8-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Tempo Tempo is a vast, outdoor terrace that will transport guests to hedonistic Mediterranean summer, with endless alfresco sundowners and comforting bites at The Sixteenth in Taikoo Place. From bubbly champagne cocktails, stiff martinis, refreshing Aperol spritzes, zesty sours, inventive vodka infusions and smooth mezcal old fashioned - you're spoilt for choice. And if you're feeling peckish, nibble on delectable snacks like Italian pizzetta, sliders, crostino, calamari fritti, indulgent cold cuts and more. This verdant outdoor garden offers shared social spaces as well as semi-private areas that can be exclusively reserved for group frivolity continue reading
Additional Information
Happy Hour: Mondays to Fridays 3:00 pm - 7:30 pm Pink Thursdays: Every Thursdays 3:00 pm - 7:30 pm (this is in junction with our Happy Happy on Thursdays as well)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:00
*(Mon-Fri) Lunch: 12:00 - 14:30 (Mon-Fri) Happy Hour: 15:00 - 19:30 (Every Thu) Pink Thursdays: Every Thursdays 15:00 - 19:30 (this is in junction with our Happy Happy on Thursdays as well)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (107)
Level4 2024-04-07
今晚去咗太古chill 一晚,呢度有BBQ BLISS & WINE BUFFET。成個套餐仲有齊三個course,仲可以任飲紅白酒,環境又好,成個氛圍超正!CapreseMozzarella芝士香濃,乳酪又帶來豐潤嘅口感,蕃茄底層墊上又搭配著酥脆的麵包脆片,口感十分豐富。Beef Carpaccio Classico牛肉好嫩滑,搭配著火箭沙拉、刨芝士和檸檬油,而檸檬油的酸度為菜餚增添了一絲的清新感,我好鍾意呢個味道。Caesar Endive凱撒沙拉配鯷魚醬汁、帕馬森乾酪和酥脆的豬頰肉,味道不錯。Angus Striploin安格斯牛肉肉質鮮嫩多汁,肥瘦適中,口感極佳。Spring Chicken見到成隻春雞感覺已經好完滿!雞肉肉質嫩滑,經過烤製後保持了鮮嫩和Juicy的口感。Spinach菠菜炒得恰到好處,保持了蔬菜的鮮美。Baked Cheesy Potatoes呢個烤製的馬鈴薯超級好味,上面灑滿了濃郁的乳酪,烤得金黃酥脆,每一口都令人好回味。Citrus Sorbet Trio冰淇淋令人非常清爽,酸甜的柑橘風味令人愉悅,而烤杏仁的香氣則為整道甜點增添了一絲的香甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-31
太古坊具氣氛的地中海菜餐廳,逢星期三會於戶外舉行BBQ bliss & wine buffet。BBQ Bliss每位$398,有齊3個頭盤,而主菜及配菜可各選兩款,還有三球雪葩作結尾。喜歡喝酒的每位加$198即可紅、白酒任飲。頭盤CAPRESE,由水牛芝士、車厘茄、羅勒和薄片麵包疊起成塔狀,賣相是前菜中最吸引的。另一頭盤BEEF CARPACCIO CLASSICO經典生牛肉片,配芝麻菜沙拉、Parmigiano芝士碎和檸檬油製成。個人最喜歡這款前菜,牛肉醃得惹味,配上沙律變得健康輕盈。最後一個頭盤CAESAR ENDIVE比較特別,有鯷魚dressing、Parmigiano芝士和脆口的風乾豬面頰肉,口感豐富,味道不錯。主菜選了安格斯牛扒和蝦,兩款都燒得香口。最讚的是配菜,選了薯條和芝士薯仔,我們原先選menu中的grilled corn,剛好當晚沒有,就以芝士薯仔替代,兩款薯都超級美味。甜品三球雪葩酸甜有致,正好去一點膩感,不錯!餐廳環境悠閒,除太陽傘外還掛起了燈飾,相當具氣氛。惜光顧當晚鄰枱有顧客吸煙,超級憎!幸好不是迎風吹來,加上那吸煙者只是happy hour來喝兩杯,不久便離座,真是萬幸。很少坐戶外,已忘記了戶外可吸煙。服務質素好,侍應生健談、熱情,當晚友人生日,多位外籍侍應生路過見到碟上有慶祝字句都會說幾句恭賀說話,十分暖心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-08
小編咁啱經過見到間裝修充滿古典氣息嘅餐廳,入到去彷彿去咗歐洲一樣,即刻決定試一試! 整體味道啱唔錯,店員態度都幾友善,絕對推介大家黎試~Weekend Brunch (每位$399+10%)Appeitser: Burrata & IL GRANDE TAGLIER (sharing) Burrata好軟滑,配搭新鮮番茄同羅勒葉入口更加refresh。IL GRANDE TAGLIERE表現鋪滿鹹牛肉同芝士,夠曬香濃!Appeitser of your choice: Mussel 青口相當嫩滑,番茄嘅酸酸令菜式更開胃, 配合少少辣味,增添層次感。Cheese Wheel Al Tartufo 店員即場將意粉撈落cheese wheel!最後刨上新鮮黑松露同芝士,淨係睇表演已經流晒口水,而且非常igable~味道比想像中好食,煙韌有口感,意粉更吸收晒所有芝士,芝味濃郁!Main: Baby Chicken & Pork BellyPork Belly外皮香脆,肉質嫩滑,味道有啲似中式燒肉~Baby chicken 肉質鮮嫩,未有太大驚喜。Dessert: Banana Cake with Strawberry Sorbet & Tiramisu士多啤梨雪葩相當清新,適合炎炎夏日!香蕉蛋糕屬正常發揮。 Tiramisu質感幼滑,咖啡味道濃郁,咖啡同芝士搭配平衡得恰到好處,配上帶有酒香嘅手指餅,令味道更具層次。- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因為睇到社交媒體網站Foodie 嘅推介,逢星期三有 BBQ Bliss 同 Wine Buffet,所以忍唔住心郁郁去試下。一入去,已經同我地講outdoor因為天雨關係閂咗(但明明一滴雨都無),其實成個 BBQ Dinner 變左 indoor 已經無左個意義。坐低後,張梳化櫈有煙頭辣過嘅窿,見到成個枱面都係廚餘,無清潔過就安排就坐,仲要遞上餐牌,未上菜已經有小小反胃。到點菜嘅時候,有一位 waiter 埋嚟同我哋落單,十問九唔應,落單時好似發緊夢咁。首先,menu 上嘅 Peroni Draught Beer 無,佢唔出聲,直至我哋等左 20 分鐘再追另一個 waiter 佢先同我哋講其實得 Sapporo 啤酒。到上枱時,啤酒無晒泡,大大影響口感。本人叫咗 wine buffet,一坐低叫左杯酒,等咗 20 分鐘先到。本身 "outdoor" 嘅 wine buffet 話會提供多達 20 款 wine,變左 outdoor 竟然得番 5 款都算。Manager 仲要特登逐枱過嚟解釋:今日天雨關係,唔好意思,平時我地 outdoor 嘅 BBQ dinner + wine buffet 好精彩㗎,有好多野食好多 wine 飲。到我問佢點解今日得番 2 款紅酒呀咁?佢就同我講其實變左 indoor 得番兩款都好 make sense。我心諗:其實成件事真係好唔 make sense。不過我都費事同佢嘈,我只想食完快啲離開呢個地方。到埋單嘅時候,我哋用 Apple Pay 付款,但 Manager 竟然好唔 appropriate 地咁開左一個好大嘅玩笑,係電子支付部機入左銀碼 HK$1,157,200,跟住再問我哋銀碼啱唔啱,呢啲咁嘅玩笑,我唔識欣賞,亦唔希望餐廳仲咁樣玩法,真係不知所謂!總括嚟講,食物質素一般,尚可接受,但其餘嘅配套、員工培訓的確要再改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-13
原來而家逢禮拜三晚六點起喺太古坊Tempo Tempo 有戶外勁chill BBQ同free flow wine buffet 🥰 香港al fresco dining嘅地方唔算多 放咗工可以喺戶外吹吹風同朋友傾偈暢飲真係一流👏🏽  前菜方面幾喜歡塔狀嘅 CAPRESE🍅 除咗經典嘅新鮮切片蕃茄同mozzarella 芝士之外 特別加咗幾層麵包薄脆片pane carasau 仲有basil墊底  味道同口感都十分豐富😚  主菜BBQ部份每人就可以揀一樣 可惜嚟嗰日冇晒steak florentina🥩🥲 不過angus striploin都唔錯 肥瘦適中 熟度剛好😏 咬落仲幾juicy 不過如果塊扒牛味再重少少就更好 十分推薦side dish揀薯條🍟‼️   幼身卜卜脆 調味又啱啱好帶鹹香  - 🔖 BBQ BLISS (WEDNESDAY ONLY) 🔷 STARTERS  🔸 CAPRESE  Fresh cow mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, basil, carasau bread  🔸 BEEF CARPACCIO CLASSICO Rocket salad, shaved Parmigiano, lemon oil  🔸 CAESAR ENDIVE Anchovies dressing, Parmigiano, crispy guanciale  🔷 OFF THE GRILL - 我哋揀咗以下兩款👇🏻  🔸 ANGUS STRIPLOIN - 250 GR 🔸 LAMB CHOPS - 3PCS  🔷 SIDES: SALAD / FRIES / GRILLED CORN  🔷 DESSERT: CITRUS SORBET TRIO (lemon, grapefruit and orange sorbet/ roasted almonds)  HK$398 (+HK$198 任飲紅白酒) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)