Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (26)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 17:30
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
07:30 - 17:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
Level1 2023-10-10
Ordered cappuccino and staff gave a cold milk!I bought a coffee card and wanted to try as it’s quite near my working place. And first time ordering a simple cappuccino ( I have said it clearly) the staff gave me the drink when I am back in office to drink and I found it was purely a cup of iced milk with a bit of coffee powder! I was very angry as I have never experienced such unprofessional conduct before. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上個月寫咗篇食評出唔到可能寫得太衰😂依家0分重作😂上個月食呢兜野真係🤯茄子兩粒,紅椒三粒,粟米芯都碎上,俾得三四粒砌埋剛好有一條粟米芯?🙄每粒都係2x2x2 cm size最大方就係荷蘭豆喇有五條喂,女人仔係細食,但係75蚊喎大約砌埋有一條粟米芯大約同粟米芯一樣大嘅一條茄子大約同粟米芯一樣大嘅一條紅椒同五條荷蘭豆其他全部係汁同飯其實我係好欣賞Pret間唔時都出新product同埋唔難食嘅個sauce係好味嘅印度風嘅青咖喱汁不是泰國風的青咖喱汁但唔好搞到好可憐咁啦***今日就好好多嘅雖然meatball 同車厘茄都係cut halfmeatball麻麻地啦,好粉,好重rosemary味但起碼都係正常女人仔份量同正常size先啦仲要平啲呢,好似係$56***雖然間唔時都食素,但平時無諗迴向買完之後突然諗到「迴向」呢兩個字順便記錄一下2022年10月20日一個告別式的日子願以此功德,迴向俾一位敬愛的老師(註:迴向係佛教術語,將善業功德迴轉而投向於某目標) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
踏入十二月,是時候迎接普天同慶的聖誕節,Pret A Manger全線分店換上節慶新裝,與全城投入歡樂的節日氣氛,多款人氣節日輕食美點載譽歸來。聖誕火雞法式長麵包 $46聖誕大餐當然不少得主角火雞,配上黃金外皮而入口鬆軟的法式長麵包,是佳節專屬的美味。法國芝士紅莓醬三文治 $28穀物麵包內夾著軟滑芝士、松子仁及嫩菠菜,注入紅莓醬的清甜酸香,口味輕盈又健康。聖誕火雞熱烤卷 $46一到冬天特別想吃熱食,暖笠笠的熱烤卷為寒冬日子增添溫暖。以火雞丶瑞典芝士丶蕃薯豆泥為餡的卷餅,加入清新解膩的紅莓醬,餡料扎實飽滿,層次感豐富,吃完一整個後亦會感到相當飽肚。肉桂南瓜湯 $37湯頭質感夠creamy,富有甘甜的南瓜味,隱隱滲出肉桂淡淡悠然的飄香,頓時感到暖身又暖心。五果鮮莓米布丁 $36五款莓果包括紅桑子丶藍莓丶黑加侖子丶野莓及藍莓乾,酸爽開胃,米粒軟潤香滑而又不失嚼勁,是一款甜度較低的甜品。Melvin雪人曲奇 $25Melvin雪人融化的樣子極之可愛趣緻,真叫人不忍心把它吃掉!曲奇質地偏向軟身,外層鬆化脆口,內裏則是濕潤並柔韌的口感。聖誕乾果批 $15由英國烘焙師依照傳統配方手工製作,表面灑上如白雪般的糖霜,內裡則以蜜餞水果作為餡料,充滿聖誕冬日氣息。香橙朱古力乾果棒 $18十分應節的零食,以脆香薑餅為基調,加入香橙及朱古力的經典配搭製作而成。Melvin肉桂牛奶咖啡、肉桂朱古力 標準杯裝:$39元;大杯裝:$43佳節限定特飲有以品牌曲奇大使Melvin the Melting Snowman為靈感設計,得意雪人賣相極之IG-able,將肉桂混合Latte 或朱古力更能添上獨有的複雜香氣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-06-24
New York排哂長龍嘅Pret,喺香港都有唔少分店,中環都有好多間,好適合中環返工而且食飯時間又唔夠嘅人士😛平時經開Pret都係買佢嘅yoghurt cup嚟食,今次終於試咗其他凍食👉🏻蘇格蘭烤三文魚蕎麥麵沙律🥭🥗蘇格蘭烤三文魚蕎麥麵沙律 $66Scottish smoked salmon with soba noodle salad配上酸酸辣辣嘅醬汁,令人胃口大開,蕎麥麵份量就少咗啲,除咗價錢偏貴外,整體評份不錯👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-06
The chocolate chip cookie is warm and tasty for its price. Not too sweet and the chocolate melts. I will usually grab one for a snack if I pass by. While I absolutely loved the Cream of Tomato soup, its creamy and flavourful. Will usually get the chicken avocado sandwich with it. The Chicken Avocado paired buttery, very ripe avocado with reasonably tender white meat and enough balsamic to enliven those relatively mild flavors. The ingredients are fresh and I hope they will have more variation in the near future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)