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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Octopus WeChat Pay
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Review (23)
Level4 2013-05-19
Since my last visit years ago, they are now approaching their 10th anniversaryUsually I do not eat glutinous rice or Shanghai style rice with fried dough inside. The rice at this place was rather different as you get to choose different rices, and as a standard you can choose 6 different fillings, which is quite a lot since you normally would probably get to choose 3 or 4. The fillings are displayed in front of you, so you can see what there is to choose.I have not been here for years so I forgot you could choose up to six choices, so I chose four.First of all I chose the Ice lake wild rice which was sold out, so I had mixed grain instead.They used to have shrimp bran as a filling but they don't have it anymore. For my fillings I chose Crisp Caraway, pickled vegetables, vegetarian Meat, and chicken in wine sauce.I also ticked the curry powder but they forgot to add it.After paying for it, the staff scoops the rice from the tubs and adds the relevant fillings.The rice filled with fillings was quite nice, it was still lovely and soft and the fillings inside were delicious. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-06-17
今日因為會遲食lunch, 唯有早餐食飽d啦中國人要飽飽當然要有米落肚...我是舊思想人呀, hehe!既然去地鐵站買早餐, 不如食QQ RICE, 我都幾鍾意食健康食品, 平時煮俾狗狗食我都會考究下呀!今日呢個早餐SET, 肉鬆魯肉紅米飯+熱有機豆漿$22一大早見到姐姐好有禮貌為我介紹食物, 雖然我叫咗SET, 但絕對唔係整定比你呀, 即叫即做, 個飯仲係暖暖呀...而且肉鬆都幾多, 唔好以為早餐料實比少D, 整個飯團結結實實呀, 咬落唔會太鬆散, 味道都唔錯呀加上杯熱熱豆漿, 呢個早餐值回票價^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-05-28
因為看畫劇, 這天來到很久也沒來過的地方--彩虹對這地方實在沒有太多認識, 所以在入場前都不知道可以在哪裡來個快餐吃一吃~剛好在地鐵站等候友人時發現有家賣飯團的小店, 看到來來回回有一堆人在店面選擇著飯團!!港人心態作祟, 心想, 這麼多人買這家的飯團, 那... 應該不會差到那裡去吧!! 有一張既是外賣紙, 也是堂食紙... 有6款飯類, 3款辣粉和多種配料!! 飯團還可以配上飲品或甜品來一個套餐!! 還有一個小貼士教客人們怎樣吃飯團才是最好吃的!! 超過20款的配料, 有咸的甜的, 有肉類, 蔬菜類和海鮮類!! 招牌飯團套餐很有誠意的配搭好配料, 而且計算好卡路里... 正好適合上班一族在早餐或午飯時進食!! 如果是略嫌飯團不夠大的話, 這邊可以加大飯團或雙加大飯團 左邊的紫米飯有包了3款配料, 而右邊的紅米飯包了4款!!拿上手的時候還是熱騰騰的, 若冬天遇到它應該不用吃也會很滿足吧!!將一些沒有想過的配料加在一起, 有冷的, 有熱的, 感覺很特別!!可能是本人的那個加了海帶芽和木耳絲的關係, 整個吃起來有爽脆清新的感覺...而味道方面, 加了麻香花椒粉, 麻油味很香但不油膩!! 飯粒軟硬度剛好!! 給讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-25
之前用$19團購咗泰式雞柳飯糰加豆漿。剛巧去嗰頭做野,所以就去買黎當lunch。即叫即包,都要等5mins以上。唔知係咪因為團購,所以無得揀咩飯,但就可以揀雞柳或豬頸肉。我怕豬頸肉肥,所以揀雞柳。飯係紅白鴛鴦米,好彩唔算太硬同太韌。除咗雞柳,仲有其他配菜,例如肉鬆。肉鬆咸咸地,幾好食,不過肉鬆較散,食得有點狼狽。都食到有雞柳,但份量唔算多。望落細細個,但食落都好夠飽,可能因為d米較飽肚。豆漿揀咗紫米,幾特別,無添加,淡淡地又有紫米味。但其實團購$19都唔係好抵,因為佢平時d餐都只係$23。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
嚐過西龍集團的紙藝主題餐廳,覺得健康而味道又不錯,一直也希望試試其轄下的飯糰產品。來到了彩虹港鐵站,看到惠顧的人也不少,店舖有自選飯糰類及配料的佈置,亦有特定套餐供選擇。小小的空間,選擇還是挺多的。點了肉鬆三杯雞雙色飯糰配五穀米漿套餐,一口吃下,糙米煮得香軟有嚼口,吃下不覺哽胃,餡料亦多,吃到的如醃菜絲、海苔肉鬆、雞片,配合起來味道是不錯的,而且有益健康。至於五穀米漿,有點像八寶粥水的味道,甜度比想像中濃,以只用穀類和蔬菜為材料而言,個人認為味道屬中上水平。下次想試試自選飯糰,可調配出自己的心水啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)