Exit F, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Under the watchful eye of our award-winning pastry experts, The Mandarin Cake Shop has been catering Hong Kong’s sweet tooth for over 45 years. Stay for homemade delicacies including chocolates, pastries and incredible cakes made to look like exquisite masterpieces. Alternatively, take away a sweet gift to savour at home. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Central and Western (2012, 2014), Best Service Restaurant (2013, 2015), Best Dessert Shop (2010-14)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (706)
早排我朋友生日,一直諗緊買一個點嘅生日蛋糕俾佢,事關佢都好嘴刁對蛋糕要求好高。最後揀咗喺文華東方酒店入面嘅呢間餅店,一路以嚟佢哋嘅蛋糕都好出名,係信心一步保證。**Opera Cake**一打開盒見到個蛋糕就覺得佢真係好有氣勢!成個蛋糕用黑朱古力做嘅外層,上面仲有啲金箔做裝飾,睇落去已經好吸引。切開嚟睇,裡面層層疊疊,有咖啡蛋糕、咖啡忌廉、朱古力醬等,真係好豐富。第一啖咬落去,真係驚為天人!咖啡蛋糕嘅香味好濃郁,而且口感鬆軟,唔會太乾。咖啡忌廉好滑,而且帶有淡淡嘅苦味,同咖啡蛋糕嘅甜味互相平衡,真係好夾。朱古力醬好濃郁,而且唔會太甜,可以提升成個蛋糕嘅層次感,真係好完美嘅配搭。當然,呢個Opera Cake嘅價錢都唔係平嘢,不過我覺得物有所值。如果你想試吓正宗嘅西式餅店嘅甜品,呢個Opera Cake真係唔可以錯過!文華餅店 (中環)中環干諾道中5號香港文華東方酒店閣樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-04
其實呢間酒店啲西餅真係貴到嚇人,一件西餅$50-$70 ,貴過平時食一餐,這個價錢甚至毛可以食兩餐,不過其實質素的確唔錯,味道相當好,香味之外又不算太甜,當然我不會說物超所值。Mousse 份量夠多,但是味道都不算太甜,chocolate 味道夠香濃,同樣不會令到件餅太甜,nuts 剛好用來點綴,然後中間又有朱古力,整件蛋糕帶點巧克力香氣,但是味道不算太甜,多重口感,實屬特別,不過成$70/1件,難免令人有點卻步。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
===目前為止食過最好食 | HK no.1 Cheesecake===芝士、牛油、砂糖 ⋯⋯這個組合卡路里超標,但一想起濃重的奶香和順滑的口感,仍會忍不住一試再試。每個品牌都有自家配方,風味迴異。文華東方酒店這個經典Cheesecake頗具名氣,聽說是首創於1963年,是喜歡傳統芝士蛋糕的cakelover之選。蛋糕看上去厚實,入口卻軟滑非常、濕潤得來也漿口、濃重的奶香帶有芝士獨有的鹹鮮,味道風富,吃完齒頰留香。(每小件$48) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因为这个蛋糕真的太难吃了,所以专门过来写一个差评。10.28老公预定了文华的生日蛋糕,起初看到这款Opera,又专门去个网站搜索了一下,发现都是一致好评,心想朱古力咖啡榛子rum的组合出错的概率也不大吧?拿回个蛋糕后,首先试了下白朱古力牌,味道不错;再试了一口蛋糕,中间的海绵蛋糕层是湿的!!!泡水的海绵蛋糕!!!整个蛋糕一下子就没胃口吃了,想不明白为什么蛋糕会是湿的,难道是因为之前冷冻后解冻水汽浸湿了蛋糕?总之非常失望,这个价格本可以买到更棒的蛋糕,希望店家以后可以注意一下这点,未来能够改进吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-08
Mandarin Oriental, very famous for its cakes. I always go to the cake shop to buy cheesecakes, caneles, scones and their really good chocolate muffins. Caneles are a must try item and i reckon that they’re the best ones in Hong Kong. They only have a limited amount baked every day though, and it is usually sold out by the evening. The custard vanilla rum filling is very very fragrant and the crisp shell is on point. Really very nicely made and would recommend. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)