以自家製麵包做主打的咖啡店。 continue reading
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Review (23)
Level3 2010-12-18
It would be great to enjoy a long lunch in a nice restaurant with my darling during the last Friday of my annual leave~~ After plenty of sleep, I called to book a reservation for 2. We arrived 10 minutes earlier than expected. THe restaurant is easy to locate and the service is nice. We ordered 2 set lunch with maincourse being vegetable Lasagne and another being Chicken Spagehetti. For appetizer, we had chicken rolls and mushroom cream soup. Both the main course and appetizers are nice with rich taste~~ After the nice food, we are served with a choco dessert. It is excellent for its moderate texture and choco concentration. Finally, we ended our meal with a cappucino (no extra charge). What an enjoyable lunch on a leisure Friday~~ANd what surprised me most, is the goodbye by the waitress. SHe remembered my name!!! I mentioned once when I book the table~~ What a pleasure experience !!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-28
中環食lunch, 今次得朋友仔提議, 走完一點覓食real bread 原來不是包店, 食的也不只是包包4人同行, 但叫了兩款lunch set.. 1/ bread: 挺香口的包包, 如果叮熱一點會更好2/ chicken skewer (starter): 雞肉軟身, 配埋個汁好入味3/ Full English breakfast: 唔知點解大家都鍾意lunch time 食breakfast set.. 情有獨鍾。4/ Chicken noodles w/ cheese: 我就點了Chicken noodles w/ cheese 了, 好creamy.. 放棄減肥計劃...5/ Cappucino: 餐飲仲可以唔洗額外加$$ 飲Cappucino, 好抵~~~6/ cream cake: 仲有dessert 係choco cake w/ cream.. 入面好似有d 果仁粒, 有d 咬口, 幾好好豐富既一餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-11-27
Went to Soho looking for Brunch today and stumbled upon this cafe. It's somewhat hard to find at first but you will definitely see it if you're on the escalators. It's got a nice atmosphere, open air style and relaxed. I had the spanish omelet (picture below). It had chorizo, peppers and onions on top as well as a side salad with pine and cherry tomatoes as well as some bell peppers. In addition there was some fresh bread, absolutely delicious. Pricing was good. only 88 for the omelet. The only complaint I have is that the mimosas had a bit too much pulp for my liking. Wait staff was attentive but not pushy. Great place for brunch and lunch with such wonderful weather continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-23
十月二十五日 (星期一)中環的SOHO區位置較僻遠是我們午飯時間較少踏足之地今日找來Carman和Jacky一起前往,目的地是Real Bread Comapny的門市在九如坊自設廠房生產麵包在Real Bread Cafe自然可以有機會品嚐麵包鬆軟無比,加入小麥更添口感至於正餐,我和老公仔分別點了波菜雞肉意粉和All Day Breakfast打從在英國回來,我和老公仔都對All Day Breakfast念念不忘雖在香港始終吃不出那種情懷,但起碼能回味一下那種味道炒蛋很麥當奴式的,會較為嫩滑特別欣賞煙肉,因煎煙肉少不免會有很多油份滲出,但這裡的偏偏就不會太油膩配上香煎雞肉腸,加一些焗豆,幾塊多士,成了一個很完整的All Day Breakfast我要旳是set lunch中的菠菜雞肉意粉前菜是燒雞肉串雞肉經過燒製,難得的仍能保持嫩滑菠菜蓉拌得十分均勻,意粉是Al Dente的加上雞肉非常入味,而且鮮嫩無比,成為今天的推介飲品和甜品都是一般水準,今回不多介紹若想忙裡偷閒,午膳時間在這裡找個避靜的角落不失為一樂也 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-10-02
我極愛麵包,偶爾來這邊已光顧過數次,約朋友吃晚飯安排去REAL BREAD CAFE環境燈光照舊務求營造氣氛,令影相難度增加 FIGHTING!! STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIES...fresh strawberry...nice,me & friends love so much Pumpkin risotto with salmon> fantasic risotto,not too rich all is pumpkin flavour意大利飯造型甚美感覺清新 pizza (spinach.mushroom,tomato & ham) homemade pizza,quality is wonderful salmon Carbonara))not too rich & really yummy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)