Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
口水雞 大千干燒魚 四川嗆炒 回鍋肉 風味滷鴨腎
Review (16)
Level1 2014-10-31
上幾星期, 聽人講話坑口村有間川菜話ok, 所以搵埋屋企人去試。去到見裝修格局都好有四川風味,再行去睇下餐牌都好多四川菜, 但價錢稍為偏貴, 但當時覺得如果地道四川菜好食, 價錢貴d唔緊要, 所以入去試。一入到去,就發現嘢食起我面前點解嘢食亂咁放, 有點唔衛生, 而且我發現有蚊 。。坐低咗, 就睇下食乜跟住有熱茶送上,但係d茶。。。聞落去好有果香味(ok), 但係飲落去甜😵,同埋提大家,熱嘅都好, 凍咗之後會酸。濃湯牛肋條暖鍋($108)唔記得影相,只可以講比你地聽評價香味好香, 甜甜地,但牛肋條有少少韌,同埋唔係好入味,道菜煮得太普通。整體嚟講唔值。雞唔入味,汁都唔夠味四季豆有d過淋, 但ok 幾香夠味回鍋肉夠味夠香擔擔麵, 特別味道,都係唔夠味,甜甜地炒飯冇乜味,攞嚟送菜吃整體嚟講,唔算正宗, 佢餐牌介紹嘅菜都唔太好味, 所以可以唔洗理餐牌的精選介紹,仲有四川菜以辣同埋濃味為主,但唔係道道菜都係咁,服務生又對菜式唔熟,問佢道菜係乜都唔識答,而且都係咁講價錢與食物不成正比, 以依個價錢可以唔洗起度食, 仲有唔該佢地注意衛生, 店內有蚊同飛蛾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-07-16
忙碌的工作日,婊妹為大家良心推薦一家值得“跋山涉水”去吃一頓的新派川菜館,位於將軍澳坑口村的【錦官驛】餐廳!!一走進復古驛站風格的店面,就會被雅緻的紅灰裝潢所吸引,牆上除掛有菜牌,還用傳統面譜作裝飾,櫃檯也有一些別緻的小擺設吸引眼球~噢,不對,是被“雅緻”的帥哥店長所吸引哈哈!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was on my list since opened but due to its location, i had only managed to come now after more than a year (or two). Arrived at 7pm but there wasnt many people. Love its interior with chinese drama mask on the wall, grey paint, slate table and red chairs and sofa. Once seated we were served a jar of hot peach tea. Its to ease the hot and spicy of the sichun food i suppose, very attentive they're. We picked the chef recommendation of the day, its a prawn dish called 歌樂山蝦球. Also got a deep fried chilli salty chicken 辣子雞丁 and a fusion foie gras chilli oil dumpling 鵝肝紅油抄手. The chili salty chicken came first, its deep fried with chilli (for sure), sichaun pepper and leek. Its best to go with beer- Very strong tasting and deeply fried and crispy. And the leek is the oasis- its not too dried out so have it when its too hot in mouth, it helps a lot.Second to come was the prawn. Its less hot than the chicken but a bit too oily. The prawn was coated by egg white then fried, when it came, the strong eggy taste is still there. There was some chinese mushroom and zucchini at the base but they are very very salty! I guess the salt wasnt stirred well with everything. A pity. The dumplings came last. However while the food we just had was extremely strong taste, its difficult for us to taste the dumpling, even we cleared by the tea. There was foam of foie gras on top, chilli oil and vinegar as base and thin dumpling skin. Thats all i can tell. A second pity. Overall the food here was good, staff were nice, just the location is a but tricky. Saw everyone ordered the boiled fish in sichuan style soup 水煮桂魚, which i must come back and try! And i do appreciate their pride- the fusion menu, that can see creativity there, good attempt! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一向知道坑口村食肆不少,雖然家住將軍澳,但因為這裡較為隔涉,故不常到來開飯。是日住在這裡的朋友約吃晚飯,並推介這家川菜店,於是我們便到這裡試試看。由於朋友已訂枱,故不用等便能馬上入座。小店裝潢雖不像舊式川菜店老土,但仍以川菜的紅(帶辣的菜式一向也用紅作其主色吧!)配炭灰色作全店的主色,牆上除有菜牌,還掛上面譜作裝飾,櫃檯也有一些招財小擺設,蠻別緻的!全店地方不大,大概可容納20多人,其中一邊靠牆位置放了6人卡座,猶如自成一角呢!餐牌也以紅色作主調,印刷不算精美,但部份菜式圖文並茂,我們一行三人點了蒜泥白肉($56)﹑招牌雞煲($128)﹑四川擔擔麵($42)及秘製風味骨($84)。等吃期間,喝了一口茶...很香...是蜜桃茶呢!一般果茶只聞其香,喝而無味,但這裡的蜜桃茶聞起上來既香甜,呷來也有香味,讚!喜歡的朋友可買回家再回味呢!(堂食茶錢$8一位,外賣好像$25一瓶)蒜泥白肉先來,一客有六片,且夾有青瓜片,上面有蒜泥及辣油,肉片及青瓜片均很薄,看得出廚師的刀工,不過也因為太薄,所以肉片雖然很滑,但好像口感不夠,還好食味尚可。店廚預備好的招牌雞煲以Gas爐滾著,可保持其温度,邊滾邊嗅到其香氣大大增加食慾。雞煲份量不算大,但雞件有肉,調味好,雞件入味,不太嚡口,唯越滾越辣,最適合送飯!朋友說這裡的擔擔麵很不錯,初時還以為是老公怕怕的花生醬,原來四川的做法不同,以辣油﹑蒜泥﹑少少花生碎及葱花拌麵,拌勻所有配料後同吃,麵爽﹑辣油及蒜泥醒胃﹑花生粒增加咬口,確實不錯!而且這麵不像上海那些以湯浸著,吃到最後麵質仍是彈牙的。問過店家,麵是以其自家食譜交外面工場生產,故跟一般吃開的有分別。最後來的是秘製風味骨,除了骨排,還有青紅椒點綴,賣相不錯,香氣撲鼻。不過骨排肉不多,調味有點過鹹,重口味之作。食到這裡,想多點一個主食來沖淡辣氣,故又點了一客小碗干炸($46),以為是肉碎炸麵或肉碎撈麵,上桌時才知原來是疑似炸醬麵,味濃而不辣。整體食物質素不錯,店家勤快有禮,亦主動詢問食客意見,唯這裡位置較僻,食物定價偏貴,若問我會否再來,除非忽然辣癮起,否則都未必會再來呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-05-13
我一直以來很喜歡與朋友到處去吃好料,但卻從未試過川菜。家附近有一家開了大約一年的川菜餐廳,我也從未去過。上個月就決定與表弟到這裡吃晚飯慶祝生日。這晚我們點了三道菜,分別是麻辣雞絲海蜇、四川嗆炒和擔搶麵。雖然我從未嚐過四川菜,但整體而言,這三道菜的味道都算不錯,只是麻辣雞絲海蜇讓人有點失望…麻辣雞絲海蜇加上了芥辣,味道其實配合得不錯,只是海蜇不夠入味,讓這道菜有點失色。至於四川嗆炒,其實是炒土豆絲,味道很好,但土豆絲略為軟,不夠爽脆。而擔擔麵,就非常美味,麵的軟硬度處理得也很好,我覺得絕對是值得一試的菜式。最後想讚一下店家所提供的蜜桃茶,茶的味道清新且帶點香甜,真的很不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)