2-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
The Swiss Chalet is located at Hart Avenue which promote traditional Switzerland dining culture from decoration to dishes are combined with swiss style.Restaurant does not prefer to provide either french or italian cuisine but combination of both which are more flexible for customers to choose.The most traditional cusine of Swiss is cheese fondue.Customers can choose from Gruyee, Emmetaler, Lamdenberger and Vacherin. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
One Person One Pot
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cheese fondue Ceasar Salad Goose liver with black rice Fried Veal in Swiss Style
Review (296)
週年紀念來到瑞士餐廳共度晚餐,發現餐廳在街外有點低調,入到餐廳亦覺得很有舊式、傳統、樸實的感覺,格外有情調。一坐下侍應便主動遞上牛油及麵包,侍應會問我們麵包要哪兩款,麵包頗別緻而且味道不錯。牛仔肉,蘑菇,白酒忌廉汁釀酥皮盒 - 牛仔肉非常林,配上白酒忌廉都唔會一種很膩的感覺反而帶岀牛肉的鮮味,酥皮亦非常鬆脆,切下酥皮盒時白酒忌廉汁仲會流岀來,非常治癒❤️雜菌芝士火鍋配法包 - 非常邪惡😈的芝士火鍋,想不到仲帶有香濃的白酒味,法包完全吸收整個芝士醬汁,連唔食芝士嘅我,今次都食得津津有味。燒羊架跟菠菜麵根 - 羊架我選了5成熟,想不到羊架燒得十分惹味且因有油脂而略帶羊肉羶味,不羶不羊肉😋,外皮更意想不到的香脆,有驚喜。罌花子撻配炒金蘋果及雲呢拿雪糕 - 罌花子撻十分香濃,好好食,炒金蘋果亦很香甜,至於雪糕係Movenpick, 而且職員表示有數款口味可以選擇,還有各種berries 配搭,真的色香味俱全😋。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level7 2023-07-10
週末收到嬸婆邀請過海午膳,地點為其相熟嘅「瑞士餐廳」,為食小XO唔洗返工喎,當然立即答允。原來長輩早於開店前經已認識大廚及經理,緣自半島酒店!據悉,英文店名中嘅「Swiss Chalet」其實係一種傳統瑞士小木屋設計,室內木造嘅裝修及打獵嘅裝飾好自然地亦以此作題。食客大多都係三代同桌用餐,故用餐大堂擺出嘅都係長枱。八口子被安排入座店內嘅方形上座,印有餐店大名嘅布餐墊滲出歐陸風情。散點餐牌共有四頁之多。午市亦有兩款素食及行政套餐可選。另有是日推介項目。經理哥哥推介嘅白酒好清新,炎炎夏日可助降溫。點好菜,即由外藉服務員派發暖手嘅麵包。大肥爸爸真係好眼,見到配備嘅牛油都印有餐廳個名。Oven baked Burgundy Snails($132):是日精選嘅焗田螺香潤彈牙。烘瑞士(辣力芝士)配新薯、酸洋蔥仔及酸青瓜仔($78/Taster Portion):熟客們極力推介嘅芝士超級巧薄嘅同時竟能如此香脆,真係冇介紹錯,必吃也!忌廉菠菜湯:忌廉湯輕盈芬芳,稀杰度適中,叔公一口氣飲咗兩碗,證明一啲都唔溜!Beef Tartar flavored with Calvados with toast($198/as an appetizer):牛肉他他香濃惹味,頭盤份量都配夠四件鬆脆嘅多士,建議可兩個人分享。Black Mussels “a la Poulette our favorite” white wine herb cream sauce($218):席上嘅長輩們大讚青口BB細細隻,容易食,而且好鮮甜。食完仲要排埋個殼陣,勁搞笑!Fresh German White Asparagus:粗粗嘅白露筍清脆甜美,一啲渣都冇!扒美國牛柳配什磨菇汁、跟薯餅及時菜($358):主菜揀咗美國安格斯牛柳,厚厚嘅牛扒肉香鬆軟。尖沙咀老字號「瑞士餐廳」格調輕鬆,服務生親切落力,有求必應,西餐菜式量足味佳,溫情洋溢嘅瑞士小木屋似乎不少愛共聚天倫嘅棒場客支持。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-24
2022年聖誕去呢度慶祝因為我話想食芝士火鍋餐廳格調好classic嘅歐式小屋見到差不多每檯客都會點芝士火鍋未食已經好興奮😆點完餐有人拎成籃包問我地想食邊隻餐包我好貪心差唔多每樣都要咗件淨係包包都食飽飽叫咗杯傳統聖誕飲品Mulled Wine小小嘅一杯飲過或者聽過嘅都知道Mulled wine係熱飲黎因為加熱之後 酒精揮發基本上佢唔係一杯酒唔飲酒嘅人都可以飲㗎龍蝦湯好濃味好creamy嘅湯酥皮盒呢個好少係香港見到/食到本身鍾意食酥皮 加埋啲白汁 無得輸芝士火鍋(麵包,牛肉,雜菜)芝士正 不過燒得耐小心燶底要keep住攪吓佢佢跟包包,肉同雜菜所以淨係呢個都夠飽Tiramisu 始終唔係意大利餐廳唔好要求咁高喇😅Hot raspberry with ice cream呢個真係初體驗佢淋咗啲酒 雪糕凍嘅 raspberry 醬熱嘅期待下次嘅芝士火鍋😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-23
今次同幾個朋友突然間興起話去食,其實我同其中個朋友耐唔中就會嚟食,所以冇乜特別期待因為都知道基本上都還可以。因為今次多咗幾個人,所以可以嗌多少少,芝士火鍋方便就叫咗兩款,一款係純芝士,一款係蕃茄芝士,純芝士味道比較傳統,蕃茄芝士就會開胃啲,完全係睇個人喜好。除咗麵包之外,一般習慣都會叫多一份新薯用嚟點芝士。呢個完全係個人喜好,有興趣嘅都可以試吓。仲有嗌咗份鵝肝,同埋個凱撒沙律,另外加蘆筍,鵝肝味道係唔錯嘅,份量可能細咗少少,凱撒沙律調嘅味道都好足夠,佢特別肥大嘅蘆筍,加埋個汁嘅味道都好好味。其實之後仲有叫咗個牛仔肉加薯餅,同埋一份魚,不過掛住傾偈唔記得影相,之後唔夠我哋都嗌咗播一份開晒沙律。整體來講都係幾好嘅,就係有陣時叫餸溝通方面要清楚啲,如果唔係有機會會搞錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The Swiss chalet’s is located right next to the office so it is pretty convenient for me and my colleagues to have lunch together. The inferior decoration is pretty vintage as it shows up some gun decorations on the wall and I think it is pretty cool. The only down side about the restaurant is servers are not being super friendly when we walked in. I have no idea when we entered the restaurant, when the lady asked me if I have made reservations and she couldn’t even guide me where to sit when I told her I didn’t make reservations. I think they need to improve their skills of guiding customers to their table. But luckily the male server brought us to an empty table. So it’s okay to me now.Speaking of the lunch set menu I honestly have nothing to complain. It has an appetiser and free selection of bread main and dessert with coffee/tea in the price range at $200. They change menu every week so you feel get bored of their food. For today I ordered salad with mozzarella cheese and vinegar. It was pretty appetising. I ordered the New Zealand beef tenderloin as main. I admired that they have a specific sauce to dip with the meat instead of some regular pepper sauceFor the dessert 🍮 I ordered the movempick chocolate ice cream it was good and satisfying! I mean $200 for a lunch like this I won’t say no! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)