Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
11:30 - 00:00
Thu - Sat
11:30 - 02:00
11:30 - 00:00
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10% Service Charge
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Signature Dishes
松露芝士通心粉 帝王海扇Ceviche 英雄三明治 海鮮特選 紐約牛排 意大利腸胡椒薄餅
Review (10)
Level2 2010-09-04
My friend who's an editor in a hk online magazine took me to an organic menu tasting at Red Soho. Since I am a vegetarian I tried 3 salads and she had the meat-dishes. The Roasted Organic Beetroot with Herb Salad & Goats Cheese ($98) came as a perfect 1st dish. Not only is it fresh, well-flavored and seasoned but also extremely interesting. Not everyone is a big fan of beetroot but their yellow beetroot may change your mind. At first we were very curious about the boiled yellow pepper alike veggie but we found out that it's a special kind of beetroot. It tasted like sweet potato with a clean, light and fresh flavor, yet its texture crunchy. Superb!We also tried their Organic Golden Figs with Pear Tomato, Asparagus , Lettuce & Passion fruit Dressing ($98). Personally I am a big fan of figs and passion fruits and I like the texture of seeds mixed with soft tomato and asparagus. Probably because the figs and passion fruits were all organic, their sweet and sour taste was not overwhelming like they could do sometimes, especially for regular figs.If you prefer something more fruity and adventurous, the Organic Golden Watermelon Salad with Heirloom Tomato, Baby Lettuce, Red Onion & Feta Cheese ($128) may be you cup of tea. Unlike ordinary red watermelon, the golden watermelon was less sugary and crunchier. This contrasted the texture of heirloom tomatoes which was starchier than regular tomatoes. Although the creamy taste of the tomato could be too funky for some people, heirloom tomatoes have become increasingly popular for its health benefits. And since it's not readily available it was still quite an interesting experience to try it.My friend also tried other organic main course dishes Organic Linguine with grilled Chicken Breast, Chili, Basil & Olive oil ($138), Scottish Organic Salmon Fillet with with Barley Salad & Lemon Mint Dressing ($188) and Braised Organic Beef Cheek with Organic Baby Carrot, New Potato & White Radish ($198). For her comment please check:http://www.hiphongkong.com/content/new_menu_tasting_red_soho_introduces_organic_dinner_menu continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-05-11
二月中旬蛇王芬第四回合後,同幾位食友來到soho飲杯,繼續未完的話題,食友Franco說有相熟酒吧,價錢不會收貴,那就卻之不恭了。氣氛不錯,大紅燈下的好一個Red的酒吧,一行人霸佔了張小檯,是夜不能多飲了,一杯sparking後,再勉強地喝了小口店方贈送半打shooter,喝起來「酸咪咪」,氣不算多,感覺幾消膩的,是調酒師知道大家吃得太飽,特別炮製?笑談至差不多要趕尾班車才埋單,每人約$80左右,飲品+氣氛/時間,每分鐘消費約$0.6,較坐星巴更合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-04-26
夜晚朋友叫唱K,見仲有一點時間,走左黎依到飲杯野。(一黎心情真係好差..想飲好耐啦)坐左係近露台一張枱,望到中環半山的電梯街景,都唔錯!叫左杯白酒,sauvignon blanc...不過其實幾難飲,唔係我鐘意個種..唔夠crispy,仲要好似甜左一點..怪怪的早知叫杯啤酒算啦.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-04-25
The is my 2nd visit to Red Soho. The 1st time I've been there was on Sunday. I has a afternoon tea there with my friend. Staff there were really nice and caring. Pizza was lovely and it made me miss it a lot.The 2nd time was on Friday night. It was totaly full. Music was really nice. Even it was a busy night but staff were still smiling everywhere n caring everyone. The place of Red Soho is nice n big enough. It's really good to go after a long working week or enjoy a bit n have a afternoon tea there after shoping around. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-23
Arrived on a Tues night to find that they had a function here, so we were moved to a back room which had been set up for regular diners.The reason I had come back was so I could take a friend here to try their food. Also, my dining companions from my last visit had told me after I wrote my previous review that they had tasted MSG in the food because a couple hours later they felt the thirst. I didn't believe them, because I felt fine that night - probably because I had 5 glasses of sparkling water to down my dinner with!So for dinner we decided on the following: Mushroom soup $68This tasted as good as last time - had a nice aroma and flavour of wild mushrooms. Lobster Roll $238This was actually more generous in portion than last time. It had lobster pieces spilling out! I liked how this time the lobster was on top of the mayo mix of celery etc which gave it a nice crunch and varying textures and flavours. However, they have perhaps overseasoned it because the top part was way too salty! The chips again were pretty but not crunchy enough to be 'chips'. Grilled Salmon $188I had high expectations for this. Upon ordering the waiter asked me if I wanted it medium. I said medium-well so it is still pink in the center...It arrived well-done . So it was quite dry in texture. Sure, the bottom and the skin was quite crispy, but they were dry too and I'm pretty sure it was pan-fried then grilled (if grilled at all). The salmon itself was seasoned only at the bottom, so the middle part was tastless, but with the help of the pesto, (tiny) lemon, and salsa it was edible. The salsa was really tasty.....until about 20 minutes after dinner. After we had paid and left, I started feeling weirdly thirsty... despite having had 2 cups of water already with dinner. Luckily I had a bottle of water with me so I finished that too.....but the after-taste of MSG was still lingering unpleasantly in my throat. I do not think I am MSG-sensitive, having grown up on instant noodles and fast food, but I was really having an unpleasant time after dinner. For their use of MSG alone I will have to withdraw my earlier '5', and submit this review. This is since I only expect MSG in fast-food restaurants and (possibly even upscale) Chinese restaurants - but even so, I have never felt like this after a tasty Chinese dinner. For the chefs to use MSG in Red Soho, I am truly shocked and disappointed, as there are plenty of seasonings/herbs/spices one can use to give flavour and texture to food without ANY use of chicken powder or MSG. Also, the toilets were disgusting. Bill came to $400 after a 30% off. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)