4-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (63)
Level3 2023-10-30
☕️☕️餐廳名: The Roastery X地區: 大角咀評語:Iced Caramel Latte - 焦糖稍微淡左 咖啡唔濃Hot Latte - 拉花好靚 飲落咖啡好醇 好重奶味結論: 店舖偏離旺區 但空間感高同好安靜 想做下野飲杯野望風景十分適合 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物點了特製煙肉醬x安格斯牛肉漢堡配薯條($128)和墨西哥烤雞胸捲餅($78)。咖啡點了Iced Black 和 Flat White。 總括而言,兩個食物都好好味。安格斯牛肉漢堡中間的牛肉煎得很好,保留足夠的肉汁。沙律菜很新鮮,食入口爽口脆身。相反而言,薯條就變得平平無奇,但新鮮炸起,依然不錯。 墨西哥烤雞胸卷餅, 外層的捲餅翻熱了,內裏的烤雞胸,一吃就係墨西哥的味道,有少少辣味,但又不會很辣。足夠帶起雞胸的鮮味,再配合小小香草的味道,讓這個雞胸變得更為可口。 flat White, 味道偏向nutty , 飲到almond的味道, 餘韻有少少果酸味。相反iced black 偏向Fruity, 相比其他咖啡店, 我們覺得質素偏向中上。最後,值得一讚的是這裏上餐速度很快。 即使我們今天有點趕時間仍然能夠吃完。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-27
🏗裝修工業風,環境比較寧靜,坐底飲杯咖啡,傾下計既好選擇🥚Egg Benedict with Parma Ham酸種包係我食cafe 既首選,賣相都唔錯,兩隻水波蛋脹卜卜,切開仲要好流心😍有Parma Ham加埋啲沙律菜,感覺好清新,加埋荷蘭醬酸酸地好開胃🍝Carbonara with Onsen Egg用左扁意粉,相對容易掛汁,意粉都咬口,忌廉汁濃稠,食到有少少芝士味,溫泉蛋撈埋一齊,口感更Creamy😋☕️Flat White咖啡可以揀Nutty同Fruity,我自己就揀左Nutty,鐘意帶果香同有酸味既,可以揀Fruity,咖啡味算香濃🌟設加一及需自行到收銀處點餐🫶🏻想睇更多食評,記得留意IG __imfoodieb continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-05-29
Nice deco and good ambient. Coffee is good. But… the food was a bit of a disappointment. Ingredients were fine, so it was more to do with the handling of the food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又到星期六啦,一於去飲吓咖啡☕️❣️不過遲咗起身,所以搵間大d嘅Cafe,咁就唔使等咁耐位啦😆 The Roastery X位於大角咀嘅利奧坊,係一個舊區之中重建而成嘅商場。一去到就會見到落地大玻璃,間鋪夠大,空間感十足,座位又多,所以唔使等就可以入去啦😎 間鋪裝修得幾靚,風格鮮明,行工業風,全店主要係以泥水牆、木、黑色嘅鐵,再配以黑、白、啡、灰嘅色調結合而成🤩 我特別欣賞一律鐵都係油黑色,無論係店內嘅所有枱腳、凳腳、遮架等等,抑或係門外嘅長凳凳腳,都係黑色的🖤 坐低睇好食咩,就去點餐俾錢先再返埋位等食🥰 order咗一杯Latte、一杯Iced Rose Latte、一份Eggs Benedict with Parma Ham! 先上一杯Latte☕️ $44呢到嘅咖啡豆可以揀Nutty or Fruity,我就揀咗Nutty,味道唔錯,尚算香濃,都幾大杯。 再上Iced Rose Latte☕️ $52話明Rose Latte,加幾塊花瓣🌹俾人影吓相,賣相都幾好呀😂 老實說,玫瑰糖漿實在太甜,不建議。 最後上埋Eggs Benedict with Parma Ham $98賣相還好啦~又幾好味喎❤️ 個hollandaise sauce、poached egg嘅蛋汁加埋咸咸地嘅Parma ham連埋sourdough一齊食,好滿足呀☺️ 我特別鍾意佢哋係用sourdough代替english muffin,好似無咁滯😆 如果旁邊負責擺盤嘅石榴可以多d就好啦😅俾大家睇下隻poached egg,掂呀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 店員服務態度都ok,見你食完碟嘢,會主動過來收起隻碟,Cafe來說比較少有😂 價錢還好,屬於中價位,無收服務費。 📍總結一下,間鋪裝修幾好,夠大夠舒適,枱同枱之間又唔算太迫,員工態度唔錯,咖啡同食物嘅質素亦都唔錯,可以再戰! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)