
Nom Nom Dumpling
6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (8)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

Review (389)
Level4 2024-04-19
鍾意食餃子嘅餃控們可能都食過呢間餃子店,佢哋越開越多分店,近排發現屋企附近都就嚟開😍 今次去咗中環店,試咗兩款餃子,仲有雲吞,餃子大大隻,好有滿足感!🔸至尊松茸豬肉餃 $80(8隻)呢度嘅招牌餃,必叫!雖然比其他款式餃子貴,但用料靚同好足料,都值呢個價!松茸餃湯餃跟咗一碗狀元九鼎湯,餃子係灼熟,湯另上,所以餃子皮仍然保留到個煙韌度,唔會腍晒!豬肉餡好多,食到啖啖松茸味,感覺好健康又夠飽!點埋松茸醬一齊食更加滋味!個湯感覺比另一間分店淡啲,濃啲更好飲~🔸香煎軟心芝士餃 $58 (7隻)呢度嘅芝士煎餃都好好味!食到好多芝士🧀,入面仲有粟米增加口感!餃子皮煎得香脆,又唔算好油膩👍🏻🔸重慶鮮肉雲吞 $44 (12隻)揀咗小辣,雲吞係細細隻,餡有豬肉同木耳,加埋辣辣地嘅湯一齊食,幾惹味!🔸上湯松茸時蔬 $35食得健康啲叫咗個菜,菜心大大條,幾鮮甜~ 🔸蜂蜜檸檬薏米水 $28/支足料好飲,微甜,加咗檸檬幾開胃~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【中西區】【餃掂手工餃子專門店】講到香港夜繽紛,其中一個指標就係蘭桂坊,我同真正哥去到呢頭,發現都幾熱鬧,喺威靈頓街搵嘢食都唔容易。我哋最後去咗呢間喺扶手電梯嗰邊嘅餃子店,好似都有人介紹過,我哋都試吓。以黑白松露合製而成嘅龍鳳松茸餃係佢哋招牌菜,好似好吸引。首先試 $92 嘅八隻「龍鳳松茸雙湯餃」,佢配個「狀元九鼎湯」,松露味香而不濃,個湯都係,好啱我呢啲食得冇咁濃味嘅人。跟住試 $58 七隻嘅「壽喜燒牛肉餃」,好香好有味,但係又唔會食到膩嗰隻,好神奇。佢嘅餃子都係有個特色,就係唔會好濃味。試埋 $68 十隻煎「元貝豬肉餃」,乾瑤柱、芹菜、金針菇、豬肉製成嘅餡,口感好豐盈,好食。嘢飲我試 $20 嘅「自家製山楂雪梨水」,有山楂片、雪梨、甘草、冰糖、麥芽喺裡面,清潤解渴。真正哥就飲 $10 嘅「可口可樂」,夾埋 $248,係絕對唔貴。。。(地址:中環威靈頓街55號地舖)@nomnomdumpling#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #food #instafood #globaleats #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am中西區 #中環 #香港 #餃掂手工餃子雲吞專門店 #nomnomdumpling #餃掂手工餃子專門店 #餃掂 #手工餃子 #餃子店 #龍鳳松茸雙湯餃 #狀元九鼎湯 #壽喜燒牛肉餃 #元貝豬肉餃 #自家製山楂雪梨水 #可口可樂 #龍鳳松茸餃 #1am1342 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環平民餃子店✨Lunch時間係中環搵食,人山人海~唔想食太貴又有咩選擇呢?最後揀左間餃子店☺️⭐️壽喜燒牛肉餃子麵加底 $75等位嘅時候滿心期待食壽喜燒牛肉餃子,都食嘅時候就覺得比較失望,有淡淡的甜味但係冇乜壽喜燒嘅感覺,而且京蔥太多食落口感未如理想!麵嘅質地唔錯,而且湯都好飲,不過不失!⭐️10隻雙拼煎餃子(芫荽豬肉餃,拼大白菜豬肉餃) $66煎餃嚟到賣相已經好吸引,呢兩款餃子味道都相當唔錯,同行嘅朋友本身唔食芫荽,但都接受到覺得好食,而且煎得好香脆,值得一讚👍🏻⭐️麻辣松花皮蛋 $26麻辣汁味道一般,唔算太辣同麻,皮蛋質素唔錯,可以一試!另外呢度有菜脯辣椒醬值得試試,味道有啲似XO醬好香同少少辣如果菜脯可以大粒少少就更理想😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-14
Hanging out with friend in central! Thinking what to eat after shopping. We both felt like having dumplings and found this restaurant on OpenRice We ordered: 1. Dumplings with Matsutake mushroom and pork boiled (with soup)2. Dumplings with celery and pork boiled (with soup)3. Golden century eggs4. Celery and bean bars with spicy dressing 5. Two cups of drink 1. Dumplings with Matsutake mushroom and pork boiled (with soup)The truffle and mushroom definitely level up the dumplings. Tastes good2. Dumplings with celery and pork boiled (with soup)Traditional flavour tastes even better. Love the refreshing taste of Chinese veggiesI have to say the soup is like home cooked. No MSG at all! 3. Golden century eggsThe eggs were beautifully prepared. Quite appetising4. Celery and bean bars with spicy dressing Iced cold appetiser is the best for this hot, humid weather!! 5. Two cups of drinkVery nice iced cold drink. Refreshing and moisturising (for the throat) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥香港有不少專門製作餃子的店舖,但是不是每一間都做得出色,這間不能是湯餃子或煎餃子質素都各有千秋,餃子的皮做得非常薄,但放了湯之後又不會容易破爛,至於煎餃子的皮也會煎得非常香脆,不過不會吸收了過多的有份,難怪十分受客人的歡迎。Hong Kong boasts numerous shops specializing in dumplings, yet not all excel in their craft. This particular establishment stands out for its impeccable quality in both steamed and pan-fried dumplings. The dumpling skins are exceptionally thin, ensuring they do not easily break even when filled with soup. The pan-fried dumplings boast a delightful crispiness without being overly greasy, making them a highly popular choice among customers.煎野生松茸素餃 ($58, 7 隻PCs)Pan Fried Wide Matsutake Dumplings 這個煎松茸餃子單看外表已知道廚師花了不少心思去烹調,咬下去非常香脆而且皮十分薄,內裏充滿了松茸的香氣,原本以為素餃子會缺乏鮮味,但卻沒有這個情況The appearance of these pan-fried matsutake dumplings already reveals the chef's meticulous preparation. With a satisfyingly crisp texture and incredibly thin skin, each bite releases the aroma of matsutake mushrooms. While one might expect vegetarian dumplings to lack flavor, this is not the case here.四川涼皮 ($33)Sichun Lianpi可以選擇不同的辣度,是次選了中辣,辣度不算太高,粉皮爽滑,沾滿了醬汁後酸酸辣辣,絕對是夏天的開胃菜式Available in various levels of spiciness, the medium-spicy option chosen for this dish offers a pleasant level of heat. The smooth texture of the noodles, combined with the tangy sauce, creates a refreshing appetizer perfect for summer.壽喜燒牛肉餃跟狀元湯 ($55)Sukiyaki Beef dumplings with soup先評價一下這個餃子,牛肉的肉質非常鮮嫩,而且牛味十足,不過吃不出與壽喜燒有何關係。至於這個湯一看便之用了很多時間去熬製,所以味道非常鮮味,就像是媽媽烹調的住家老火湯一樣Starting with the dumplings, the beef filling is remarkably tender and full of flavor, though the connection to sukiyaki is not easily discernible. The soup, on the other hand, showcases the effort put into its preparation with a rich, homely taste reminiscent of a mother's slow-cooked broth.重慶鮮肉雲吞 ($44,12隻pcs)Chongzing Pork Wanton這個雲吞的皮非常薄,而且湯非常清澈,完全沒有油膩的感覺,雲吞的豬肉非常嫩滑,而且還有不同的辣度可供選擇。The wonton skins are incredibly thin, and the clear broth lacks any greasiness. The pork filling is tender and smooth, with the option to choose from various levels of spiciness.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:  🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅雲吞的種類非常多,而且還可以配搭麵或其他小食With a wide variety of wonton types available, customers can pair them with noodles or other small dishes.❌無Nil🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅裝修已裝飾設計時尚簡潔,而且十分清潔The decor features a modern and clean design, emphasizing simplicity and cleanliness.❌由於店舖不算太大,所以座位比較狹窄,而且繁忙時間需要與陌生人拼檯Due to its limited space, seating can be narrow, especially during peak hours, requiring guests to share tables with strangers.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生非常有禮,雖然餐牌上已著明天教需要更長的烹調時間,但亦很快可以送到客人的枱上The service staff are courteous, and despite the menu's indication of longer cooking times for certain dishes, orders are promptly served to customers.❌無Nil💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅以中環區來說,價錢十分便宜,而且份量亦非常多Considering its location in Central, the prices are notably affordable, and the portions are generous.❌如果能夠提供一些加添飲品的套餐,可能會更好Offering combo deals with additional beverage options could further enhance the overall dining experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)