8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2023-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2018-2021)
Opening Hours
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
*Closed on Sun
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (86)
Level1 2024-05-21
First time for me to leave comment…but I have to say the service was too bad which made me wouldn’t come back any more. the lady who seems to be the manager was having poker face all the time, hard selling the seasonal dishes, and told us we need to pay if we want more bread ( bread portion so small and our friend came late , we just asked to get few more bread.) she warned us you cannot have more, otherwise you need to pay. And then kept chasing us to leave and returned the table. She is so rude and definitely disappointed all of us. It’s extremely bad experience and ruined our mood.Food is ok. Please do consider the service, it’s not catching up the standard. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-19
I guess I haven’t had a bad dining experience which is so bad that I am willing to write a comment in thousands words. How they handle the guest experience gets into my nerves. Saturday night, the only time slot available was 20:30. They called me at 20:31 and asked where I was. We were literally 30 seconds away from the entrance. Never encountered something like this. Sounds like they want you to arrive once they are ready and finish ASAP so they can leave work earlier. We have reserved and pre ordered some dishes. Of course their salt baked chicken is included. It’s $980 on the menu when they sent me thru whatsapp. We have also reserved the kinki paella, 2 starters and 2 dessert. Once 4 of us were seated, the lady, probably the manager told us what dishes we had reserved which the orders were incorrect. She went to check and came back to confirm our correct order. She told us we could order some more starters as we only had 2. So we ordered burrata and short ribs, 2 more starters on top. She was also hardselling the white asparagus to us and told us that’s the last portion. She didn’t ask us once only but three times. Tried a little bit too hard on selling your last asparagus to the last table you have for the night right? Suddenly she stood between our table and a table of 2 next to us, showing a chicken cover with salt. As the host, no one explained what’s happening. Then the lady started demonstrating and explaining the ingredients to that table of 2, didn’t have any eye contacts with us at all. My friend did tell me the lady said discreetly to her, we were sharing half chicken with that table of 2. What??!! Did I ever say I reserved half chicken only? It’s not even an option on the menu?! Can anyone explain to us what’s going on? But then i saw they served a whole chicken to a family of 4 just next to us. That made me wonder, probably if they served us one whole chicken and half chicken to that table of 2, half chicken is not able to sell as we were the last table of the night. As a one michelin star restaurant serving sophisticated dishes style like this, I do expect they would change our plate courses by courses. They didn’t. They didn’t even change the cutlery we used. Not acceptable for restaurants like this. Service is awkward. Sommelier (maybe) started pouring us red wine so everyone thought our white wine was done. But you know what? After a glass of red, he then started pouring white wine to us again. Some explanation would be great if you wanted to see us would like to have some red wine with the beef? When there’s only us and a table in the private room left, at one point I was the one pouring wine for our table. No serving on any dishes at all. I was scooping the last bit of paella on the pan. The staff didn’t assist me. Instead, she said “aw yes please take the last bit so we can serve the chicken!” Wow! Excellent! Let’s talk about the dessert plating and wording. It’s the worst ever in a michelin star restaurant. Very slobby. A male staff even approached us and said “aiya the wording today is a bit ugly excuses us!” Huh? They haven’t introduced us the content and ingredients of the dishes when they serve us, not even a single dish. Service is super awkward and not up to standard at all. Understand it may not a fine dining restaurant. More like a casual one. But I cannot feel we are welcomed and warm or whatsoever. For this kind of bad service, you have to attract people to come back with your amazingly great food. Unfortunately food is not bad but nothing wow. So please tell me why I would come back and recommend this place to others? The worst is, from the beginning to the end, no one explained only half chicken is served to us and no one explained the cost as it’s not written on the menu. Whole chicken is $980 and they charged us $550 for half chicken. If you don’t charge $980/2 = $490, do you think you should explain it clearly? When I asked them in whatsapp later that night, they apologised for not telling us because they forgot to. They claimed we have reserved 2 main courses which was a bit too much if we had whole chicken. Hello? If we got too much food then why you kept persuading us to order more starters? Even hardselling the white asparagus not once but three bloody times?!!! The famous chicken was dry and you know why? Cause another half chicken which was served to our next table was served 30 mins ahead of us. Guess they placed our half in a warmer that’s why it was dry. And that’s the reason I prefer to have whole chicken. Thanks Neighbourhood! For a restaurant running like this and got a michelin star title, it’s unfair to those small restaurants that really pour their hearts and efforts to run the business. Maybe the owner Mr Lai should look after his guests better and manage his team way better. Asia best? In the same scale as Sézanne, Florilège? Higher place than Mono and Caprice? I’ll let you decide. Let me know your thoughts. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
盡量造訪及回訪各米其林餐廳,也嘗試準米其林及衝擊米其林的餐廳,以米其林給人的感受去品嚐。星級:1星(2024;Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2023:29。訂位:網上,選定tasting menu,方便。下單:介紹清楚,個人喜好推介。上菜:介紹每道菜式,可惜血腸被介紹錯為漢堡牛肉(可能新人)。用餐環境:良好。洗手間:正常。幾年之前,有一道牛肉菜式,味道一流,可惜現在沒有了,聽說是難於購入該新鮮牛肉部位。目前,雞成為了主打菜式,需提前預訂。Baby squid味道鮮甜,不會太熟,口感軟滑。rock fish onion soup 有很多芝士,飽肚,漁湯味濃。bone marrow不夠燒焦,有點油膩,魚子沒能中和。black sausage貌似漢堡牛肉,很油膩,與bone marrow一起,會感覺消化不了。roasted pigeon肉質軟綿,鎖汁嫩緊。2人光顧,點餐如下:still water $65baby squid $250rock fish onion soup $190bone marrow $440roasted pigeon $450black sausage $265加一後,合共HK$1,826。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-19
Neighborhood喺香港已經開業好多年,佢係位於荷李活道旁嘅小巷,鋪面好低調,真係行過就miss左!! 岩岩又喺亞洲50最佳餐廳2023 上榜啦!由於當晚係同一大班朋友食,所以無特別留意餐牌,想食咩就叫咩,當然有點餐廳最出名嘅「鹽焗雞雞雜飯」(Salt Baked Morel Chicken with Giblet Rice)啦,以新鮮三黃雞配上大量新鮮雞雜,鮮味十足!! 另外都仲有好多平日好少食到既菜式,大家有興趣都可以去試試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-02
哩間中環法國餐廳係其中一個朋友提議去食🤡食之前上OpenRice睇先發現原來佢負評多到咁🫢🤯喺冇得縮沙嘅情況之下唯有硬着頭皮照去🫠扣定分嘅情況之下去食...廢事希望越大失望越大三個人總共叫咗萵筍沙律,北海道生蠔,魷魚仔,牛骨髓with魚子醬,石斑魚腩,Salt Baked Chicken Rice,wagyu ribs steak,甜品仲有一枝wine🫢苘筍沙津嘅sause唔錯..成功調起萵筍嘅味生蠔新鮮嘅..而且幾鮮甜🤡係衰在入口個吓比較鹹牛骨髓with魚子醬可能因為唔係我本人杯茶🫢我食得唔太多🙈因為太過膩🥲我自己就比較鐘意石斑魚腩😌因為食得出啲魚肉好fresh好彈😇 魷魚仔亦都幾特別..係出奇地整得嫩滑🫢而佢嘅味道有啲HK style feel 似中式小炒嘅味🫣😂而Salt Baked Chicken Rice反而驚喜唔太大🫢唔會有嘩出聲嘅程度🙈整體嚟講不過不失甜品真心要大讚一下cannelé😌不嬲我都好怕食cannelé因為通常都太甜而且好癡牙🫠但哩個mini版嘅居然做到甜到岩岩好嘅效果當然唔不能少share la🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)