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Review (12)
Level1 2012-06-12
Good - Easy to get a table at lunch time, convenient location, cheap and decent portions.. Bad - Confused service, sad presentation, strange dessert, food so-soCame at noon, only 1 other table was full. We ordered 3 set menus with the fried potato starter, chicken curry and dessert. Ordering was a bit strange, I asked if we could make 2 of the curries spicy. Could not get a straight answer, asked directly 3 or more times and finally got "let me check with the kitchen". Instead of checking, the orders were put in. When the curries arrived I asked "excuse me, are two of these spicy since that is how we ordered" this resulted in a minute of confusion, again I had to ask several times although there was not a lack of english language skills - they were just trying to dodge the question. Finally they brought spicy sauce. Which is fine with me!! Just say, "we will bring spicy sauce" instead of making it so awkward!!Curry taste was ok. Rice was not indian rice, but soggy chinese rice - actually I don't mind because it soaks the curry sauce well. Half of the Naan was burnt. Anyhow, Fried Potato starters tasted pretty good, but 2 very small pieces presented on a large plate with a few sad shreds of lettuce. If they would put more lettuce or get smaller plates the presentation would be so much better. Dessert was horrible, described as "cottage cheese w/ liquid sugar" or something, but it is not cottage cheese at all. Not sure what it is , but imagine styrofoam soaked in simple syrup (sugar water). Skip this. Also the first round of water was cold and tasted fresh, the second round was luke-warm and tasted like it had been sitting around - not good. A few small tweaks and I think this place would be full every lunch time, the food is not horrible. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-01-25
行左好耐.. 好多walk in 既日本野都full 晒...唯有搵其他野食呢間小店絕不起眼, "豚王"又係對面, 更見冷清... 佢有3款lunch set, namely grill set, seafood set & pasta set只有seafood set 先係印度口味, 其他都係普通western 野.. 無理由係印度菜地方叫果d 姐~前菜有湯或炸魚塊湯:蒜頭三文魚忌廉湯, 因為我唔蒜頭所以無試, 朋友仔就話幾好味炸魚塊:個粉超厚, 完全食唔到有魚塊, feel 到只係一pat 野..主菜有咖哩魚塊或香草蝦仁, 可配naan bread或白飯咖哩魚塊:有d 辣, 但個魚好好味, 好似仲有d 肉碎, 好有咬口咖哩香草蝦仁:呢隻咖哩同咖哩魚塊既咖哩係唔同, 呢隻甜d~~ 好易入口, 而且蝦好爽口, 不過得4隻, 好少...><naan bread:超鬆軟, 淨係咁食都好味, 配埋咖哩汁, 正~甜品可以係咖啡或糖水煎堆我地都試左糖水煎堆, 好煙”un”, 不過好甜, 成舊都係砂糖又唔會融係口, 得意之作, 可以一試~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-10-06
九月十五日(星期三)今日老公仔過來中環搵我吃lunch本身說想吃Brew House人算不如天算,原來已經結業了,為什麼?真可惜於是我行又行,行到了和安里到了Taj,因為見到menu有老公仔喜歡吃的羊,便選定了...saladsalad souce比較特別,甜甜的雜菜頗新鮮而爽嫩這個比之後的炸魚好:炸魚塊鋪了很厚的炸粉差點吃不到魚肉...魚柳配薄餅果然是印度咖哩,辣得很呢魚肉鮮嫩,不過因對我而言實在太辣了最後的幾件都吃不下薄餅好吃,很香很厚燒羊扒飯個汁很特別,用了豆和菇來做的,有點淡淡的豆香羊扒很夠羶味,愛吃羊的朋友可以一試食物感覺新鮮,可是waiter卻只有一個想拿一杯水都等了廿分鐘埋單又要等多十分鐘,趕不上香港人的效率! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-02-24
今日約左好耐無見GEI大學同學DINNER...一個人係中環等佢放工...等左成個鐘=.="本來有諗過食日本放題... 但又怕食得太飽結果選擇左呢度~~~試試新野 坐左係入面GEI BAR TABLE~~ 雖然有點迫,不過幾好FEEL~我地CHOOSE左好耐終於有所決定^^ORDER左一個前菜: 印度雞沙律咖哩兩個: 菠菜燴牛同椰汁紅椒魚~~加埋個洋蔥薄餅DRINK我叫左杯COSMOPOLITAN~ 佢叫左杯SEA BREEZE~~WOWO~ 意外地所有食物都好正 好彩無試錯~~ 哈哈坐左兩個鐘度... 趕住找老公大人... 唯有下次再傾啦 結算HK$351~* 都算唔貴KA喇~~*下次試咩好呢? HEHE... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
16-9-2009Lunch hour 先落貓落狗, 人在蘭桂狼狽不堪, 唔等明珠 (http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1882523) 了, 見隔嚟印度餐廳有五十幾蚊的 curry set lunch ($58), 又試試.先嚟 papadum, 薄脆輕盈, 口感十足 water biscuits, 胡椒味清香, 食落不太辣, 配上 mint dip 及不知名 sweet & sour 醬汁 (味道帶點 BBQ feel, 唔知乜來?), 幾好的開始.Starter 揀了 BBQ chicken with sweet and sour sauce (亦可選 soup of the day): 醬汁同前文提到的 papadum 酸甜汁一樣味, 雞肉就似攤凍了的 tandoori, 幾硬, 食落只有酸甜汁的味道, 麻麻哋鍾意.主食揀了 lamb masala with naan bread... naan 烘得微燶, 十分脆口, 不過我都係鍾意鬆軟一點的 naan 多 d; lamb masala 帶濃烈的蕃茄酸香, 食落唔算辣, 但異常開胃 羊肉軟熟, 羊味都有; 仲有唔少紅蘿蔔, 沾上 masala 汁集甜及香辣於一身, 好食. 好耐無食 Indian curry 了, 呢度的亦滿意, 值得試試.仲有 coffee (亦可選炸甜湯丸甜品), 不過呢個稀如水, 苦而不香, 麻麻.連加一 $64, 唔貴, 食物不錯環境亦好 cozy, 好舒服的一餐飯. 唔止一次幫襯印度餐廳 lunch, 但次次搵位都完全無難度, 奇怪點解? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)