This restaurant provides Italian delicacies with relatively low price. The chef worked for Ritz Carlton hotel before. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Cockage: Whiskey$300p per bottle A bar zone is inside restaurant
Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:30
Thu - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 01:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Beef Carpaccio with Arugula Parmigiano and lemon oil
Review (9)
今日一行六人諗住放工去飲野,點之又有朋友仔話肚餓…咁咪傻奸奸咁入左呢間bar咁去到,佢地俾左兩張枱我地,咁好啦叫野食。叫完個waiter 講…呢到last order 係2230…因為2300 close果陣都成十點幾…咁聽到o 左咀…算啦…既然點左菜。我今日日叫左一個smoke slamon salad一個牛腩篇意粉。一個salamin pizza 同埋一個普通cheese pizza等唔夠一陣…上菜先上就係沙律,對於食唔慣呢d 沙律的人黎講…真係唔似沙律但係食慣的人黎講呢個沙律都唔菜d 菜夠新鮮而冇生水黏在菜面上。煙沙文魚味道好香而唔會過份鹹。加上olive oil 同埋醋,呢個是一個好的配塔。然後就上意粉…好扁好闊,但係真係好好食汁唔太"漏" 而牛腩好"腍' 身,d 汁仲有牛肉味。加上個粉唔算過份腍,食落仲算爽口。然後上pizza, 第一個好多olive,但係充滿cheese, 食落好香,餅好薄好脆。但係個底又冇烤焦…加左少少即磨的paramssan cheese, 真係好正。再黎一個salamin 的pizza, 面層有些菜…食落唔肥膩,而且仲好清新。係一個好的配塔不過呢,我地成班人都叫左有汽的水…佢係杯到加左d lime同時我有個朋友叫左lime soda,...飲落味道係冇乜大分別…: (我地極速食完都食到2315, 好在waiter 同server 都好好人,好有禮整體黎講都ok continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-09-15
We were planning to visit Union J 1 afternoon around July but it was actually closed. So we picked PALA as an alternative. Order Lunch Courses, which include Bread Basket, Salad and a Pasta, no drinks or desserts:BREAD BASKET: This is quite ordinary as a bread basket but acceptable I think. CAESAR SALAD: This is pleasant, bits of crispy bacon bits and prawns thrown in, plus parmesan. Dressing was good. Liked this!MUSHROOMS AND TRUFFLED RISOTTO: When this arrived I was quite shocked. TAKE A LOOK AT THE WORLD WAR II CHURCHILL 'RATIONED' SIZE! I understand risotto in Italy is served as more of a starter than a Main, but here, its suppose to be my main for lunch!...... Anyway in hindsight I should have complained in situ - but the taste of the risotto was really weak and carried very little mushroom bits or its flavour, nor truffle oil influence. I didn't bother complain to the young waiter in purple shirts. The risotto grain was really thin and mushily overcooked - poor ingredient and cooking! The exactly same named risotto served at Mrs Jones around the corner had around 5 times as much rice and 3 times the flavour at a similar price (except that was a bit too mushy as well!).**********************************FOR A LUNCH THAT COSTS MID $150's OR SO, THIS PORTION AND TASTE WAS UNACCEPTABLE. IT DOESN'T EVEN INCLUDE A COFFEE..HOWEVER TO 'PALA'S' CREDIT, MY FRIENDS' PASTAS AND ROASTED CHICKEN TASTED GOOD WITHOUT BEING EXCEPTIONAL, BUT HER PASTA ALSO WAS QUITE SMALL IN PROPORTION - JUST NOT AS RIDICULOUS AS MINE RISOTTO! CHICKEN PROPORTION WAS BIGGER.PORTION: '1'RISOTTO TASTE: '2.5' CAESAR SALAD TASTE: '4.5' continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直喜歡Baci,所以對在同一位置開的意大利餐廳….有些期望。點了比一般晚餐貴的Tasting Menu (以為是餐廳的代表作)。先來一個不能忍受的「微暖」洋蔥湯,告訴有關人士,湯是「加熱」了,但湯上的芝士多士 (是我原本已咬了一小口的那片呢!) 已浸得發漲了。我想他們只是把湯「叮」熱!這樣的頭盤,猜猜這晚餐可以有多好?????最後的一杯熱檸茶,居然與茶餐廳一樣,茶和檸檬已在杯內同上,依然只是「微暖」,淡如水毫無茶味!老板一家其實坐於我們鄰座,不知他們的晚餐是否好些??? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-09-05
朋友從飲食男女得知了這間餐廳,便BOOK了檯來這裡吃飯,佢話雜誌標榜平靚正,哈哈,都幾好啦,唔係真係好平,但D野食都幾好食。發現都幾多人黎呢度食喎,我地坐左一陣見佢慢慢都FULL哂,呢度環境唔錯,不過好似迫左少少,檯同檯又係無咩距離可言,不過中環寸金尺土,梗係用盡D位置架啦。我地坐低個服務生就同我地講話有D法國生蠔同埋西班牙燒豬,佢講到好似好吸引咁,咁我地都有叫黎試下呀。另外我地就再叫左個Tasting menu,唔敢叫太多,因為驚我地食唔哂! 佢個bread basket唔錯喎,有 3 款,都好脆卜卜,加上檻欖油及醋,食完佢仲會主動問你添唔添加呀。之後黎左生蠔,我地只係叫左兩隻試下先,佢個生蠔唔算太肥美,略帶少許鹹味,但都係睇得出係新鮮的,其實我覺得幾好食。另外西班牙燒豬都好味,燒得好香,有d肥膏,但係可以接受,起碼唔會肥到我唔想食。Tasting Menu 有 5 個courses,其實我已經唔係好記得有咩野食,有個洋蔥湯,都唔太難飲,佢有塊好多芝士既多士擺左係上面,哈哈,幾得意。跟住有個意粉,魚同埋肉眼,我覺得個意粉幾好食,佢係墨汁意粉黎架,唔會好漏,個魚就好似淡左少少。肉眼都ok呀,有肉味,剛好 5 成熟,口感剛剛好,不過好大舊肥膏呀! 見到都驚! 最後個dessert佢有 2 款架,不過我唔記得左佢個名,但我都覺得好好食。叫左兩杯juice,較為細杯,而且係普通貨色,因為並唔鮮味,所以麻麻地好飲。但我覺得普遍佢d野都係幾好既,可以推介下俾大家。 多謝請我食開工飯,哈哈,代替開工利是! =) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
難得的意思是要在Lan Kwai Fong找一間,價錢唔太貴,地方雅緻及高尚舒適,食品又有水準的餐廳,它確實不錯。於六月尾惠顧,主菜加一個頭盤,約$168至$198,價錢較單叫便宜,叫二SETS加一個主菜: 他他牛肉(好薄),蟹肉三文魚卷(食唔到有蟹肉,但三文魚子及三文魚新鮮)。香草Pizza(OK),鵝干意大利飯(鵝干香,外脆內嫩),烤?焗?羊架,嫩,麵包食完自動再添。最驚喜加$35三球雪糕,買相好beautiful,好開心!還有位漂亮女公關! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)