Review (5)
Level4 2011-08-17
Burger 係我既comfort food。公司附近一有新開都會走去試下,今次係呢間。食既係classic burger,即係牛肉漢堡,塊肉幾juicy鬆軟,厚度適中,不過煎到差唔多well done,都仲係幾多肉汁,都真係算係咁。飽微微烘過,烘多陣會更好,薯條睇相都知咩料,汽水呢到供應係罐裝。成個餐$60蚊,水準都ok既漢堡。 continue reading
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A quesadilla is a flour or corn tortilla filled with a savory mixture containing cheese and other ingredients, then folded in half to form. It is a dish that originated in Mexico and is very similar to a quesada. The word quesadilla derives from the Spanish word queso, meaning cheese.The one served at Uncle Hiro's is a flour tortilla, and is very thin.It reminded me of the yummy kebabs at the PFC's in London, the chicken was juicy and dripping with chicken juice.It was very refreshing because there was lots of lemon juice put in it.However the mozarella cheese was tasteless.The quesadilla felt healthy because there were lots of shredded lettuce and coriander.The food is quite expensive here, but at least they do a daily special which they didnt have earlier! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-28
是日, 到了灣仔上會計師樓, 打點一下Audit既事. 傾完, 都12點多了, 就係灣仔, 找找東西食. 聽朋友說過,係酒吧區那一頭, 新開了一家漢堡包店. 那就特地的向呢一頭行, 試一下新店.這小小的店, 主打是為於附近酒吧飲酒的人士, 提供一個送酒的晚餐或宵夜. 所以, 漢堡, Pizza, Kebab. 永遠是酒後的Favor. 而中午的客人, 就是附近行行企企的老外, 或一些喜歡食下外國野既打工仔, 如我. 記得以前, 呢一間野都係一間外賣的小店, 也是漢堡Pizza為主, 不過就比較英式. 而現在的Uncle Hiro. 就感覺上, 多了少少南亞式拉丁風味. 店內外都是印巴人打理, 而且其制服, 就是隔離Kebab店的制服. 又有Tacos夾包仔, 等等等等的. 比以前, 多完化了好多. 我就叫了其招牌的New Born Berger, 番茄生菜加牛肉, 新生的漢堡, 會唔會食到笑哈哈呢. 可是不開心的, 是芝士要加錢, 沒有了芝士的漢堡, 始終覺得差咁少少野. 不過, 一大片的番茄, 同充滿番茄醬的包. 又可以補回沒有芝士既不足既. 可是, 有一樣令我更加不開心的, 原來每日都有一個特價漢堡, 我食的New Born是星期一的Special...是日是星期五, 我應該來一個 Chicken Taco才對....可是, 我落好哂order後, 那印巴大叔才把那個易拉架拉出來......激.... 說食物, 我的是一個Combo Set, 有包有薯條有汽水. 店子格局簡單, 用上了即棄的餐具, 不過, 大部份的食品都係需要用"手"黎食. 刀叉未必用得上. 一個大漢堡, 一看就知份量不細. 而著條, 就是那一種肥肥大大, 小時候常常誤記為是傳統英式的波浪著條. 份量上, 係絕對食得飽一個鬼佬的. 而漢堡扒, 雖不是勁多肉汁既貨色, 但一食就知是手打扒, 煎到全熟, 也一樣好味. 惟是肉汁不夠多...唔夠juicy呀. 小小的外賣店, 全印巴人服務, 好有英國feel. 而且附近係酒吧, 邊食邊回想...回想什麼….以前係Birmingham落完club, 飲到爛醉時, 混混沌沌去買burger, Kebab, Pizza……..的情景.名字叫Hiro….我聯想到英雄之外, 仲有日本女歌手, 兼SPEED主音, 島袋寬子. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-07
4-3-2011未趕及試呢度的前身 Cul-de-Sac, 呢個位已變了呢間 Uncle Hiro's, 不過既然未食過, 照入去吧. 對一系列 "Mexican" 食物興趣不大, 叫了 Hawaiian burger (單點 $48) combo (加 $18), 跟 fries 及 drink 一款.Fries 係波浪薯條 , 不過炸得脆而不油, 食落薯味亦香, 食時自行灑點鹽, 都幾好食.Hawaiian Burger: 乜砌到咁高 芝麻包烘得鬆脆; 熱辣辣 beef patty 近乎 well-done, 但質地鬆軟, 肉味香, 比 Triple O's 的(http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1911552) 係有過之而無不及 其他配料仲有 lettuce, tomato, onions 及 olives, 亦當然有一大塊 pineapple, 除了 olives 無食之外. 其他的全都勁冰凍 Pineapple 夠甜, 蔬菜類就叫幾新鮮吧... 飲品拎了 Pepsi light, 但唔係汽水都評咁「屈機」呀嘛?埋單 $66, 都不失為一個不錯的 burger joint, 不過下次嚟的話都係試試 taco / quesadilla / burrito 吧. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)