對食材的要求,對味道的嚴謹,對烹調技巧的講究,甚至乎擺盤、裝修和服務都是一等一的。例如用60度慢煮的焦糖魷魚;用XXL西班牙紅蝦做的Carpaccio米卷;用本地三黃雞做的熟成會安雞;熬製36小時以上的濃湯生牛肉河粉……一頓近乎無可挑剔的精緻fusion越南菜,絕對值得一試!感謝 DoBee師傅和好友D先生的精心安排。🙏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-04
近排食過其中一間最令人高興嘅餐廳☺️ 坐低見到chef手繪嘅menu已經好impressed✨ 香港本身就唔多Indochine fine dine嘅選擇  行政總廚之前係越南生活咗10年  決定將佢有心思亦有質素嘅菜式帶嚟香港♥️ 非常推薦大家一試🌞  ~WOODFIRED INDOCHINE VIETNAMESE HOUSE MENU丨HK$1,680 p.p.~ 1.2.3. DZO! pineapple lager + 🌟sakura bánh tráng caviar🌟+ calamar  BAMBOO LEAF HAM Okinawa Yamato pork / 60°c fish sauce  🌟DISTRICT 4 MIDNIGHT BBQ PORK🌟 Iberico secreto I lemongrass I molasses  NHA TRANG HẢI SẢN seasonal shellfish | scallion | roasted peanut  🌟BÁNH TÔM🌟 smoked scarlet prawn | abura-age | nori  🌟FRENCH QUARTER TOOTHFISH🌟 wild catch I shallot I dill I turmeric I kumquat  HỘI AN OLD TOWN POULET  dry-aged HK 3 yellow chicken I galangal  🌟HANWOO 1++ PHỞ BÒ SỐT VANG🌟 Gyeongju 1++ ribeye cap | Bordeaux | 36 hours bouillon  CHÈaiyu | peach resin | fresh coconut | calamansi  🌟HANOI CAMPFIRE S'MORES🌟 pandan leaf | homemade marshmallow continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)