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Review (101)
Level4 2014-10-22
Although this ramen joint has closed, you can still get ready to eat Ramen by Rasupermen because they have pop-up stalls every now and again.Each ramen is conveniently boxed and comes with instructions, broth, noodles, bamboo shoots, half boiled egg, spring onions etc.All you have to do is heat the broth, add the noodles and the rest of the contents.The noodles were hard because I like them hard, so with these takeaway kits you can control how soft you want the noodles and the broth was rich and tasty. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-10
Rasupermen在銅鑼灣的店子雖然結業了, 但在早前店方也特別推出了外賣拉麵, 讓客人能夠繼續享用到店子的水準出品. 他們的pop-up store已經結束了, 有興趣的朋友就要留待下一次機會了. 不過店方特意送了五盒外賣拉麵給我, 讓我安坐家中也能夠享用, 先要在此說聲謝謝.外賣拉麵: 8.5分, 這五盒外賣拉麵, 分別是牛骨上湯, 醬油, 梅.鹽, 鹽味, 以及橄欖油醬油拌麵. 雖然是外賣版本, 但各樣規格是做得相當足, 每款食材都是獨立包裝, 大家可以放心食用. 食材方面包括有拉麵, 叉燒, 竹筍, 半熟蛋以及各款湯底. 只要根據盒內的說明去製作, 轉眼間一碗美味的拉麵就完成了.這五款拉麵中, 我最喜歡的還是牛骨上湯, 湯底不會太濃, 也不會太油, 帶牛骨的香味. 18號幼麵的麵條質感對辦, 掛湯能力不俗. 而想不到的是叉燒也是有水準的, 肉質是幾嫩滑的. 半熟蛋也令人有驚喜, 呈溏心狀態, 用蛋汁來拌麵同吃, 很美味.另外, 醬油味會是比較濃烈的選擇, 醬油味道突出, 天氣轉冷時吃一碗醬油拉麵就很合適了.橄欖油醬油拌麵就是比較特別的選擇, 跟湯麵的質感不同, 用上的14號粗麵的麵條也不一樣, 特別適合用來作拌麵, 加上芬香的橄欖油拌勻同吃, 食味不錯.如果大家有興趣試試Rasupermen的外賣拉麵, 就要留意他們的Facebook專頁, 待他們公佈下一次的推廣計畫了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-09-22
Came on a weekday afternoon. I was attracted by the superman decoration of the shop so i gave it a try. Environment:Very small restaurant, probably can barely fit in 10 people. Spacey, metalic , furturistic design + Red to match its superman theme. Food: 1) Ramen burger (2.5/5)A very interesting looking burger. Basically buns were replaced by fried ramen cake. The beef was alright, juicy. But i didn think that ramen complimented the other ingredients well. Somehow i missed the real buns.... mm so that would be my last time ordering the ramen burger. 2) Ramen with pork (3.5/5) portion was little. Soup base was light, not too salty. Noodle was surprisingly chewy and interesting! It's of the medium size of diameter. not too thin not too thick. the few slices of pork was okay. similar to other ramen shop. Staff:Attentive, friendly staff.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-19
Had a quick lunch here with a hokkaido crab and sweet corn ramen. It's a winter special and i wanna know how special it could be. The hot bowl came but the sweet corn and crab on top were cold, this is really disappointing in this cold weather. The noodles texture was alright, the portion was alright, however the soup was too salty. I used to finish everything including the soup, cause i believe this is the habit and respect in japanese culture. But here i hardly can. To conclude everything, i think its not a very outstanding shop, its so-so, and probably wont be on my favourite ramen list as there is so many shops of same kind. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-18
早陣子大冷天要入赤柱安排飯局工作,忙了大半天連吃的時間都無,搭了小巴回「省城」後第一件事便是醫肚!人冷得要命,實在沒甚麼比飲碗熱湯更吸引我,於是就走到希慎吃碗「超人拉麵」吧,因為實在太凍連手也冰冷,於是按靚女經理的介紹要了碗擔擔湯拉麵,湯鋪上滿滿的炒香花生的芝麻,加上豐富的肉末,喝起來惹味又暖身,而店自製的拉麵也有咬口,吃了半碗渾身是暖,感覺如重回人間!之後又和朋友再來,今次是吃豚肉Don飯,迷你版的飯飯特色在於珍珠米吸收了「腩汁」,煙韌又入味,來的話亦不要錯過,而價錢實惠和有專人招呼,會再來的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)