Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巴諾利酒煮蜆 安格斯牛柳他他 香草白酒煮蜆 香煎刺身帶子 傳統法式慢煮油鴨肶 燒全羊架
Review (6)
Level3 2010-09-30
Had drinks and tapas with a friend, and the food was so good we stayed on to make a meal of it. Wine list was varied and interesting. Wines by the glass were served fresh, at the right temperature. We started with a couple of nice cool whites and some seafood tapas. Cajun squid were not very spicy (this is Hong Kong after all), but were very tasty. Scallops were good, too.....I don't care for scallops but my HKer friend loved them. Bruschetta could have done with a bit more olive oil (they were basically chopped tomatoes on toast.) Overall, the food was good and we were still hungry, so we ordered some red wine (a lovely pinot noir and a powerful cab sauv) and a couple of pasta dishes. Yummy! Only complaint was that the chicken pesto had a sort of creamy pesto sauce, and not one full of garlic and strong basil the way I had expected. Well, it wasn't really pesto but it sure was good. Atmosphere was subdued lighting and quiet conversation. We'll go back again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-04-02
氣氛好好,Waiter哥哥知我地玩得便逗我們開玩笑,總之成餐飯好多搞笑事發生。食物方面,頭盤是燒牛肉沙律和炸豬扒片,牛肉沙律很好,但塊豬唔得因太乾了,無豬味,似芝麻餅多D,而磨菇湯夠濃很好飲。主菜吃了三文魚,有心機煎,夠香又唔燶,所謂CHILLI SAUCE甜甜地,很微的辣,南瓜蓉有驚喜!整體來說很滿意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-02-17
過年前與兩位好友食團年飯, 因為預計過年期間必會狂食中餐, 所以由我揸主意食西餐. 想起之前曾經去過SparkZ, 覺得幾好, 一於帶好姊妹再試一次.上次試過生蠔非常好食, 今次本想再試, 但waiter哥哥話mussels今日新鮮來貨,係餐廳招牌菜. 既然講到咁好食, 就即管試下. 另外再叫咗生牛柳tartar, 油鴨肶同紙包鱸魚(上次試過一試難忘, 要再encore!).等菜期間先送來一碟蒜茸飽, 是即焗的, 蒜茸味好香, 麵包好脆, 好快我地已經清晒. 生牛柳tartar賣相唔錯, 牛柳有少少筋, 但味道都ok. `隨碟有幾塊多士伴食, 但奈何之前嘅蒜茸飽實在太好味, 呢幾塊多士無可避免地被比下去…Mussels 初上桌時令我有些失望, size偏細, 同之前去Belgos East 食嗰又大又肥美嘅mussels 差太遠. 不過食落估唔到細細隻d 肉質更鮮嫩, 味道更鮮甜. 精華更濃縮在白汁度, 呢度好簡單地用 cream+shallot 煮白汁, 但吸收咗青口嘅鮮味後, 味道濃郁, 令人回味非常, 不愧係招牌菜!! 可能waiter 哥哥見我地對個白汁戀戀不捨, 便建議用個白汁伴 Linguine, 我地當然贊成啦! 不過薯條就差少少, 唔夠熱同偏咸, 如果係粗身薯條就perfect~油鴨肶外層煎得好香脆, 肉質卻很嫩滑. 一隻鴨肶剛剛夠3個女生嘅食量. 伴碟嘅菜都好新鮮. 終於等到紙包鱸魚出場! 今次廚師預先將外層嘅紙剪開, 感覺整齊了, 賣相漂亮了, 不過我還是喜歡自己動手. 記得上次親自切開外層嘅紙, 一揭開一股香草香味撲鼻而來, 真係色香味俱全. 不過今次都沒有令我失望, 魚肉依然嫩滑, 廚師在魚肉內夾着蕃茄, 橄欖, dill等香料, 味道好有層次, 怪不得這麼香了.這餐團年飯最後以Apple Filo 畫上句號. 朋友喜歡底層嘅薄脆及滿滿嘅青蘋果片, 我卻對caramel雪糕球情有獨鍾. 幾好, 一個甜品滿足3個人嘅要求. SparkZ面積不大, 不過環境清靜, 幾適合幾個朋友靜靜地傾計. 後來waiter同我地講原來呢間餐廳原本係一間酒吧, 裝修後樓下係餐廳, 樓上仍然是酒吧,. 下次可以同朋友嚟Happy Hour.最後要提提當晚的waiter Kate 同另一位(忘記了問他的名字)的服務殷勤親切. 我有一個朋友不懂怎樣從地鐵站過來, Kate知道後便提議由他去接我的朋友過來, 服務態度值得一讚!! 下次可以再來試下. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-01-22
今日第一次黎試下,環境OK,之前係WINE BAR而家做埋晚餐,有生蠔,尋晚試左兩款蠔,係澳洲同NEWZEALAND,澳洲偏咸,如果鍾意食海水咸味可以一試,NEWZEALAND OK! TUNA SALAD有我最愛0既薯仔同蛋,味道唔錯,夠濃!忌廉薯仔湯好好味呀!!蒜蓉包無影到,但都唔錯~~主菜有我最愛的RIB EYES,我叫6成熟但熟左少少..BABY叫左油鴨脾,好香皮夠脆~~~甜品有我最愛的焦糖燉蛋,Warm cook,唔夠熱,可以再熱少少,心太軟好味,好香夠脆~~大家不妨試下,我見到lunch menu好抵,唔收加一,每個人頭6-7十蚊~~不過我又唔响中環返工,好難有機會試~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2008-11-17
果日3個人去完 markone 食完野 想再去飲下野傾下計 . 係士丹頓街行左個圈 d pub 都 full 左. 咁見Sparkz 裹面冇人咪入去 lor. 裹面都幾o岩傾計.價錢唔太貴 ... 3個人開左一枝紅酒 一枝白酒 ... 7佰幾元. 都 ok 啦 ... 可以再去 .. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)