1-min walk from Exit D1, Whampoa MTR Station continue reading
Signature Sichuan Dan Dan noodles are so spicy and addictive because of its family-owned secret recipe, one of the most popular restaurants in Hung Hom area. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (449)
Level1 2024-08-25
當天因為要去睇演唱會,所以就search咗係附近黃埔有乜嘢食,本人超鍾意食擔擔麵,所以一見到就選擇咗呢間老字號黃埔詠藜園一上到門面就俾佢超華麗中國式嘅門面吸晴住點都要打返張卡望住個餐牌好多嘢都想食,但因為我哋只得兩個人,所以唯有試吓一啲自己又想食又比較signature嘅菜式。最後叫咗四樣嘢: 1: 改良版四川擔擔麵是一道頗受歡迎的菜品,以其獨特的風味和豐富的口感吸引了眾多食客。(改良版的分別就是多了肉碎)這道擔擔麵的醬汁不算濃郁,恰到好處,麵條的韌性也非常出色,能很完好地吸附醬汁。因為麵條是人手拉扯製造吧2. 螞蟻上樹是一道傳統的川菜菜式,配上香濃的醬汁,麻辣的味道讓人感受到豐富的層次感。螞蟻上樹的味道絕對能夠滿足喜歡辛辣的食客。肉碎的韌性和鬆軟感搭配細膩的粉絲,令每一口都充滿驚喜。粉絲吸收了醬汁的精華,口感滑順。3. 楊家小湯包 絕對值得推介用上新鮮豬肉包製,皮超級薄一口咬上满口湯汁。4: 宮保雞丁雖然只是一味很普通的菜式,但他們炒的雞丁非常嫩滑,煮得恰到好處。再配上腰果,西芹簡直是送飯一流🥰至於服務質素:侍應也很殷勤,每看見我們食完一款餸菜也會收拾一下,給我們有寬闊充足的位置擺放下一道餸菜,當所有餸菜食完後也會給我們收拾好枱子讓我們有足夠的位置品茶休息一番😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-24
有咁上下年資就會知道呢個場以前叫做蔡瀾美食坊,係由蔡生親自邀請自己心水餐廳進場開鋪,而由當年開幕做到今日都屹立不倒嘅就只剩低詠藜園。我其實開幕時已經有幫襯,中間有段時間係黃埔返工就食得更多,不過已經隔咗好耐冇食過。咁啱有事返黃埔即刻諗起要回味詠藜園最經典嘅擔擔麵!佢嘅午市套餐多年不變咁抵食,今日叫咗兩碗小辣擔擔麵,一客回鍋肉,一客生煎包,送多兩杯凍豆漿,只係$168,兩位食夠晒。擔擔麵水準依然,麵係幼麵偏爽滑,配料有肉碎花生碎,湯頭係重點我會成碗乾咗佢。以前同啲韓國同事嚟食佢哋都好喜歡呢個湯頭重會叫多碗白飯撈湯食。回鍋肉份量好足,肉菜均等。生煎包正常發揮,個底煎得脆。其實次次都想試吓其他食物,不過套餐太抵,結果都係食返最經典嘅組合。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-11
朋友介紹黃埔依間詠藜園,出名係佢嘅招牌擔擔麵。一入到嚟空間好大,裝修就比較懷舊,但好有味道。🍽️叫咗個二人餐,包咗一份前菜,主菜,小籠包,兩碗招牌擔擔麵。前菜就叫左海蜇,入口感覺清涼可口,口感清爽,但係醃料相對唔夠濃味。主菜我地就叫左一道水煮牛肉,雖然唔算太辣,但有種微微麻辣嘅感覺,牛肉嫩滑入味仲配咗一啲芽菜同埋寬粉。之後就係佢哋嘅招牌擔擔麵。麵質適中,都尚算彈牙,反而係佢嘅湯底好出色,醬料香濃又唔會太油膩。另外再叫多咗一碟腐乳通菜,份量好充足,但係略嫌偏鹹,感覺如果配一碗飯就會再好啲🤣。成個套餐質素尚算不錯,擔擔麵最為出色,但就二人套餐黎講價錢都算偏貴,性價比唔太高。不過菜式風味正宗,份量都夠,都算一次唔錯嘅用餐體驗。🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I saw this is a Michelin-rated restaurant so brought my family here for my dad’s birthday.Their 白玉葡萄 (wintermelon with soup, in the shape of pretty grapes) was pretty cute and I found it a quite enjoyable experience. Looks nice on the table too. The 雞煲奇味 was also rather tasty. These are the two best dishes I feel for the whole night.擔擔麵 personally I’ve found it fairly average (felt I’ve definitely eaten much better noodles in many other restaurants), though I personally found the 改良版 with 肉碎 tasted better than the original spicy. The noodles were thin and rather plain, and if you don’t eat it with the soup & sauce/dressing then I feel it’s not particularly striking. But even when you do, it didn’t really have the wow factor as I’d imagined they would have — as a 招牌菜。To me, Q版松鼠鱼 was better in taste than appearance. I’m not much of a fan of this, felt like the sweet-sour sauce was somewhat too strong and it hid the taste of the fish. However my mom disagreed and found it quite fine - she also was satisfied with the fish meat (conceding here I’ve only eaten a few pieces and not as much as her). We do all agree it’s a bit expensive though.牛腩筋煲 was super super 燉得軟, 軟到 like 被打斷腿筋 & boiled all the springiness out of it 的牛, but lost the zing flavor when it’s that soft. Personally I did not find it very remarkable.楊家小湯包 was dainty, there’s a little 清甜 if you eat it in 小小口。生煎包 I didn’t understand why it’s recommended at all. To me it felt like what you could have gotten with a good, expensive brand in a supermarket. But to each their own preference I suppose.冬菇小棠菜 there’s nothing very remarkable about it at all. It’s the standard you can get at home cooking. Don’t spend $78 for this unless you really are in dire and absolute need of some veggies and didn’t care about value for money.Our entire meal cost $900++ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-27
途經黃埔花園在商場內看見這家大眾化的食肆,想想吃上海菜也不錯,坐下來發覺衛生水平一般,枱面有點痴痴立立!廚師推介東坡肉賣相非常好,肉質好腍、肥肉好香,味道不錯,稍為偏甜一點,當然就預算了比較肥膩啦!另外叫了清炒蝦仁,蝦仁體積較大,少了一些細膩感,有點農家菜feel,蝦仁味道其實不錯也挺新鮮、份量亦比較多。另外主食叫了鍋貼,皮煎得比較脆,但豬肉沒有爆汁,味道一般了,比較肥膩。整體來說這間酒家食物還是可以的,餸菜比較油膩,但是衛生程度可以改善! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)