5-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2017-03-04
星期四那天,我們到這間餐廳食中午,這是一間食泰國菜的餐廳,等了好耐才有位,但食物味道一般,難免有點令人失望。那天我點的是泰式青咖哩雞飯,餐飲是椰汁冰。青咖哩一般的材料包括有椰奶,魚露,檸檬葉,泰式青咖哩醬,而這兒的青咖哩除了以上材料外,還有指天椒和豆角,而且配上大辣椒後,本來已夠辣味的青咖哩變得太辣,豆角亦不夠稔,感覺泰國茄子配青咖哩會更夾, 豆角配青咖哩有點奇怪,雞肉沒有鮮味,肉質不夠嫩滑,青咖哩汁辣了點,但味道正常,青咖哩汁配白飯都可以接受,只是太辣, 加上白飯份量很多,最後都食唔哂,有點浪費。冬瓜湯則無特別,椰汁冰原以為可以解辣,可惜椰汁味有點淡和不夠凍,而椰汁,淡奶和糖的比例不太平均,感覺淡奶的份量偏多,椰汁的份量較少,所以椰汁味不夠,而且偏淡。概括而論,青咖哩汁味道尚可,只是偏辣,椰汁冰不夠凍和淡了些,而價錢方面,以同區餐廳而言則算合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-17
中環便宜唔貴的泰國菜餐廳真心唔多, 聽朋友講原來呢度有一間,今日lunch就去左食喇~坐位好少, 所以都等得幾耐下, 入到去落單, 唔知係咪繁忙時間呢所以都幾亂~至於食物, 琴日去就唔太覺得係想像中咁好~不過價錢真係便宜係真ge~講下個海南雞飯先~骨比一般的1海南雞飯多~皮是一堆似的~冇切斷個雞件, 所以連埋一堆..我覺得呢方面可以處理好一d.雞GE肉質冇特別, 其實少少似白切雞咁~冇特別滑同埋冇一般海南雞飯D雞凍凍地GE感覺~但係呢個海南雞飯ge黃飯係唔差ge,味都幾香~夠暖飯冇凍~但係佢個汁呢都幾OK GE~少少辣,撈飯都幾好~不過雞份量唔多得黎又骨太多~如果改善下, 唔洗食到一半要淨係食飯就更好了~(雖然就咁食飯飯都好食GE_)~m.冇特別~味精湯~HAHAA建議唔想飲凍野但又唔係想多冰的朋友~~~記得要叫少冰~呢杯係正常冰~但係D冰多到點督點督唔入咁制~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-08-12
服務態度差,明明已經下午230pm,過左繁忙時間,店裡有很多空位子,店員還很不客氣的喝令我出去等15分鐘左右,然後補上唔該。真係唔會再幫襯,光顧了。食物一般,基本上不能算合格。填飽肚子罷了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
冬蔭公是泰國菜的靈魂一碗好的冬蔭公應要有齊香、酸、辣、鮮4種要素每一間泰國我都會第一時間試他們的冬蔭公湯試試有幾多斤兩這一間的冬蔭公是完全不合格我會勸他:獻醜不如藏拙及早收手(收埋「冬蔭公海鮮湯河」這款menu,否則會帶來一地負皮啊~)首先賣相沒有多花心思簡單地混在一起這不打緊嚐一口湯沒有香味,它缺乏了椰汁等厚實的質感,加了過多的水非常的稀連河粉本身的粉味都沒能除掉更不要說能沾上多少的湯了這是邊吃邊要皺眉的節奏唯一可取是裡面蝦有3-4隻,算是較多料的了但這湯底,令人太失望同桌有人叫海南雞,一上檯是沒有了一半的皮的,而且很多骨看著也不太吸引反而同事吃的「泰式香葉肉碎飯」說好食而且,價錢算是平的,如果去試,就試吃炒的菜式吧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
General: Found this place on Openrice, it is a bit hidden in a small side street but thanks to google maps still easy to find. The restaurant is very small and there were many people queueing up infront of the door. Inside looked very clean and nice but since it was small and lunchtime there were no vacant seats.Food:  We got different Lunch sets (chicken thai green curry, minced pork fried rice, grilled pork neck meat with rice and thai style Hainan Chicken with rice) each was around 50 HKD and came with a free soup and a free hot drink. For extra 12 HKD we got some steamed vegetables. The food was a very big portion and tasted very good. The thai green curry was a little spicy and had different vegetables and lots of chicken. The pork neck tasted very nice however since there was no sauce with the rice the rice tasted a bit dry and bland. The free soup was very yummy and made with wintermelon. Other lunch sets are with noodle soups and even cheaper.Overall:  The price, the amount of food, the taste and the fact that this is in central make this restaurant my new favourite choice! Very good taste, big portion size... the only thing that could need some improvement is the waiting time of around 15 minutes in the heat in the small (but busy) sidestreet. Also if they could add some sauce to the very plain rice of the pork neck meat lunch set that would be very nice! I will definetely come back soon! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)