Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 19:00
Fri - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (56)
Level1 2021-05-25
落完單職員問:「依家幫你翻熱定你自己返去翻熱?」個刻都呆咗一呆,心諗唔係新鮮整架咩?🙃之後見佢係雪櫃到攞咗幾盒嘢出嚟入袋,教我翻熱方法,然後話送多一盒雞扒俾我試下。大半個鐘車程返到屋企,全程有冷氣。攞啲外賣出袋,發現其中一盒嘅「此日期或之前食用」已經係尋日!先明白點解咁好送多一盒雞扒飯!但賣過期食物絕對不能接受!仲要價錢唔平!開始食嘅時候,黑毛豬個盒同燒牛扒個盒嘅南瓜同蘿蔔絲都有「叔」味,變壞咗🤷🏻‍♀️其他就無事!轉咗形式之後無諗過會差成咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-21
午餐點了韓式石燒牛扒飯($94) 和熱玫瑰茶($20)。或許因為衛生考慮,飯餐以環保物料製的外賣飯盒pre-pack好,一格飯、一格肉、一格菜。外觀精緻的日式木便當盒不復見,雖感失望,但可理解。飯盒上列有營養資料 e.g. 597卡路里、37g蛋白質、81g 碳水化合物、14g 脂肪,亦有標示所含食材,e.g.米飯選用越光米,配菜有西蘭花、紫椰菜、冬菇、紅蘿蔔、南瓜、車厘茄、枝豆。不同顏色不同種類的菜蔬,營養相當均衡,惟南瓜煮得略為偏硬。至於主菜牛扒,味道還可,但質地頗乾、韌、缺乏彈性,想不細嚼慢嚥也難。欣賞其healthy comfort food的理念,這裡的food夠healthy是真的,但恐怕未能徹底comfort我的味蕾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-03
*用心製作的便當*未爆第4波疫情前,我帶左兩個仔仔去南豐沙廠入面的「The Big Things」遊樂場玩,個遊樂場真係幾好玩,好多元化,一個鐘真係唔會夠玩,最後我地仲加左半小時時間俾仔仔玩多陣。玩完我地就過對面「The Big Things Kitchen」食Lunch,「The Big Things Kitchen」用餐環境好舒服,店員都好親切,我哋點了石燒牛扒便當,吉列豬扒便當,叫了一份雞扒南瓜湯烏冬兒童餐俾哥哥,兒童餐仲有飲品和雪糕,而家只要憑樂園票尾就可以享用20% off 的兒童餐。石燒牛扒便當和吉列豬扒便當的配菜都非常多,好健康。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-12-12
Looking for a kid friendly restaurant? Look no further, the big thing is a thematic restaurant, that is located next to their huge indoor playground, so if u're looking for a place to let ur kids loose, look no further.The menu at this restaurant is a japanese fusion restaurant with a creative menu, which is honestly very refreshing and attractive to even an adult.Singapore spicy crab udon..... world cannot describe this delicacy. generous portion of crab meat tempura served on top of a singaporean spicy paste and udon! The fresh taste of crab meat is highlighted by the mild spicy base of the paste. It's like devouring a spicy crab without the hassle of deshelling. Such a good experience. The texture of crab meat is chewy and fresh. Definitely made with the freshest and high quality ingredients.The Gyudon is a very good choice for meat lovers like me. Steak is medium cooked and sliced to perfect thickness to pair with the don. The meat is juicy and succulent grilled, served in lukewarm temperature. I'd say this is a masterpiece.The black sugar coffee is also very well crafted. The black sugar stands out very well but not covering the base coffee flavor. Strawberry milkshake is also a blast. Deliciously smooth and sweet strawberry scent. Definitely try them out! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-12-12
趁着假期,我哋嚟到 #南豐紗廠 走一圈📍 可能係weekday嘅關係,人流唔係太多、唔使人迫人,好好享受 #慢活 嘅生活。第一次嚟到呢度,感覺都幾特別,大部份店舖都係 #自家製 嘅品牌,而每一個樓層都有啲特色餐廳,行到攰攰地又可以坐低飲杯嘢☕️ 呢日我哋揀咗「The Big Things Kitchen」嚟個 early dinner。餐廳嘅裝修 表面睇嚟簡簡單單,不過每一個 #小擺設 都幾特別,搞到我掛住周圍影相,爭啲唔記得叫嘢食🤪 餐牌上嘅食物相都好吸引,搞到我樣樣都想試👉🏻👈🏻 不過一場嚟到,梗係要搵啲特別嘅食物,見門口大大個廣告牌推薦 #Impossible黯然銷魂飯,我估應該都唔差嘅... 一於試下佢,另外我就加咗杯 #士多啤梨奶昔 做餐飲😅 放假就比自己放縱吓啦嘛😉 講返個「Impossible黯然銷魂飯」,其實就係用 #素肉 做成嘅 #叉燒,配埋隻 #太陽蛋 同 #菜芯、再加個 #白飯 嘅 組盒,師傅仲 #好細心 配埋個 #秘製蔥油 比我,撈埋落啲白飯一齊食,零舍有 #風味🤤 #素叉燒 似係用啲 #滷水豆腐干 再夾埋啲特別嘅配方而成,味道都幾特別呀🤤 至於杯奶昔好重奶香味、口感幼滑,唔錯唔錯❤️而我朋友叫嘅係 #石燒鯖魚 套餐,望落去單係顏色嘅配搭已經夠晒煞食,煎香嘅 #鯖魚,搭以 #烤南瓜、#羅勒醬意粉,夠飽肚之餘、又健康🥗 整體餐廳嘅服務都唔錯,食材又 #健康🍅 得閒嚟呢邊行吓食吓、扮吓 #文青,都係一個 #放鬆心情 嘅好選擇嚟㗎😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)