Sipping coffee or tea in the soft breeze on the Open Terrace or in the cozy atmosphere of the Terrace Room. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Parking Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Roasted Rack of Lamb Pan Fried Fillet of Salmon
Review (12)
Expect nothing, and even then, expect to be disappointed.No real response when trying to call them - a brief pickup and a forever hold.Service was terrible! Staff were all over the place, and it was nearly impossible to get the cheque (the phone was, during this entire time, constantly ringing.)I ordered the rice, which was mediocre, but most definitely not worth its price. My associate ordered a beef dish, but received an unidentifiable gelatinous fish on noodles (the taste was, as the dish looked, subpar.) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-05
起附近行完婚禮就嚟咗呢間賓館食晏晝佢每一個餐牌都唔同 每日都有好多款式揀全部包餐湯 餐包 主菜 甜品 飲品😍▶️ 沙參玉竹桂圓豬骨湯Glehnia root, solomonseal, dried longan and pork rib soup有中式湯或西式湯揀 感覺中湯滋補啲 入面幾多材料 尤其龍眼 飲落甜甜地清清地唔會太油膩👍🏻不過配嘅甜牛油餐包就唔夠鬆軟🍞同埋比較配西式嘅忌廉湯▶️ 薄雞扒配他力根牛油汁意大利粉Chicken escalope with Tarragon nutter sauce and spaghetti兩大片雞胸肉扒🐔食落唔會太乾 煎到兩面少香脆 入面幾juicy 雞肉算新鮮醬汁味道啱啱好 少少香草味不過意大利粉就有少少乾 但係質感係好嘅 應該落咗啲橄欖油同香草 所以都夠味🍝▶️ 蛋白杏仁茶Almond tea with egg white呢個蛋白杏仁茶好好飲 比較杰身而香滑😋杏仁味好重好出 同埋真係食到蛋白絲唯一係遍甜咗啲-整體食物好有水準 份量又夠大 中西日式嘅選擇都有 見人哋啲芙蓉蛋炒飯 或者鰻魚炒飯好靚🍛服務都好好👍🏻全部侍應好有禮貌好幫得手環境雖然冇咁靚 不過都算坐得舒服價錢平均$120一個人 個人覺得非常抵食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-10-19
呢間半山酒店做promote,8月前有個$750早餐晚餐住宿體驗,我們又黎Staycation ☺️早餐有D似All Day Breakfast,食物種類多,除餐茶外,仲有1杯果汁送。晚餐我們點左煎鯷魚及咖喱飯,魚夠新鮮,個咖喱煮得很好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-09
今日食評✍🏻 朗悅軒@宏基國際賓館一樓試食指數⭐⭐⭐⭐店舖衛生⭐⭐⭐⭐侍應態度⭐⭐⭐⭐((每項5⭐️為滿分)) ·羅便臣道食肆選擇唔多今日去了在宏基國際賓館一樓的朗悅軒午餐餐牌定期會更新今日選了✅香煎鰽魚配蕃茄汁set lunch魚皮程魚肉唔算滑但唔「鞋」唔加檸檬汁都唔腥墊底薯蓉有驚喜蕃茄汁正常✅我點了中湯木瓜雪耳豬骨湯冇味精正我食咁多次都唔知可以添湯今次係經理主動問夠唔夠湯✅甜單係租芋瑞士卷香芋味濃✅熱檸水一人$129值得一讚係服務態度非常好不是五星酒店但有五星待遇·599.Eat疫情下的食肆怕多人辛苦排得嚟又唔好食食外賣食到悶想岀去搵食又驚唔衛生·我哋599•Eat幫到你無論大鋪小店我哋都會盡試盡講 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-06-02
晚餐於酒店內的一間餐廳。晚餐睇落都OK,都係百零蚊,先來麵包,牛油及一個椰子椰子雞腳豬骨湯。佢話有止咳化痰,滋潤肌膚之用。湯雖然細細碗,但係材料充足,味道亦十分之濃郁。主菜有晚餐煲仔飯,今晚係鹹蛋肉餅煲仔飯,賣相一般,味道亦都一般。鹹蛋黃唔鹹,肉餅十分之普通。甜品,熱情果慕絲蛋糕,蛋糕表面的熱情果醬較為酸一些,蛋糕本質亦都10分不錯。至於飲品方便,好立克做得比較特別啲,搞到起泡,比一般的好立克飲品有點不同。本人較為欣賞這一杯飲品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)