Restaurant: TANGRAM
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
7-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station; AKI Hong Kong - MGallery provides easy access to the MTR Wan Chai Station (A1 exit) 5-minute away or Exhibition Centre Station (A3 exit) 3-minute away. continue reading
TANGRAM has a natural wood tone and an open kitchen design with ceiling windows. The French Executive Chef introduces innovative international dining with a contemporary French style. With a collection of wine, TANGRAM hosts themed pairing dinners with luxury distilleries for our guests to savor good food with food wine. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
06:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash JCB WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Led by visionary French Executive Chef Hubert Goussard, TANGRAM Bistro & Bar offers an authentic yet innovative interpretation of French flavours, carefully tailored to the dynamic Hong Kong palate. Indulge in classic favourites such as snails, beef tartare, duck breast, and more, each dish meticulously crafted with a captivating twist. Immerse yourself in an inviting ambiance where East meets West, as the comforts of tradition are elevated to new heights. Experience the artistry of modern French bistro dining at TANGRAM, where the convergence of authenticity, contemporary elements, and the vibrant Hong Kong spirit creates an unforgettable culinary journey that delights and inspires.

About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: TANGRAM
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (73)
朋友相約位於灣仔AKI 酒店2樓隱藏一間法式料理餐廳Tangram 開業近一年半由法日fusion菜漸轉營至正宗法式料理!價格親民,而且份量頗不少,非常適合做大伙兒聚腳點~~! 餐廳更設有happyhour 優惠order完會即席表演調配cocktail醃西班牙章魚 $228口感好好非常軟Q!法國田螺168香草味較突出~中法式傳統牛肉他他 $168 配法包他他拌勻雞蛋好香滑,咬落有嚼勁juicy!凱撒沙律 $158上菜時選用番新鮮沙律生菜原形好特別,食用時先切開再拌勻,挺有儀式感!法式洋蔥湯 $148經典法式洋蔥清湯味道,濃郁洋蔥全部糖化,芝士麵包吸滿洋蔥湯精華!忌廉白酒青口 配薯條掛汁creamy 帶淡淡白酒白氣,青口好新鮮配薯條就最魔性喇….停唔到口!法國黃油雞 $288配羊肚菌、蘆筍等配料~米飯用左鴨湯煮過好入味!法國紅牌羊肩$648羊肩超驚喜,外貌唔算討好但肉質超嫩juicy!配簡單香草調味、色彩繽紛普羅旺斯燉菜 波士頓龍蝦半隻$308配龍蝦汁意大利捲麵龍蝦已拆肉,捲麵掛滿龍蝦汁好鮮味!甜品時間:72%黑朱古力mousse $98香橙歌劇院蛋糕 $98傳統香草焦糖布丁98最喜歡香橙口味歌劇院蛋糕橙果香味清新,綜和朱古力甜膩感~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-24
位於灣仔嘅Aki酒店內,原來有一間很有特色嘅法式小餐館,當中嘅食物除咗賣相做得相當吸引之外,味道上都盡顯心思。喺開始晚餐前,可以點一下餐廳嘅特色雞尾酒, 更係由調酒師現場用心調配的先來嘅Caeser Salad,鋪上各款經典嘅調味/食材,再加上沙律醬,乃是一個很有層次嘅前菜Marinated Spanish Octopus喺質感上很有恰到好處的嚼勁~French Traditional Beef Tartare既生牛肉新鮮、富濕潤感,配香脆嘅法式多士,形成雙重口感! TANGRAM版本既French Onion Soup係會預先將法式多士置於碗中,再由侍者倒入熱燙燙的洋蔥湯~主菜中最喜歡嘅係Half Boston Lobster,賣相吸引之餘,龍蝦肉新鮮爽彈,捲麵嘅掛汁能力亦見出色! 甜品亦是不容錯過嘅一環,Classic Lemon Tart檸檬撻做得相當好,撻皮滿有牛油香氣,酸甜度恰到好處; 72% Dark Chocolate Mousse嘅濃郁黑朱古力味道亦令人留下深刻嘅好印象 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
-𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 🇫🇷位於灣仔 AKI 酒店入面有間主打法式餐館料理餐廳環境優雅浪漫 仲有開放式廚房同酒吧 什至仲有調酒師推出雞尾酒手推車即席調酒可以近距離欣賞廚師 / 調酒師烹調同製作飲品 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀🥗Caesar Salad ($158)沙律擺碟比平時簡單方便易食 生菜新鮮爽甜 鋪有煙肉碎碎 + 巴馬臣芝士 + 麵包粒 + 沙律醬🐚French Snails ($168)法國田螺混合左牛油 + 蒜 + 羅勒去烤焗 食落螺肉甘香軟滑 非常惹味!🐙Marinated Spanish Octopus ($228)醃西班牙章魚軟Q中帶有一點咬勁既彈牙感 慢燉於橄欖油與煙燻紅椒粉中 食落蒜香味都好夠濃郁🥳🐮French Traditional Beef Tartare ($168)法式傳統生牛肉他他 配香脆牛油多士肉質新鮮有咬口 加入洋蔥粒 + 酸豆 +放有生蛋黃所有配料撈埋一齊食 令整個調味更為豐富𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗽🧅French Onion Soup ($148)自從上次去完法國後就愛上左法式洋蔥湯估唔到係呢度都食得番法國既味道碗中預先放左芝士法包 侍應會即席倒入濃湯熱騰騰既芝士味超香 同埋洋蔥絲都炒得焦香鮮甜 同時不失口感❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻🐓French Yellow Chicken ($288)法國黃油雞 肉質嫰滑入味 最驚喜係雞肉下面既炒飯 索晒雞肉精華 充滿黃油香氣😍拌有羊肚菌和蘆筍 散發出陣陣菇香鮮味~ 🦞Half Boston Lobster ($308)波士頓龍蝦拌義大利捲麵 - 龍蝦肉份量都好有誠意 同新鮮彈牙 同埋呢款捲麵 口感煙韌得黎都幾掛汁配搭超濃郁既龍蝦汁 好味呢🌟🐷Spanish Pork Rack - for sharing ($588)西班牙豬鞍 - 主廚會係上菜時即席淋上秘製醬汁 另外當中仲有加入左醃洋蔥 法邊豆 配搭薯蓉慕絲一齊食 肉質軟腍且肥瘦適中 豬肉味濃郁 同時肉汁豐富 有淡淡既橡果香味🐑French Red Label Lamb Shoulder ($648)法國紅牌羊肩 火候控制得剛好 令羊肩肉質軟腍入味多汁 配搭普羅旺斯燉菜 + 烤蒜同迷迭香汁 完全唔怕有羶味𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁🍋Classic Lemon Tart ($108)傳統檸檬撻 - 上面有滿滿忌廉 而撻皮鬆脆 整個酸甜味都好平衡 飯後食都唔會覺得好膩🍫 72% Dark Chocolate Mousse ($98)72%黑朱古力慕絲 小小一舊但味道好強烈 質感細滑 食落微澀甘香 ~𝗗𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀🍸Fragrance Fashion ($98)加入左 Rum & Grapefruit 飲落帶有清新柚子香 都幾易入口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚應朋友邀請黎到位於灣仔AKI酒店二樓餐廳TANGRAM🤗呢間餐廳由法藉廚師主理融入摩登元素既菜式🧑‍🍳裝修方面以簡約木系設計🥰開放式廚房仲可以一睹廚師製作美食添😎凱撒沙律🥗清爽生菜🥬與煙肉鹹香好夾😊喜歡巴馬臣芝士奶香😊與及麵包粒既口感🥰法國田螺利用蒜蓉牛油及昋草🌿焗製😊螺肉好入味入口爽嫩彈牙,帶濃郁牛油香同淡淡香草味🌿薯蓉則幼滑順口🥰係我食過最好味嘅法式田螺😍西班牙章魚🐙用左蒜頭🧄檸檬🍋香茜醃製切開一粒粒分享入口彈牙仲一啲都唔韌👍法式洋蔥湯裡洋蔥甜味精華全部溶到湯裡😬配上酥香的麵包和芝士🥰一定要趁熱飲啊😊波士頓龍蝦意大利捲麵🦞香氣撲鼻既波士頓龍蝦意大利捲麵🦞龍蝦起肉切開🥰每條捲麵沾滿濃郁龍蝦汁🥰意大利捲麵有口感唔會過淋😬可持續西班牙海鱸魚肉質結實伴烤蔬菜🥬利用法式橄欖🫒蕃茄🍅及檸檬蒜蓉汁調味提鮮😊啖啖肉又冇骨好好食😋西班牙豬鞍加入左醃洋蔥🧅法邊豆及薯蓉慕絲😊主廚即場淋上秘製醬汁😊豬鞍煮到好淋身😊經軟嫩至極☺️甜品🍋檸檬撻酸甜酸甜感覺到好清新😊餅皮鬆脆😊加埋面頭忌廉食好正🤤微甜夠健康🥰現場仲有即製Cocktails🍸今晚我叫左杯Fragrance Fashion🍸呢杯加入左 Rum+Grapefruit帶清新柚子香☺️好易入口啱哂女仔飲👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-24
呢日有朋友帶路黎左呢間位於灣仔酒店內食法國菜,沒想到單點菜單都有挺多選擇。朋友還沒到齊,餐廳建議可先點杯cocktail 飲住先,有買一送一優惠~亦有Mocktail 及香檳選擇 ~ 前菜先來凱撒沙律$158擺盤幾新穎,食用時才拌勻配料感覺有更新鮮感覺。法國田螺$168田螺是法國名菜,香草味挺突出。醃西班牙章魚 $228有像傳統西班牙燉飯調味,章魚口感幾軟熟開胃。法式傳統牛肉他他 $168拌勻鮮雞蛋後塗在法包上,牛肉嫩滑不會帶一點腥味。法式洋蔥湯 $148大量洋蔥經過反覆炒過,去掉了所有辛辣感剩下都是洋蔥清甜味,洋蔥湯內有芝士麵包吸滿洋蔥湯香甜。忌廉白酒青口配薯條新鮮青口掛滿忌廉白汁,咸鮮味十足幼身薯條一大盤端上來很香脆。法國黃油雞 $288有羊肚菌、蘆筍及意大利飯墊底米飯是用鴨湯煮過,米飯濃味有煙韌感。法國紅牌羊肩$648羊肩燉煮的非常軟嫩而且帶燒汁香甜味!配左一盒普羅旺斯燉菜 ,將菜切成非常薄片顏色鮮豔非常有食慾,而且淡淡調味好健康波士頓龍蝦配龍蝦汁意大利捲麵$308 掛滿龍蝦汁的意大利捲麵,還有半隻龍蝦肉幾緊緻新鮮傳統香草焦糖布丁$98造型較簡單,份量挺多。焦糖偏薄少少,質地香滑72%黑朱古力mousse $98黑朱古力味超級濃唔算太甜,係朱古力控愛好者選擇。香橙歌劇院蛋糕 $98即席由侍應批上新鮮香橙皮於歌劇院蛋糕橙香氣好fresh 亦同蛋糕好夾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)