5-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Specializing in seafood and Chinese cuisine, Sing Kee has a perfect blend of traditional and modern. Order the fried bean curd with spicy salt or the crab for a delicious meal. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
生炒骨 豆腐魚滑湯 美果珍肝 椒鹽鮮魷 煎釀三寶 雞煲
Review (139)
Level2 2024-08-15
香港的大排檔... 是香港飲食文化的別一種風味。 但基於環境,時代的改變已越嚟越少。所以決定去幾檔出名的試一試。盛記,是我第一次去。 天氣好熱, 只有風扇,冇冷氣, 大汗怕熱的我, 為咗食忍下都要。六點入坐後,陸續都有人客到,不到20分鐘,已經有四五枱, 遊客也有兩檯。一個人,就叫了一碟豉椒鵝腸,椒鹽鮮魷和一 罐頭可樂, (諗著如果食唔曬就打包, 那支要返屋企要…………)。 好快,豉椒鵝腸上枱👏。食物的色,香,味。香和味都有👍, 但色就欠缺,用好多洋蔥來炒鵝腸 ,白曬曬, 感覺不太好。 如果加多一些老抽會好一點。鵝腸極少, 只得幾條。 不知是否見我一個女士,所以畀極少份量。椒鹽鮮魷到,嚇!乜好似 青椒炒墨魚頭。 味道就ok但不是我所期預。詢問之下,他們說 ,這是他們的做法 。算啦,真的好熱, 快啲食完去搵個有冷氣地方坐下好過。 況且 每碟份量都好少 ,我要....返屋企食公仔麵。 埋單都要 $200+。 唉!現今真是百物騰貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This is a restaurant that has no service , food is not good. We ordered the thick slice pork liver stir fry with scallions & ginger, the pork liver is cold in inside, when you tell the waiter & waitress they do not give a damn. We also ordered the fish head $ the quality of the fish head is not wild caught, not much taste of the fish head but with a bunch of garlic. The salted fish meat patty has no salted fish taste. The only ok dish is the salt & pepper fresh squid. The squid is good quality. We will not go back as the price is not cheap. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-11
🥜盛記係老字號大排檔,見到咁出名就試試啦,開喺橫街斜路,坐係斜路開餐,別有一番風味😂🥜食一次OK,很有趣的一次體驗,但不會encore蝦仁炒蛋 $61🥜唔係我平時喺大排檔食開嗰種蝦仁炒蛋,🥜偏鹹同埋偏油椒鹽雙魷 $78🥜同我預期差好遠,以為有脆漿係出面果款🥜雙魷姐係土魷同魷魚🥜土魷有d硬,魷魚就好好多🥜有d細碟🥜最加分係有辣嘅尖椒,即刻惹味好多白飯$6🥜要分開嗌,都算大碗,可以share continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-15
就係今日,我腳步一頓,對面個食堂鋪頭吸引住咗我,呢間店叫咩名我就唔記得喇,不過確實係間好有街坊feel嘅食堂。入面環境簡單,擺放都算整潔,最緊要係聞到啲食物香味四溢,肚子餓到咕噥噥叫,快啲落單。首先送上嘅係魚香茄子煲,啲茄子煲得啱啱好,唔會過爛,而且魚香味道重,唔鹹唔淡,真心撈飯無比😋。跟住係蕃茄炒牛肉,個牛肉炒到外邊微焦裡邊嫩,呢個啱口味,食落有層次,蕃茄醬汁都唔錯,唔會太稠太甜,真係開胃。至於豆豉雞,呢個就真系一絕!啲雞肉彈牙得嚟皮脆肉嫩,你話好唔好食?豆豉味道好飽滿,足夠滋味但都唔過分搶鏡,啱晒鐘意食雞嘅我。轉頭間,食堂入面已經人頭湧湧,真係見到一家大細,仲有街坊搵食,坐低嘆茶,真係感覺到間食堂喺呢個社區嘅地位。呢個食堂,值得推薦,街坊味道,食在當下,正!👍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍽️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-12
夜晚嘅中環,其實真喺唔知食咩好,唔想食太貴,知道有間車仔大排檔一路好受遊客歡迎,但作為香港人一路都無去過,無感受過喱種地道文化。一去到已經大排長龍,大概等咗半個鐘先至有位,一路望住留意啲食客究竟叫乜嘢,最多都係叫椒鹽鮮魷、乾炒牛河同埋生炒骨,決定跟隊試一試。當我落單叫椒鹽鮮魷嘅時候店員都特別提醒佢哋嘅椒鹽鮮魷係濕嘅,其實真係第一次食濕炒椒鹽鮮魷,唔知係咪因為見識少以前食親都係炸嘅。不過講真鮮味係唔錯,味道都特別好,感覺食物都好唔同。乾炒牛河都唔係特別油,生炒骨味道都好適中,唔會太油膩肉質都比較鮮嫩。其實最重要係食嗰種情懷,喺街邊攞張凳仔搭張枱,因為政府都唔再發牌,其實佢哋退休都唔會再食到嚕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)