10-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
It is Italian restaurant with good environment. They offer traditional western food. They also have many choices of wine. It is a good place for gathering. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (94)
Ordered food online and the food didn't taste good. However if you want to go please read the reviews first, I don't want anyone like me and those customers..- Desserts was packaged in a foil tray that didn't fit. It would be bad if the box was turned upside down during delivery. Because no one can guarantee it.- Pizza was dry and tasteless.Then it happened when I was curious to read the reviews.. I read those one star reviews and the restaurant responded but the attitude was complaining and aggressive.They explained how many orders they had like they didn't care but when there was a problem it was because there were too many orders.🌟 PLEASE read those one and two star reviews and see how they respond. I even read on tripadvisor that they said they were looking for a lawyer in Italy to sue the customer just because he thought it was a fake review and criminal offense. also said that the review was revenge. And the reason he responded to the review and thought it was fake was because the customer had "China" in the username. And many other rude and ridicule replies.🌟All of what I said you can find on tripadvisor, google and openrice, openrice is a popular food review website in Hong Kong.BUT I found that tripadvisor reviews sometimes don't show up, so choose 1 star/Terrible. There are about 16 one star reviews there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係餐廳網站到落單 一開始唔知係實體餐廳,食物係煮好哂 預先包裝冷運送上門 食用時再加熱,唔係外賣。21號落單後收到email話餐廳有確診要一個星期後先出貨,問我要唔要退錢我話照等。等左一個星期收到食物我都好努力想搵啲優點但真係無咁濟。就係沙律菜好新鮮好令同烤麵包正常。所有食物包裝都無食用期限,要自己上番個網睇啲食物擺到幾耐,之後有send email講番同提及可能違反左食物規例 / 指引 或 食物安全條例,但主廚親自回覆無回答呢個問題只係話所有食物都係新鮮整。Margherita收到時上面啲芝士已經乾哂同縮水,姐係整時已經同芝士一齊焗埋,但又無理由焗到縮水皺哂咁 最多都係乾啫。唔係好似平時見既急凍pizza咁啲芝士係未焗。咁到食用時再次加熱啲芝士就更加乾。另外個批同番茄醬唔好食,已經按照餐廳網站提供既焗爐溫度同時間加熱。簡單啲講餐廳係按平時做法出餐無考慮到預先包裝食物再次加熱既狀態。ILLY coffee cheesecake 個名就有個咖啡牌子,網站同食評啲相都有跟illy既espresso,但我就收唔到仲奇怪個cake食落無咖啡味,咁都明白如果跟埋espresso食用時都走哂味,有問係漏左定網上訂單唔會跟espresso,但主廚無回覆呢個問題。Arrabbiata Rigatoni 意粉同醬汁入埋一袋都合理既因為係煮完就入袋包裝。但始終醬汁同意粉擺埋一齊存放擔心口感變差。Bruschetta 味道普通無咩特別。Burrata cheese芝士味道正常,沙律菜非常新鮮,但兩塊烤麵包仔消失左。Shortcrust Baskets with Cherry in Syrup Fine Pastry Mignon 內餡食落似最平既餅店,撻皮無牛油香味。理解廚師對自己既食物執著同信心,可能拎佢啲新鮮pizza同急凍比較激嬲左佢🤔 咁無計兩個性質一樣係差在可以擺放幾耐。一個係芝士已經焗過仲要乾哂,另一個係新鮮未焗芝士擺面 等你要食果時加熱啲芝士就溶到可以拉絲。🤔的確我後面再send email時語氣重左,同埋好直接咁話無諗到食過最差既pizza會係間意大利餐廳。咁主廚覺得無尊重到佢 嬲都正常既😂 但主廚話好多好多人都鐘意佢地既食物,係一流既意大利餐廳 然後我睇到呢到7頁既食評⋯😬😬老實講係因為餐廳(主廚)回覆嬲到直接開acc寫食評,當然我都知唔係餐廳入面食味道實無咁好,但食物質素真係連普通都算唔上。無特登踩話啲食物唔好食,因為真係唔好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-02-01
工作上要和客戶lunch meet-up,這間爬到上soho附近的餐廳原來是隱世高手,平日1230已經開始人頭湧湧,主要是因為性價比實在太高,set lunch基本$88起,有沙律餐湯主食和飲品,重點是有自家製breadstick 無限refill!Set lunch $88未吃前我還會想這個bread stick看似沒什麼特別,入口發現芝士咸香充足,雖然有點油但這個油感令麵包更好咬,加上煙韌口感,點一點醋特別開胃,或者沾餐湯吃也非常搭配😍主食我則點了很基本的bolognese pasta,用新鮮蕃茄製成蓉的蕃茄醬很鮮甜,上面有很有咬口的肉碎和豐富的芝士,令意粉味道鹹中帶蕃茄甜味,意粉彈牙程度亦剛剛好,中間散發柔柔的香草味,份量也是剛剛好,是令人滿足的主食。最後飲品我點了最愛的cappuccino,奶泡夠厚,咖啡豆味濃郁,喝完會有完整的感覺,加上是大杯咖啡,讓我可以和其他人多聊一會,加上餐廳座位舒適,就算平常和朋友來也是一個不錯的聚會地點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-01-04
唔會有第2 次首先 燒牛個鐵板唔夠熱 牛食落冇牛味 食落似香口膠質感 只能靠點汁有番d味個水牛芝士就偏乾 冇咩味 唔好食再黎個意大利火腿雲吞 淡 冇味 冇一樣係好食 唔推薦大家哂錢黎試服務員態度串 冇咩禮貌環境好嘈 燈光太暗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-01-01
Bruschetta was the only decent food, yet not worth at all for its price. Bread was reheated and stale, pasta and ravioli were extremely oily and unbelievably bland. I didn’t even know steak could be tasteless until tonight, and some of it was so rare you couldn’t cut it apart. Salt is your best friend at this restaurant, and even then it would not save it. Don’t come. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)