The restaurant adopt black colour as the main colour in its setting with Friendly Service.There are lunch set in the afternoon with reasonable price. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
17:00 - 01:30
Fri - Sat
17:00 - 02:30
17:00 - 01:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Different Special Yakitori Sashimi Matsuzaka A4-A5 Japanese Black Cattle Special Grilled OX-Tongues Yakitori Black Pork
Review (60)
Level1 2013-03-01
It is the first time we went there for the groupbuy set menu as follows:-Starterskinawa Tofu SaladNoweigian Salmon SashimiSouth Korean Octopus SashimiSea Urchin SushiSpot Prawn SashimiGrill:Angus beef skewerKurobuta Pork skewerShabu Shabu:Kagoshima Soup BaseAustralian A4 Kobe BeefKagoshima Kurobuta PorkKyushu ChickenAssorted VegetablesHand-Made Udon1.5 Hr Free-flow of Plum WineThe salad vegetables were fresh and went well with the sesame dressing. The Spot Prawns were quite big and very fresh. The Sea Urchin sushi was one of the highlights, it tasted sweet and fresh as they did not use the low-quality sea urchin of foul after taste.The skewers were good, angus beef was juicy and the thin cut of pork is just great for grill.The food was served in right portion, which is typical Japanese homy restaurant style - a variety of food with fine touch on seasoning and presentation. Yet, this is just not for you if you are expecting an all-you-can-eat portion.Sophia, the shop owner, was very friendly and has given good introduction on each dish. She told that they use fish bones, etc, but no MSG for the soup base and I could definitely confirm this point as I didn't feel thirsty or any allergies after taking two bowls of the soup and udon. We will go back again with friends for the food and its comfy ambience!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-02-25
本來團購都唔會抱太大期望, 都預左食物份量少, 但真係估唔到食物質數咁差:頭盤: 豆腐沙律 - OK刺身- 一般海膽壽司 - 舊飯超硬串燒 - 幾好食主菜 (火煱): 和牛, 黑豚肉- 勁少, 一個人都唔夠, 完全同相片不符雞肉 - 話係日本雞肉, 但只係一般雞件配菜- 冇特別手打烏冬 - , 放左入去冇一分鐘, d水都未滾晒, 已經淋到一夾就爛, 我係supermarket買個 $5 既好食過佢百倍, 個menu 明明寫住係手打烏冬or 飯, 但完全唔俾我地選擇 見我地食完仲問加唔加野, 我地一定唔加啦, 如果係好食既加又有咩所謂, 但食呢d野真係冇下次最後甜品: 日本3.6牛2奶布甸結果俾左半個球紅豆雪糕........我地問佢點解唔係牛奶布甸, 佢竟然話: "賣晒" , 我地即刻"O"晒咀, 佢仲要話: 個雪糕日本架, 仲貴啦!!!大佬呀!!! 唔係貴唔貴既問題, 我3日前已經BOOK位, 你地唔係留定俾我架咩, 同我講賣晒都算啦, 仲要話個雪糕日本黎仲貴?!!!呢間野請我都唔會再食!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-11-18
第一次買團購,感到被騙了,團購的照片完全跟本店的食物差很遠,我買二人餐,加埋一,太約三佰三十元,但是這個套餐的份量根本是一人餐的份量也不夠,完全不會吃得飽,佢竟然可以將一片牛肉分成四片,八片迷你牛肉就當一碟,四粒雞肉又當一碟,所謂嘅A4牛肉,完成冇味,真攪笑,佢個餐簡直少得離譜囉,咁做生意,唔怪得個個客埋單都面黑黑囉,絕不會再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-16
好在食之前,睇左其他人的食評,所以做定心理準備!!! 奈何 coupon 巳買, 唔食就連 $276 都蝕晒 ($138 x 2) !!! 呢一餐絕對 (x 100) 唔值餐廳聲稱的$7XX!!! 團購價$138 兩個人就差唔多!!! 簡單慨括如下1) 豆腐沙律 X 1 -- 無問題, 可接受(2) 虎蝦 X 2 -- OK! 燒得幾香(3) 鵝肝壽司 X 2 ( 粒) -- 鵝肝入口即溶 ( 全餐呢個最回味! ) (4) 刺身 ( 三文魚 X 2 / 八爪魚 X 2 / 疑似鮑魚 X 2 ) -- 全部普通, 好在之前睇左食評, 唔係真係唔知食左個片仔係鮑魚 )(5) Shabu Shabu x 1 -- 牛肉 x 4 / 豬肉 x 4 / 雞肉 x 大量 -- 哈哈!!!! 我知道點解之前食評話風都吹得起!!!!! 真係簿到呢, 好似碟的花紋, 四塊加埋都未必等如一片肥牛!!!!!! 和牛??? 真係食唔出!!!!!! 仲有, 湯底真係淡而無味!!!!!!!!!!!! (6) 煲仔飯 x 1 (三色豆+ 雞肉) -- 比餐飽飯好wor!!!! 份量偏少!!!! 三色豆彷彿提醒你係食緊團購喳!!!!!!! 一睇就知超 hea, 超無誠意!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-04-10
一開始說2人套餐$260,買單的時候說是每人$260.感覺被騙。而且等超耐。15~30分鐘上一樣野,真系超慢。.D料真系超超超超超超少~!!2个人食得飽??希望唔好再有人受骗啦~!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)