Fresh ingredients will flown to Hong Kong on regular basis. Some special ingredient need to book in advance, such as Chicken France and Japan crabs.As for other recommendation includes delicious Sushi and Sashimi, they buy fresh fish and seafood in Japan. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Japan crabs France chicken
Review (14)
Level3 2010-09-02
呢度以前個景觀望住維港無遮無擋, 直望尖沙咀海旁, 宜家就填海填到…叫左鴨胸soba lunch set ($130), 連 salad (可選和風或caesar, 揀左和風 salad)、餐茶、雪糕 (可選芝麻、柚子、抺茶或雲呢拿味, 揀左芝麻味)。 天氣熱, 個 soba 本身涷, 麵身好滑, 唔會淋 ‘bat bat’, 鴨胸同湯都好夠味, 個湯有好多大葱, 好香。夏天食, 感覺清爽。由於舖租加, 晚市又靜, 聽閒呢度做到九月底就唔再做 lu, 真可惜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-07-19
有一位從事飲食業既朋友極力推薦呢間餐廳,話佢9月尾就會結業,於是就同屋企人黎試試啦~我地叫左好多個dish架~ 但係有d唔記得啦介紹幾個印象深刻d架啦~-Toro: 入口即溶, 超鮮呀~ 係香港真係好難食到呢個質數既Toro呀~ 令人懷念日本既Toro呢~ 不過注意啊~ 這個菜係$450 6片架~ 貴係貴, 但值呢-海膽壽司: 完全無平時個d苦味&腥味, 新鮮新鮮!~ 紫菜脆脆的, 絕對比一般壽司店好食-蘇格蘭生蠔: 很creamy呢~ 因為我唔太喜歡海水味重的生蠔, 所以是又新鮮又合我胃口呢-snapper carpaccio in truffle oil & Amaebi: 配上truffle oil, 很得意, 味道夾得出奇, 可以和伴碟的菜放進咀巴一起吃, 很fresh的感覺呀-鵝肝壽司: 這個麻麻地呢...太油了, 油穿過d飯, 全漏到碟上-白燒鰻魚: 平時多是蒲燒的鰻魚, 可能有d人覺得很膩, 但係呢個較乾身, 一點都唔膩, 又唔會遮蓋左鰻魚既鮮味, 幾好幾好-天婦羅: 其實這個沒甚麼特別, 因為好的天婦羅, 有很多更好的選擇經理很好禮貌~廚師亦有出黎打招呼,呢餐飯大家都很滿意呢, 決定結業前再來~! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-09-16
前菜: 沙律 (有醋/ 斯撒 任君選擇) 炸牛肉白飯+紫菜豆腐味噌湯 soba +3小件tuna roll 網燒牛肉白飯清湯+紫菜豆腐味噌湯不停加水及換毛巾, 服務一流!但係好少人喎...點解既? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-04-18
Came here for dinner today - was so impressed! Our meal began with some dried fugu which made perfect otsumami for beer. Then we were served some snapper carpaccio in truffle oil (super aromatic) accompanied by chopped up amaebi mixed with tobiko. The whole of this dish tasted extremely refined and paired well with wine. Then we had south african rock oysters in 2 forms - deep fried and raw. The deep fried oyster was served in typical japanese-katsu style complete with katsu dip, and the raw one came with a tarty ponzu sauce with oroshi and spring onions. I loved how refreshing it was Next up were our aburi toro and foie gras sushis. The smiley Japanese chef & his attentive assistant rolled a table over and pan-seared the sushis right by our table, so that they could be eaten freshly straight out of the pan. The chef patiently waited for us to finish our foie gras sushis before proceeding to sear our toro. I was extremely satisfied by the velvety, melt-in-mouth texture of the aburi toro sushi - it seemed even better than my previous HK favourite at Inagiku! I was also pleased with the perfect neta-nigiri proportions of the sushi here. Then we had some ox tongue, which were also grilled one by one at our table as we finished each piece. The taste of this was simply like what you would get at a Japanese yakiniku restaurant, albeit a GOOD one with a careful chef doing the grilling for you. We also had a lush lobster bisque which was made to the perfect degree of creaminess together with a suitably strong hint of cognac. While we were waiting for the spring chicken we were served some grilled kagoshima sausages - again these made great otsumami for beer. The spring chicken was tender and flavourful, with extremely fragrant crispy skin. I was happy Then we tried some somen in truffle sauce - this to me was paradigmatic of "good fusion" , the al dente texture of somen went so nicely with the subtle aroma of the creamy truffle sauce. It was served extremely hot as well. The inaniwa udon was less special but good nonetheless and its clear soupiness rounded the meal up in a very comforting way. For dessert I had a mango cheesecake parfait, this was nice & light and I finished it while watching the buildings on the other side of the harbour light up. Was well pleased with tonight's dinner - great food and terrific service. Staff poured hot tea in our cups at good intervals, re-folded our handkerchiefs when we left our seats, answered questions sincerely, done everything correctly without seeming OVERLY attentive (which could be disturbing at times). Shall return again soon continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-03-22
想幫this restaurant 平反一下~! very nice seaview with落地glasses. 精緻+好食既食物~!環境也很好又靜~除左件鵝肝sushi係貴d之外, 其他食物都唔係好貴~ 特別且好食~服務也好~ 會再來~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)