Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level4 2016-09-27
素食餐廳一樣可以好有情調,我喺呢度都度過左一個美滿的晚上。各位都要留意返呢間唔係樣樣菜都可以走五辛,好似我以下介紹既莎莎。莎莎係絕佳的開胃小前菜,十分新鮮優質,沒有渣滓。和其他材料打碎融合成醬之後fresh得不得了,用伴碟的墨西哥脆片沾上番茄容、一脆一滑冇得彈。非常鐘意呢個雜莓沙律,睇得出選用的材料都好靚,尤其是啲莓子。特別鐘意藍莓同raspberry! Raspberry大大粒,顏色好鮮艷好好睇,味道充滿大自然氣息。水牛芝士番茄pizza熱辣辣、芝士拉出黎真係有成寸長!番茄醬的味道好清新,唔似係用左太多後天加工的精制的番茄醬,值得大大力加許。不過,最令我唔開心就係杯野飲。我見杯野飲叫「禪」,我好奇杯野有幾禪所以就叫左啦。不過我試唔出杯野飲有其他menu上列明的材料、只係飲得出好重的青瓜味=.=……啲味濃到似某品牌的青瓜沖涼液,的確唔太討好。我加左好多次水落杯野飲度都覺得好濃味,可能每個人既觀點角度唔同啦… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-24
第一次來這間餐廳,看似不錯,但原來伏味濃。$58一碟薯角超細碟,只能說是配菜份量,重點是又油又淋。野菌薄餅貴得來,最難吃,裡面麵粉都未熟就上檯,投訴還說已經熟左,我不懂,這麼難吃的竟收這個價錢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Ordered a skim latte and then milk was over steamed. Very bad experience. Customer service not attentive at all too. Would not recommend. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-08-04
We had the set lunch. I picked the pumpkin soup as the starter and the black truffle & olive oil linguine as the main.I've told the waitress that I'm a vegan when she came to take our order (I think she's the manager). She sounded unsure when I asked her whether the pumpkin soup was vegan, which was weird considering this is a vegetarian / vegan restaurant. I double confirmed that it was indeed vegan then ordered it. Was pretty disappointed that the soup was tasteless. It didn't taste bad - it simply had no taste.The linguine was average.Then there was a complimentary dessert. It was a brownie, which I immediately detected possible dairy ingredients - so I asked the waiter who brought it whether it has dairy in it. He had to run back a forth a few times to ask the chef until he could confirm that it was indeed vegan. I even had to explain to him what vegan diet was about. Since he told me it had no diary in it, I picked up my fork and hesitated whether to believe him... Then he ran back to me and told me that there was indeed dairy in it. I could've eaten it!For a vegetarian restaurant, obviously the staff had very poor training. I do not recommend this restaurant for vegans. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-07-17
期待咗n 年終於有機會試呢間想食好耐嘅餐廳, 可惜十分失望。入面員工嘅態度都好好, 好好笑容,而且見到我地兩個女仔問要唔要 share plate, 可見幾細心,但系食物一嚟到就非常驚訝。 首先叫咗杯very berry, 入面只係糖漿加少少水果加水,感覺無咩特別而且份量一般。到小食同主菜嚟個陣仲驚訝,因為個份量細得好緊要, 係比平時食出面普通 main course 細一倍有多,連細食嘅我地都嚇咗一跳。 味道方面,個前菜我地叫咗墨西哥芝士餅配 番茄牛油果 sauce,餐廳唔太細心,無寫到係辣嘅,到嚟咗我地先知道, 我本身唔系好食得辣但好接受到, 但如果完全唔食得辣就唔好叫呢個啦。 個皮好脆, 但唔夠熱所以 cheese 同個皮都唔夠香,至於個 sauce冇咩特別,就系普通番茄同牛油果 mix 埋, 亦唔覺同個餅有幾夾,做唔到好滿意嘅效果。到咗主菜, 一嚟到就聞到非常非常香嘅黑松露蘑菇味,食落好有意大利飯應該硬嘅質感,但系覺得個份量同價錢170幾蚊 一啲都唔成正比,所以令我非常失望環境方面,昏昏暗暗令人好放鬆, 但影相就一般啦, 但如果想同朋友輕鬆傾下計都系一個唔錯嘅地方,可能店入面唔系好多人,所以店員都冇趕我地走,同平時食開好多西餐廳又限時又問埋單差好遠,好值得一不過呢加係夏天見到遠處放咗好似聖誕樹覺得好好笑唔知攞嚟做咩呢服務環境都好好, 但食物質素同份量都有待改善,因為同一價錢會寧願選擇其他素食餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)