4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (69)
Level4 2018-04-21
又到Happy Friday 未夠11點就跟同事book私下諗邊度嘆個lunch,隔咗陣今次要打破晚間先食嘅燒肉嘅傳統,lunch time我哋就走去燒一燒當然lunch time有set抵食好多啦,每份大約佰幾一份,一人一個爐,有飯有湯有前菜仲有沙律仲有碟靚靚肉食吓個肉質同味道都幾好,最緊要飲番杯可樂 驅走返工嘅疲勞,不過lunch time1個鐘唔多夠用,食得比較趕未能真正食到個味,但係成個星期返工日子裏最開心就係星期五。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-04-17
上星期六好 ad hoc 咁吹雞叫朋友出黎食個晚飯。好好彩俾我 last minute 咁訂到哩間。 啦啦淋一行五人衝去啦。Ad hoc 訂就一定冇牛小扒食架啦。 唔緊要下次訂定啦。 一黎就梗係點我最愛一本壺漬牛肋條啦。 哩個係我黎到次次都必食架。估唔到係個泡菜石頭飯好食過啲韓國餐廳最後收到個消業主收返個單位,所有銅鑼灣哩間店做到月底。好 sad 呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-08
老友生曰慶生,主角話事要食曰式烤肉,找了多間終於找到了一間口碑不錯的,位於銅鑼灣非常便利。店內通風做得非常好,一點油煙味都無。最窩心的是有圍裙和手機套供應,簡直貼心服務。每碟份量不大,五片左右,如食肉獸一定要點多幾碟才滿足。牛胸腹,牛面頰,牛舌,牛肋骨,雞腿肉...試過鹽味,燒汁味,調味略為重手過鹹,但質素是ok的,肉質軟腍有肉香,不錯。其實還有代勞燒烤服務,對於雞手鴨腳的我們,真的幫了不少,讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-06
假期早幾日已經book定位食大阪燒肉,侍應仲問想唔想訂埋鹿兒島牛扒,既然去得食燒肉,又唔貴($178左右),就order埋喇!叫左葱牛扒、一本壺漬牛肋條同訂左嘅鹿兒島牛扒,再加一個蛋葱飯同薯仔沙律。薯仔沙律好好味,有少少芝麻醬十分開胃!葱牛扒十分香,但葱味又唔會蓋過濃郁嘅牛味!牛扒都十分厚。鹿兒島牛扒大而薄,唔會太漏!我地覺得最好味係牛肋條,有少少辣,十分入味又惹味值得一提是店員好nice,亦會幫手燒,服務不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-24
wanted to try out this restaurant long ago, but never get to secure a table by walk in. I think it is impossible to get a seat in Futago without booking in advance. The quality of the beef is really good with reasonable price as well. The staffs are very friendly and helped us to grill the beef with optimal cooking time. However the table is too small to place all the food in. The good vibe of the restaurant would make me want to visit again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)