Restaurant: | Plaza Inn |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Additional Information
Hosted by Jade Garden & Cha Cha Room
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
*Refer to the park opening hours
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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I have been going to Disney at lot recently and today I decided to try the Plaza Inn as they have some new and cute items.The restaurant was not too full that time as many people were outside waiting for the parade so I was escorted in straight away. However, the escorting staff did not ask which side I wanted to choose as you can see the plaza inn actually is hoted by both Jade and ChaCha Room. I sat down and didn't find the items I wanted and I was informed that I had to go to the other side (actually I find it a bit confusing as some items overlap at the same time). I guess they the staff at the entrance need to clarify before letting the customer inside.Finally got the menu and you can opt to skip the premeal snacks. I also order their special drink rather than choosing the hot tea. The tea costs $30 anyway so the drink is $48 if I skip the tea. (my irrational mathematics to order the Mickey Drink)The dim sum came they were all cute. All were crispy(not like the other restaurant I recently reviewed for Disneyland). For the 2 desserts, I would prefer the chocolate custard pastry as the Winnie the Pooh pastry was bit sweet for a strawberry based dessert.My favorite was their Donald Bun. It was really soft and it had the most filling out of all the dimsum and being the least expensive.For the drink, it looks quite cute and definitely you need to mix i well or it would be too sweet at the bottom. You can also choose to add the 2 pieces of lemon to the drink to give it a bit more acidity.With Magic Access Discount, it still costed around $400 though given my recent meal at their other restaurant, in terms of both price, quality and comfort, I would say this is my second favorite restaurant in HK disneyland. (Explorer's Club Restaurant is still my favorite)For service, almost all staff were polite, especially when they served the bun and offering to keep the lid on as I was still eating other things. However, one staff was slightly annoyed(nothing rude) when I had to transfer to other side(my guess is it happened many times already). I guess this is frustrating but I guess rather than appearing annoyed, maybe they can just simple remind their colleagues at the entrance instead.
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次次入迪士尼都唔知食咩好今次係美國大街睇完巡遊,見到呢間廣場飯店門口幾靚!而且門口Menu見到有全新登場米奇系列菜式即刻試下我哋order咗:🌱鮮百合蘆筍炒蝦崧🆕將蝦蓉整成米奇頭,配上米奇形狀紅蘿蔔份外可愛!🥰 每條蘆筍好嫩好爽口,配埋蝦鬆成個味道好清甜。🍛米奇炒飯🆕呢碟炒飯一上枱,米奇頭炒飯粒粒炒至變金黃色,配料好出色!咁可愛嘅炒飯小朋友見到會自己主動要裝飯🍚🥗胡麻醬百合鮮准山🆕鮮淮山非常嫩滑,而且配上清香嘅胡麻醬,開胃又可口💞🦐米奇蝦子豆腐🆕可愛米奇豆腐,內裏有蝦子味道好可口,加上配菜西蘭花🔥明爐燒鵝王係皇牌美食之一,熱辣辣嘅燒鵝外皮烤得非常香脆🤤肉質彈牙又入味,送飯一流。🐟碧綠炒斑球斑球新鮮肉質彈牙,菜心苗好嫩綠炒得好好味🥞鮮果拿破崙大癲!係超級好食啊!!一層層香脆嘅酥皮再夾雜著不同的鮮果🥭🍓🍇🍈🍓帶來好豐富口感🥭布魯托芒果布甸🆕新甜品係布魯托🐶芒果布甸加啫喱,配搭清新🥭🥥芒芒椰冰香香甜甜嘅芒果蓉配上冰爽嘅椰子冰,一入口就飲過不停!🤤🍹米奇梳打特飲梳打口味好清新好fresh,酸酸甜甜配美食就夾晒啦。最欣賞廣場飯店採用🏰維多利亞時代裝潢,用餐環境舒適。
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🍴去香港迪士尼玩唔一定食快餐嘅!喺美國小鎮大街嘅 #廣場飯店 就可以好chill咁同屋企人飲茶食飯🫖 餐廳而家推出咗全新18款菜單,菜式配上不同迪士尼朋友元素,造型勁得意,以後入嚟迪士尼玩連餐飯都可以打卡喇📸最鍾意唐老鴨菜肉包➕米奇炒飯,唔止賣相靚,仲好足料美味,一啖咬走唐老鴨個pat pat🩲如果係甜品控,推薦小熊維尼草莓夾心餅🍓米奇朱古力吉士酥🍫同布魯托芒果布甸🥭造型夠哂可愛,影相呃like💖廣場飯店嘅裝修高貴典雅,走維多利亞時代風格,如果配埋巨形拿破崙甜品,入香港迪士尼慶祝生日儀式感滿滿🎂
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香港迪士尼樂園廣場飯店翠園推出一系列🆕全新菜式!超人氣唐老鴨、小熊維尼同米奇為主角既菜式,為一眾粉絲帶來視覺同味覺嘅雙重享受!!🤩18款全新萌趣十足食品登錄Plaza Inn廣場飯店・翠園🍽️有齊點心、主菜、主食同甜品,款款都可愛爆燈,打卡100分📸!各位迪士尼迷記得唔好錯過喇‼️必食重點:唐老鴨菜肉包、小熊維尼草莓夾心餅、米奇朱古力吉士酥、布魯托芒果布甸、米奇炒飯🥯唐老鴨菜肉包以唐老鴨PatPat為造型超搞笑,忍唔住要捏下先食😋肉餡配搭時令蔬菜,微微鹹香,十分開胃🥨小熊維尼草莓夾心餅以可愛維尼賣相呈現、無論小朋友定大人見到都會童心爆發!草莓夾心香甜可口、脆卜卜做餐前小食一流!🥯米奇朱古力酥米奇造型配搭濃郁朱古力餡料令人一見鍾情😍一啖咬落去,滿滿既幸福感隨之溢出!🍨布魯托芒果布甸小朋友最愛既甜品之一!布魯托造型芒果布甸配搭色彩繽紛既啫喱、每一啖都充滿令人愉悅!😋🦐蝦籽米奇豆腐係米奇造型既豆腐呀😆!仲真係食到一粒粒既蝦籽架!配搭時令蔬菜口感清新、成家人都搶住食!夢幻特飲組合:🥤米奇梳打特飲、🍹芒芒椰冰兩杯都好夢幻!勁吸睛!打卡一流!米奇梳打氣泡感十足,味道清新唔太甜,解渴又解膩😋芒芒椰冰既芒果果肉同椰奶的絲滑perfect match!玩到攰攰地飲返杯勁清爽、即刻Recharge!🌟壓軸登場🌟鮮果拿破崙🥭🍓一上檯個個忍唔住「哇」一聲,好震撼呀!打卡呃like之選!一層層酥皮夾雜著鮮果,帶來豐富層次口感😋小朋友嘴仔細細亦可逐層食,口感勁Cruchy!其他菜式包括:翡翠帶子腸粉、鮮百合蘆筍炒蝦鬆、米奇炒飯款款都極之可愛,記得「相機食先」再細味品嘗。餐廳採用維多利亞時代風格裝潢,氣派十足,配搭精緻既美食打卡度破表!值得一讚呢度既服務員親切又友善🫶🏻玩到攰攰地黎呢度食飯醫肚,食完又可以recharge再玩過!
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