Exit A2, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (93)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 21:30
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
夏威夷披薩是Pizza Hut的一道經典美食,以其獨特的風味而聞名。它的底部是金黃酥脆的披薩餅,厚度適中,搭配豐富的番茄醬和融化的馬蘇里拉奶酪,創造出誘人的口感。新鮮的菠蘿塊與火腿的搭配,使得每一口都充滿了甜鹹交織的美妙滋味,令人難以抗拒。披薩上還可以添加一些黑橄欖、洋蔥或辣椒,增加層次感和風味的多樣性。每當家庭或朋友聚會,特別是外賣,我們一定叫它。它不僅滿足了味蕾,也為用餐增添了樂趣。這道披薩的獨特風味讓人每次都想再來一片,真的成為很多披薩愛好者的最愛。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I had no idea this Pizza Hut location at Kornhill Plaza  was quite new (after looking at other reviews). The last time I dined at a Pizza Hut location in Hong Kong was probably well over 20 years ago as I usually get my pizzas delivered or picked up. I had a great experience on Sunday night eating with my boyfriend. We were super hungry, and the reminiscent smell from our childhoods brought us back here. We order a large Half & half pizza, Super Supreme and Italian Delight, with Stuffed Crust. We added a half slab of bbq ribs and cream soup puffed pastry. Everything came super hot and tasted just like it did back in the old days. We saw a lot of happy families dining and it brought back a lot of childhood memories. I definitely want to come back to try the Cheese Fondue set next time The staff were super friendly and helpful, bringing out requested items promptly! Seating was relatively full for Sunday evening, but it was definitely a plus side that we didn't have to wait other than for our food. We used a $50 coupon voucher from the Pizza Hut app, and I remember seeing multiple family's using vouchers valued between $50-70. Overall experience was great  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-04
榴槤迷注意! Pizza Hut已經在全線分店推出「貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批」,凡惠顧點芝扭扭批2/4人套餐/鬚Cheesy套餐/鬆厚批套餐/火熱套餐/單點必勝批/歐陸精選,即可以優惠價$49起加配「貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批」(單點價$88),可揀鬆厚批/三藩市式手藝薄批批底,另可加$12升級為芝心批,加$16升級為芝脆批,仲可以超值價$31起加配「貓山王榴槤麻糬」(4粒),性價比好高。因為係期間限定,榴槤迷一定要把握機會。貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批用上馬來西亞頂級D197貓山王榴槤製成,批邊好酥脆,批面有8球超creamy嘅貓山王榴槤果肉,份量十足,而批面鋪滿貓山王榴槤吉士醬同附有榴槤乾,鹹甜鹹甜咁,榴槤迷一定非常滿足。貓山王榴槤麻糬外皮煙韌軟糯,包住滿滿嘅貓山王榴槤果蓉,凍凍哋又爆餡嘅口感,好正嘅甜品。 單點「貓山王榴槤迷你必勝批」都可以加配,即係$119就可以試齊晒2款貓山王榴槤新品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-21
PizzaHut終於在太古重開啦🎉🎊今次設店在太古的康怡廣場3樓,最快捷嚟嘅方法係「太古地鐵站A2出口,行去金記冰室個邊,於左邊電梯㩒3字,打開𨋢門就見到Pizza Hut!」呢度的裝修相比以前在太古城的分店,較為Fresh及明目,顏色主打必勝客既主題色—鮮紅色,座位都廣闊,由於新開張不久,冷氣強勁記得帶定外套!驚喜不斷,設立兒童專區、亦有沙律吧,簡直係兒時回憶😍仲記得以前夾沙律時,要好好為隻碗打好基礎先可以夾多啲🤣餐點上除左單點、信用卡優惠套餐、多人套餐外⋯仲多左一人晚餐既選擇,[餐湯+主食+飲品]今次帶同屋企人一齊嚟食晚飯,分別叫左3份一人晚餐:🔸Soup 餐湯酥皮蘑菇忌廉雞湯酥皮意大利蔬菜湯「兩款酥皮湯不過不失。因各點左一碗,當上枱時我問店員邊碗係紅湯邊碗係白湯😆,眼利的媽媽見到其中一碗有紅湯既蛛絲馬跡😏!」🔹Main 主食金牌葡汁雞皇焗飯「焗飯記得要即上即食,撻凍後變硬身味道會差少少🤏🏻」至尊迷你必勝批(芝心)夏威夷風光迷你必勝批(芝心)「嚟PizzaHut緊係要叫芝心批啦😍,吾知係咪太耐無食,覺得芝心批好食左好多,pizza邊而家係皮薄餡正🤤🤤🤤」🔸Drinks飲品汽水(可免費添飲一次)「其實好鬼抵,一個餐跟一杯,仲有得免費添飲一次😎」整體來講,PizzaHut比之前進步🎉點餐時發現當一個等別之處😲原來而家可以DIY 🍕 好有型👍🏻👍🏻「先揀餅底並落單,然後職員會帶你到互動廚房加配料同醬汁😽」下次試下先🩷❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)